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총 60,478건 중 59,741 - 59,760건 출력
  • 59741
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    A letter of a Catholike man beyond the seas, written to his friend in England including another of Peter Coton priest, of the Society of Iesus, to the Queene Regent of France / translated out of French into English ; touching the imputation of the death of Henry the IIII, late K. of France, to priests, Iesuites, or Catholicke doctrine.
  • 59742
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    A looking glasse for maried folkes Wherein they may plainly see their deformities; and also how to behaue themselues one to another, and both of them towards God. Set forth dialogue-wise for the more tastable and plainnesse sake. By R. S.
  • 59743
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    La second part de les reports, ou commentaries, collectes & composes per Mounsieur Edmund Plowden vn apprentice del commen ley Ouesque vn table en fine de cest lieur conteynant touts les principall cases, cibien de la primier part des Commentaries del dist Monsieur Plowden, come de cell second part de mesme lauthour.
  • 59744
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    Le quart part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Chiualier, L'attorney generall le Roy de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont graund diuersities des opinions, & queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & repo
  • 59745
    Book Info
    Le second part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Lattorney Generall de Roigne de diuers matters en ley, auec graunde & mature consideration resolue, & adiudge, queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudge par deuant, & les raisons & causes de yceux, durant le raigne de tresillustre & renomes Roygne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, & la vie de la
  • 59746
    Book Info
    Le tierce part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Lattorney generall le Roigne de diuers resolutions & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerend iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley, queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou adiudges par deuant, & les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheu
  • 59747
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    Le voev de Iacob opposé aux voeux des moines par Gilbert Primerose Ministre de la parole de dieu en l'Eglise de Bordeaux. Tome troisiesme.
  • 59748
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    Les funerailles de Sodome et de ses filles descriptes en vingt sermons sur l'histoire de Moyse en Genese, chapitre 18. & 19. Plus vn autre sermon, sur le Pseaume 34. dont l'occasion sera deduicte en son lieu. Le tout par R. le Maçon dict de la Fontaine, Ministre de l'Euangile en l'eglise de la langue françoise en Londres.
  • 59749
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    Londons loue, to the Royal Prince Henrie meeting him on the riuer of Thames, at his returne from Richmonde, with a worthie fleete of her cittizens, on Thursday the last of May, 1610. With a breife reporte of the water fight, and fire workes.
  • 59750
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    Loues complaint, for vvant of entertainement A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the third of December, 1609. By William Holbrooke.
  • 59751
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    Loues complaint, for want of entertainement. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the third of December, 1609. / By William Holbrooke.
  • 59752
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    The life of the holie father S. Francis Writen by Saint Bonauenture, and as it is related by the Reuerend Father Aloysius Lipomanus Bishop of Veron. In his fourth tome of the life of Saintes
  • 59753
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    The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfully gathered outof the best histories, both antient and moderne and digested into one continuat historie / by Richard Knolles.
  • 59754
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    A large examination taken at Lambeth, according to his Maiesties direction, point by point, of M. G. Blakwell, made Arch-priest of England, by Pope Clement 8 Vpon occasion of a certaine answere of his, without the priuitie of the state, to a letter lately sent vnto him from Cardinall Bellarmine, blaming him for taking the oath of Allegeance. Togeth
  • 59755
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    A learned and excellent treatise, conteining all the principal grounds of Christian religion: set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar maner. / Written first in French, by M. Mat. Virel: ; after, translated into Latine: and then into English, for the vse of our countrey-men..
  • 59756
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    A letter to Mr. T. H. late minister: now fugitiue: / from Sir Edvvard Hoby Knight. In answere of his first Motiue.
  • 59757
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    A letter to Mr. T.H. late minister: now fugitiue: from Sir Edvvard Hoby Knight. In answere of his first Motiue
  • 59758
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    La novel Natura breuium du Iudge tresreuerend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert dernierement reuieu & corrigee per laucteur [sic] ; auecques vn table perfect, des choses notables contenus en ycel, nouelment compose per Guilliaulme Rastall.|Nouvelle Natura brevium.
  • 59759
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    Lanthorne and candle-light. Or, The bell-mans second nights-walke In which he brings to light, a brood of more strange villanies than ener [sic] were till this yeare discouered.
  • 59760
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    Le primier part des ans del Roy Henrie le 6 Ore nouelment peruse & corrige, oue le marginal notes, et vn profitable table annexe a ceo.