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  • 59721
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    The liues of the noble Grecians and Romaines, compared together by that graue learned philosopher and historiographer Plutarke of Chaeronea: translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of Auxerre, one of the Kings priuie Counsell, and great Almner of France: vvith the liues of Hannibal and Scipio African: translat
  • 59722
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    A letter of the authors expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll.
  • 59723
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    A letter of the authors expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll.
  • 59724
    Book Info
    A letter of the authors expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll.
  • 59725
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    La huict[me] part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke cheualier, chiefe iustice del Common Bank: des diuers resolutions & jugdements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend juges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolvs ou adjudgez par deuant, et les raisons & causes des dits resoluti
  • 59726
    Book Info
    La huictme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Cheualier, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solemne arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudgez par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions
  • 59727
    Book Info
    La huictme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Cheualier, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solemne arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudgez par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publies en le neufme an de treshaut
  • 59728
    Book Info
    La huictme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke cheualier, chiefe iustice del Common Banke des diuers resolutions & jugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerneds iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudgez par deuant, et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iugements : publie en
  • 59729
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    La perspectiue, auec la raison des ombres et miroirs Par Salomon de Caus ingenieur du serenissime Prince de Galles, dedie a son altesse
  • 59730
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    Lectures vpon Ionas deliuered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lord 1594. By Iohn Kinge: newly corrected and amended.
  • 59731
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    Lectures vpon Ionas deliuered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lord 1594. By Iohn Kinge: newly corrected and amended.
  • 59732
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    Little Timothe his lesson: or, A summary relation of the historicall part of holy scripture plainely and familiarly comprized in meeter, for the helpe of memory, and instruction of the ignorant in the writings of God. By E.G. Mr. in Arts, and practitioner in physicke for the Kings hospitall of St. Bartholomew, in the city of Glocester.
  • 59733
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    The late and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre With the true relation of the whole history, aduentures, and fortunes of the sayd prince: as also, the no lesse strange, and worthy accidents, in the birth and life, of his daughter Mariana. As it hath beene diuers and sundry times acted by his Maiestyes seruants, at the Globe on the B
  • 59734
    Book Info
    The lawes and acts of Parliament made be the most excellent and mightie king and monarch James be the grace of God, King of great Britane, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Since His Maiesties XV. Parliament the XIX day of December 1597. Collected, revised and extracted foorth of the register of his H. kingdome of Scotland. With ane ta
  • 59735
    Book Info
    The lawes and acts of Parliament made be the most excellent and mightie king and monarch James be the grace of God, King of great Britane, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Since His Maiesties XV. Parliament the XIX day of December 1597. Collected, revised and extracted foorth of the register of his H. kingdome of Scotland. With ane table of the principall matters conteined therein
  • 59736
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    The letting of humors blood in the head-vaine With a new Morissco, daunced by seuen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines Tubbe.
  • 59737
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    The life and acts of the most famous and valiant campion, Sir William Wallace Knicht of Ellerslie, maintainer of the libertie of Scotland
  • 59738
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    The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir VVilliam VVallace Knicht of Ellerslie: maintainer of the libertie of Scotland
  • 59739
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    The lyf of the mother Teresa of Iesus, foundresse of the monasteries of the descalced or bare-footed Carmelite nunnes and fryers, of the first rule. Written by her self, at the commaundement of her ghostly father, and now translated into English, out of Spanish. By W.M. of the Society of Iesus. Very profitable for all vertuous and deuout people, an
  • 59740
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    A lamentable discourse, vpon the paricide and bloudy assasination: committed on the person of Henry the fourth (of famous memorie) King of France and Navarre. Translated out of the French copy, printed at Rouen by Peter Courant, and the copie of Paris, printed by Francis Huey, with permission