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  • 59821
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    The Lamentationes of Ieremy, translated vvith great care of his Hebrevv elegancie, and oratorious speaches: vvherin his sixfold alphabet stirreth all to attention, of Gods ordered providence in kingdomes confusion. VVith explicationes from other scriptures, touching his story & phrases. By Hugh Broughton
  • 59822
    Book Info
    The last East-Indian voyage Containing much varietie of the state of the seuerall kingdomes where they haue traded: with the letters of three seuerall Kings to the Kings Maiestie of England, begun by one of the voyage: since continued out of the faithfull obseruations of them that are come home.
  • 59823
    Book Info
    The last East-Indian voyage Containing much varietie of the state of the seuerall kingdomes where they haue traded: with the letters of three seuerall Kings to the Kings Maiestie of England, begun by one of the voyage: since continued out of the faithfull obseruations of them that are come home.
  • 59824
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    A learned sermon handling the question of ceremonies, controuerted in our church: by Roger Hacket Doctor in Diuinitie
  • 59825
    Book Info
    A lerned epistle of M. Iohn Fraser: Bachler of Diuinitie to the ministers of Great Britanie Wherin he sheweth that no man ought to subscribe to their confession of faith. And that their presumed authorite to excommunicate anie man, especially Catholiques, is vaine and foolish.
  • 59826
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    A logicall analysis of twentie select Psalmes, performed by W. Temple
  • 59827
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    Lady Pecunia, or The praise of money Also a combat betwixt conscience and couetousnesse. Togither with, the complaint of poetry, for the death of liberality. Newly corrected and inlarged, by Richard Barnfield, graduate in Oxford.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59828
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    Laugh and lie dovvne: or, The worldes folly
  • 59829
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    The London prodigall As it was plaide by the Kings Maiesties seruants. By VVilliam Shakespeare,
  • 59830
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    The lamentation of the lost sheepe. By G.E.
  • 59831
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    The late commotion of certaine papists in Herefordshire Occasioned by the death of one Alice Wellington, a recusant, who was buried after the popish maner, in the towne of Allens-Moore, neere Hereford, vpon Tuesday in Whitsun weeke last past. 1605. With other excellent matter thereby occasioned. Truely set forth.
  • 59832
    Book Info
    The late commotion of certaine papists in Herefordshire Occasioned by the death of one Alice Wellington, a recusant, who was buried after the popish maner, in the towne of Allens-Moore, neere Hereford, vpon Tuesday in Whitsun weeke last past. 1605. With other excellent matter thereby occasioned. Truely set forth.
  • 59833
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    The life and death of Gamaliell Ratsey a famous theefe of England, executed at Bedford the 26. of March last past, 1605.
  • 59834
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    A learned sermon preached before the King at VVhitehall, on Friday the 16 of March: by M. Doctor Field: Chaplaine to his Maiestie
  • 59835
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    A letter, nine yeeres since, written and first published: containing a most briefe discourse apologetical with a plaine demonstration, and feruent protestation, for the lawfull, sincere, very Christian course, of the philosophicall studies and exercises, of a certaine studious gentleman: a faithfull seruaunt to our late soueraigne lady, Queene Eliz
  • 59836
    Book Info
    A loyal subiects looking-glasse, or A good subiects direction necessary and requisite for euery good Christian, liuing within any ciuill regiment or politique state, to view, behold, and examine himselfe in, that he may the better frame the course of his life, according to the true grounds of the duties of an honest and obedient subiect to his king
  • 59837
    Book Info
    A loyal svbiects looking-glasse, or a good subiects direction necessary and requisite for euery good Christian, liuing within any ciuill regiment or politique state, to view, behold, and examine himselfe in, that he may the better frame the course of his life, according to the true grounds of the duties of an honest and obedient subiect to his king
  • 59838
    Book Info
    A loyal svbiects looking-glasse, or a good subiects direction necessary and requisite for euery good Christian, liuing within any ciuill regiment or politique state, to view, behold, and examine himselfe in, that he may the better frame the course of his life, according to the true grounds of the duties of an honest and obedient subiect to his king
  • 59839
    Book Info
    La conference tenuë à Hamptoncour, entre les Evesques Anglois & les Puritains, au mois de Ianuier 1603, en la presence du Roy d'Angleterre & d'Escosse. Avec les constitutions & canons ecclesiastiques. Traictez par l'Euesque de Londres, President de la convoration pour la province de Cantorbye, & le reste des Euesques & du Clerge de ladite Province.
  • 59840
    Book Info
    Lachrimae, or Seauen teares figured in seauen passionate pauans vvith diuers other pauans, galiards, and almands, set forth for the lute, viols, or violons, in fiue parts: By Iohn Dowland Bacheler of Musicke, and lutenist to the most royall and magnificent, Christian the fourth, King of Denmarke, Norway, Vandales, and Gothes, Duke of Sleswicke, Hol