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총 60,478건 중 59,841 - 59,860건 출력
  • 59841
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    Las comedias del famoso poeta Lope de Vega, Carpio. Recopiladas por Bernado Grassa. Dirigidas al Illustrissimo señor Don Grabiel Blasco de Alagon [etc.]
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59842
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    Le guichet françois Sive janicula et brevis introductio ad linguam Gallicam.
  • 59843
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    Le quart part des reportes del Edward Coke Chiualier, L'attorney general le Roy de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec graund deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont graund diuersities des opinions, et queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & repo
  • 59844
    Book Info
    Le quart part des reportes del Edward Coke Chiualier, L'attorney general le Roy de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec graund deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont graund diuersities des opinions, et queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & reporte par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits
  • 59845
    Book Info
    Le quart part des reportes del Edward Coke Chiualier, L'attorney general le Roy de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec graund deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont graund diuersities des opinions, et queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & reporte par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits
  • 59846
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    Le second part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Lattorney Generall de Roigne de diuers matters en ley, auec graunde & mature consideration resolue, & adiudge, queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudge par deuant, & les raisons & causes de yceux, durant le raigne de tresillustre & renomes Roygne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, & la vie de la
  • 59847
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    Lectures on the XV. Psalme read in the cathedrall church of S. Paule, in London. Wherein besides many other very profitable and necessarie matters, the question of vsurie is plainely and fully decided. By George Dovvname, Doctor of Diuinitie. Whereunto are annexed two other treatises of the same authour, the one of fasting, the other of prayer.
  • 59848
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    Lectures vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation: preached in Cambridge anno Dom. 1595. by Master William Perkins, and now published for the benefite of this Church, by Robert Hill Bachelor in Diuinitie. To which is added an excellent sermon, penned at the request of that noble and wise councellor, Ambrose, Earle of Warwicke: in which is pr
  • 59849
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certeine cases addes p[er] auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe * al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Mounsieur Littleton; pur q[ue]l inconuenience, ils fueront dernierm[en]t tolles de cest liuer; et cy vn
  • 59850
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certeine cases addes p[er] auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe * al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Mounsieur Littleton; pur q[ue]l inconuenience, ils fueront dernierm[en]t tolles de cest liuer; et cy vn foits pluis admotes al request des gentlehomes, s
  • 59851
    Book Info
    Limbo-mastix: that is, A canuise of Limbus Patrum shewing by euident places of Scripture, inuincible reasons, and pregnant testimonies of some ancient writers, that Christ descended not in soule to Hell, to deliuer the Fathers from thence. Containing also a briefe replie to so much of a pamphlet lately published, intituled, An answere to certaine o
  • 59852
    Book Info
    Littletons tenures in English Lately perused and amended.
  • 59853
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    Londoners their entertainment in the countrie. Or the whipping of runnawayes Wherein is described, Londons miserie. The countries crueltie. And mans inhumanitie.
  • 59854
    Book Info
    Looke to it: for Ile stabbe ye.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 59855
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    Looke to it: for, Ile stabbe ye
  • 59856
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    The last will and testament of me John Butler of Dunstans in the East London made and written with my own hand March 19th 1603/4 is as followeth.
  • 59857
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    The life and death of Iacke Straw, a notable rebell in England who was killed in Smithfield, by the Lord Mayor of London.
  • 59858
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    The like notes upon Exodus and Leuiticus as before upon Genesis laid downe still in this plain manner for the good of them that cannot use better helpes, and yet are carefull to read the Scriptures, and verie desirous to finde the comfort in them / by the reuerend Father in God, Geruase Babington, ... bishop of Worcester.
  • 59859
    Book Info
    A lamentable dittie composed vpon the death of Robert Lord Deuereux late Earle of Essex who was beheaded in the Tower of London, vpon Ashwednesday in the morning. 1601. To the tune of Welladay.
  • 59860
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    A lanterne-light for loyall subiects. Or, A terrour for traytours Wherein may be seene the odiousnesse of treason, the deserued ende of traytours, and the wonderfull preseruation of anoynted princes. A matter rightly agreeing with this time of danger, where wicked persons haue desired our publike sorrow, and the ruine of this realme of England.