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총 60,478건 중 59,681 - 59,700건 출력
  • 59681
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    Loues peereles paragon, or the attributes, and progresse of the Church A sermon preached in St. Maries in Oxford, and at Harfield in Middlesex. 1613. By Iosias Byrd.
  • 59682
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    The lands mourning for vaine swearing, or, The downe-fall of oathes declaring how this land groneth vnder the burthen of this sinne, and of Gods fearefull iudgements that attend it : a sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 11 of Iuly, 1613 / by Abraham Gibson ...|Downe-fall of oathes.
  • 59683
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    The lands mourning, for vaine swearing: or The downe-fall of oathes Declaring how this land groneth vnder the burthen of this sinne, and of Gods fearefull iudgements that attend it. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 11. of Iuly. 1613. By Abraham Gibson, Mr. of Arts.
  • 59684
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    The last terrible tempestious windes and weather Truely relating many lamentable ship-wracks, with drowning of many people, on the coasts of England, Scotland, France and Ireland: with the Iles of Wight, Garsey & Iarsey. Shewing also, many great mis-fortunes, that haue lately hapned on land, by reason of the windes and rayne, in diuers places of th
  • 59685
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    The letting of humors blood in the head-vaine with a new morissco, daunced by seuen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogenes tubbe.
  • 59686
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    The life and death of Dorcas VVherein, hee that pleaseth to reade, may finde both good direction for the ordering of his course: and a necessary warning to be prepared for his end. By Samuel Hieron.
  • 59687
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    The liues of the III. Normans, Kings of England William the first. William the second. Henrie the first. Written by I.H.
  • 59688
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    A learned and comfortable sermon of the certaintie and perpetuitie of faith in the elect especially of the prophet Habakkuks faith. By Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford.
  • 59689
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    A learned and excellent treatise, conteining all the principal grounds of Christian religion set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar maner. Written first in French, by M. Mat. Virel: after, translated into Latine: and then into English, for the vse of our countrey-men.
  • 59690
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    A learned and fruitful exposition vpon the Lords prayer. By Arthur Dent, sometime minister of the Word of God at South-Suberry, in Essex
  • 59691
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    A learned and fruitfull sermon preached in Christs Church in Norwich. By Mr. Nevvhouse, late preacher of Gods word there.
  • 59692
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    A learned discourse of iustification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. By Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford
  • 59693
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    A learned sermon of the nature of pride, by Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford
  • 59694
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    A letter to a friende, touching Mardochai his age which helpeth much to holde the trueth, for that chiefe prophecie of our saluation in Gabriels seuenties: which shew, that most exactly 490, yeeres after the angels speach, Christ the most holy should be killed, to giue life. Dan 9.23.
  • 59695
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    A letter vvritten from Paris, by the Lord Cardinall of Peron, to Monsr. Casaubon in England. Translated out of the French corrected copie, into English
  • 59696
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    La perspectiue auec la raison des ombres et miroirs. Par Salomon de Caus ingenieur du serenissime Prince de Galles, dedie a son altesse
  • 59697
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    Lachrimae lachrimarum. or The distillation of teares shede for the vntymely death of the incomparable prince Panaretus. by Iosuah Syluester
  • 59698
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    Lachrimae lachrimarum. or The distillation of teares shede for the vntymely death of the incomparable prince Panaretus. by Iosuah Syluester
  • 59699
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    Lachrymae lachrimaru[m]. or The spirit of teares, distilled for the vn-tymely death of the incomparable prince Panaretus By Iosuah Syluester.
  • 59700
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    Lapis philosophicus Ioannis Casseii professoris philosophiae in Accademia Oxoniensi