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총 60,478건 중 59,641 - 59,660건 출력
  • 59641
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    A load-starre to spirituall life. Or, a Christian familiar motiue to the most sweet and heauenly exercise of diuine prayer With prayers for morning and euening. Written to stir vp all men to watchfulnesse and reformation of their carnall and corrupt liues. By I. Norden.
  • 59642
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    An learned commentarie vpon the Reuelation of Saint Iohn wherein both the course of the whole booke, as also the more abstruse and hard places thereof, are more cleerly and euidently explaned then heretofore they haue bene. Newly corrected, and the defectes and errors of the first edition, supplied & amended. By Patrik Forbes of Cotharis Whereunto
  • 59643
    Book Info
    La dixme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques re
  • 59644
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    Lathams falconry or The faulcons lure, and cure in two bookes. The first, concerning the ordering and training vp of all hawkes in generall; especially the haggard faulcon gentle. The second, teaching approued medicines for the cure of all diseases in them. Gathered by long practice and experience, and published for the delight of noble mindes, and
  • 59645
    Book Info
    Le primier volume del promptuarie, ou repertory generall de les annales, et plusors auters livres del common ley Dengleterre. Composee et devisee per Tho. Ashe de Graies Inne, professor del dit ley, et per luy applies a les abridgements & les liures alarge ... Publies in le 12. an. del treshaut & tres-illustre Iaques Roy Dengleterre, Fraunce, & Ire
  • 59646
    Book Info
    Le primier volume del promptuarie, ou repertory generall de les annales, et plusors auters livres del common ley Dengleterre. Composee et devisee per Tho. Ashe de Graies Inne, professor del dit ley, et per luy applies a les abridgements & les liures alarge ... Publies in le 12. an. del treshaut & tres-illustre Iaques Roy Dengleterre, Fraunce, & Ireland, & de Escose 47
  • 59647
    Book Info
    Lucans Pharsalia containing the ciuill warres betweene Caesar and Pompey. VVritten in Latine heroicall verse by M. Annaeus Lucanus. Translated into English verse by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight. Whereunto is annexed the life of the authour, collected out of diuers authors.
  • 59648
    Book Info
    Lucans Pharsalia containing the ciuill warres betweene Caesar and Pompey. VVritten in Latine heroicall verse by M. Annaeus Lucanus. Translated into English verse by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight. Whereunto is annexed the life of the authour, collected out of diuers authors.
  • 59649
    Book Info
    Lucans Pharsalia containing the ciuill warres betweene Caesar and Pompey. Written in Latine heroicall verse by M. Annaeus Lucanus. Translated into English verse by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight. Whereunto is annexed the life of the authour, collected out of diuers authors.
  • 59650
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    Lvcans Pharsalia
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59651
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    The labyrinth of mans life. Or Vertues delight and enuies opposite. By Io: Norden.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59652
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    The lands mourning, for vaine swearing: or The downe-fall of oathes Declaring how this land groneth vnder the burthen of this sinne, and of Gods fearefull iudgements that attend it. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 11. of Iuly, 1613. By Abraham Gibson.
  • 59653
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    The life and death of Hector One, and the first of the most puissant, valiant, and renowned monarches of the world, called the nyne worthies. Shewing his jnvincible force, together with the marvailous, and most famous acts by him atchieved and done in the great, long, and terrible siege, which the princes of Greece held about the towne of Troy, for
  • 59654
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    The life and death of Mr. Edmund Geninges priest, crowned with martyrdome at London, the 10. day of Nouember, in the yeare M.D.XCI.
  • 59655
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    The life and gate of Christianitie entreating of the sacrament of baptisme, deuided into five bookes. Contayning the effects, the mater, the forme, the baptiser, and the partie baptised: with the reasons and use of all the auntient rites and ceremonies. ... Composed, gathered, and written by O.A. ...
  • 59656
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    The lives of saints written in Spanish, by the learned and reuerend father Alfonso Villegas, diuine and preacher. ; Translated out of Italian into English, and conferred with the Spanish. By W. & E.K. B..|Flos sanctorum.
  • 59657
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    The love of the soule. Made by G.M. ; Whereunto are annexed certaine Catholicke questions to the Protestants..
  • 59658
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    A learned and fruitful exposition vpon the Lords prayer. By Arthur Dent, sometime minister of the Word of God at South-Suberry, in Essex
  • 59659
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    A learned discourse of iustification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. By Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford
  • 59660
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    A letter from the the [sic] Lord of Rosny, Great Treasurer of France to the Queene Regent of France Concerning the resignation of his offices. Faithfully translated out of French, by E.D.