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총 60,478건 중 59,661 - 59,680건 출력
  • 59661
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    A letter of Dr. Reinolds to his friend, concerning his aduice for the studie of diuinitie
  • 59662
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    L. & M. Annaei Senecae atque aliorum tragoediae. Animaduersionibus et notis marginalibus fideliter emendatae atque illustratae.
  • 59663
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    La neufme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice del Banke des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation et conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iuge
  • 59664
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    Lachrymae lachrymaru[m] or The spirit of teares distilled for the vn-tymely death of the incomparable prince, Panaretus. by Iosuah Syluester
  • 59665
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    Lachrymæ lachrymaru[m] or The spirit of teares distilled for the vn-tymely death of the incomparable prince, Panaretus. by Iosuah Syluester
  • 59666
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    Lamentable newes, shewing the wonderfull deliuerance of Maister Edmond Pet sayler and maister of a ship, dwelling in Seething Lane in London, neere Barking church. With other strange things lately hapned concerning these great windes and tempestuous weather, both at sea and lande.
  • 59667
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    Lamentations for the death of the late illustrious Prince Henry: and the dissolution of his religious familie Two sermons: preached in his Highnesse chappell at Saint Iames, on the 10. and 15. day of Nouember, being the first Tuesday and Sunday after his decease. By Daniel Price, chaplaine then in attendance.
  • 59668
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    Lamentations for the death of the late illustrious Prince Henry: and the dissolution of his religious familie Two sermons: preached in his Highnesse chappell at Saint Iames, on the 10. and 15. day of Nouember, being the first Tuesday and Sunday after his decease. By Daniell Price, chaplaine then in attendance.
  • 59669
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    Laquei ridiculosi: or Springes for vvoodcocks Caueat emptor.
  • 59670
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    Laquei ridiculosi: or Springes for vvoodcocks. By H.P.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59671
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    Late nevves out of Barbary In a letter written of late from a merchant there, to a gentl. not long since imployed into that countrie from his Maiestie. Containing some strange particulars, of this new Saintish Kings proceedings: as they haue been very credibly related from such as were eye-witnesses.
  • 59672
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    Le court leete et court baron collect per Iohn Kitchin de Graies Inne vn apprentice in ley. Et les cases & matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courts a scier, & pur les students de les measons del Chauncerie
  • 59673
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    Lectures vpon the twelue Articles of our Christian faith written for the comfort of the godly, and instruction of the simple, by Iohn Baker. Whereunto is annexed a cleare confession of our Christian faith, contained in an hundred articles, according to the order of the Creed of the Apostles. By Iohn Hooper, martyr; and sometimes Bishop of Glocester
  • 59674
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    Les commentaries, ou reports de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteants matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raignes le roy Ed. le size, le roigne Mary, le roy & roigne Ph. & Mary, & le roigne Elizabeth Ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, compose per William Fletew
  • 59675
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    Libertatis Anglicanae defensio, seu demonstratio regnum Angliae non esse feudum pontificis: in nobilissima & antiquissima Oxoniensi Academia, publicè opposita Martino Becano Societatis Iesu theologo & professori ordinario ab Adamo Reuter. Cotb. L.
  • 59676
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    Life and death Foure sermons. The first two, of our preparation to death; and expectation of death. The last two, of place, and the iudgement after death. Also points of instruction for the ignorant, with an examination before our comming to the Lords table, and a short direction for spending of time well. By Robert Horne. Auspice Christo.
  • 59677
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59678
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    Linsi-woolsie. Or Two centuries of epigrammes. Written by William Gamage Batchelour in the Artes
  • 59679
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    Londons warning by Laodicea's luke-warmnesse. Or A sermon preached at Paules-crosse, the 10. of October, 1613 Being the first Sunday in tearme. By Sampson Price, Mr. of Arts, of Exeter-Colledge; and preacher to the cittie of Oxford.
  • 59680
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    Looke on me London I am an honest English-man, ripping vp the bowels of mischiefe, luring in thy sub-vrbs and precincts. Take heed the hangmans halter, and the beadles whip, will make the foole dance, and the knaue to skip.