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총 60,478건 중 59,801 - 59,820건 출력
  • 59801
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    Linceus spectacles. Written by Lodowicke Lloide Esquire..
  • 59802
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    Lingua: or The combat of the tongue, and the fiue senses for superiority A pleasant comoedie.
  • 59803
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59804
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    Loidoromastix: that is, A scourge for a rayler containing a full and sufficient answer vnto the vnchristian raylings, slaunders, vntruths, and other iniurious imputations, vented of late by one Richard Parkes master of Arts, against the author of Limbomastix. VVherein three hundred raylings, errors, contradictions, falsifications of fathers, corrup
  • 59805
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    Lots wife A sermon preached at Paules Crosse.
  • 59806
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  • 59807
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    Lucta Iacobi: or, A bonefire for His Maiesties double deliuerie, from the deluge in Perth, the 5. of August, 1600. And the doomesday of Britaine, the 5. of Nouember. 1605. Seene and allowed
  • 59808
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    The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers.
  • 59809
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    The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers.
  • 59810
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    The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers.
  • 59811
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    The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers.
  • 59812
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    The legend of great Cromvvel. By Michael Drayton Esquier
  • 59813
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    The life and death of Iesus Christ In part: summarily comprising his infirmities and sorrovves. &c. In a sermon preached before the Kings Maiesty at Royston in October last. By Samuel Walsall Bachalour in Diuinity.
  • 59814
    Book Info
    The life and death of Iesus Christ in part, summarily comprising his infirmities and sorrouues, &c. : in a sermon preached before the Kings Maiesty at Royston in October last / by Samuel Walsall ...
  • 59815
    Book Info
    The life and death of Iesus Christ in part, summarily comprising his infirmities and sorrouues, &c. : in a sermon preached before the Kings Maiesty at Royston in October last / by Samuel Walsall ...
  • 59816
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    Le liuer des assises et plees del corone moues & dependaunts deuant les iustices, cibien en lour circuits come aylours, en temps le Roy Edward le teirce, ouesque vn table des principal matters del plees del corone.
  • 59817
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    Lectures or readings vpon the 6. verse of the 22. chapter of the Prouerbs concerning the vertuous education of youth: a treatise very necessary for all parents in this corrupt and declining age of the world.
  • 59818
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    Lectures vpon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: preached by that faithfull seruant of God M. Robert Rollock, some-tyme minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge in Edinburgh
  • 59819
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    Letters from the great Turke lately sent vnto the holy father the pope and to Rodulphus naming himselfe King of Hungarie, and to all the kinges and princes of Christendome Translated out of the Hebrue tongue into Italian, and out of the Italian into French and now into English out of the French coppie.
  • 59820
    Book Info
    Loffice et auctority de iustices de peace, in part collect per Sir Anthonie Fitzherbert Chiualer, iades vn de les iustices del common Banke. Et ore le cinque foits inlarge per Richard Crompton vn apprentice de la common ley: et imprimee lan du grace 1606. A que est annex loffice de viconts, bailifes, escheators, constables, coroners, &c. collect pe