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총 60,478건 중 59,921 - 59,940건 출력
  • 59921
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    The legend of Humphrey Duke of Glocester. By Chr: Middleton
  • 59922
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    The lettin[g] of humours blood in the head-vaine with a new morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diog[e?]nes tubbe.
  • 59923
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    The lettin[g] of humours blood in the head-vaine with a new morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diog[e?]nes tubbe.
  • 59924
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    The letting of humours blood in the head-uaine. VVith a new morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines [sic] tubbe..
  • 59925
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    The letting of hvmovrs blood in the head-vaine
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59926
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    The life and death of the rich man and Lazarus anothomized by way of meditation. With the rich mans funerall sermon. By George Phillips.
  • 59927
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    A learned and profitable treatise of mans iustification Two bookes. Opposed to the sophismes of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuite. By Iohn Piscator, professor of diuinitie in the famous schoole of Nassouia Sigena.
  • 59928
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    A learned and profitable treatise of mans iustification Two bookes. Opposed to the sophismes of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuite. By Iohn Piscator, professor of diuinitie in the famous schools of Nassouia Sigena.
  • 59929
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    A learned commendation of the politique lawes of England wherein, by most pithie reasons and euident demonstrations, they are plainelye proued farre to excell, as well the ciuil lawes of the Empire, as also all other lawes of the world, with a large discourse of the difference betwene the two gouernments of kingdomes, whereof the one is onely regal
  • 59930
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    A letter vvritten out of England to an English gentleman remaining at Padua containing a true report of a strange conspiracie, contriued betweene Edward Squire, lately executed for the same treason as actor, and Richard Walpoole a Iesuite, as deuiser and suborner against the person of the Queenes Maiestie.
  • 59931
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    A letter, containing a most briefe discourse apologeticall with a plaine demonstration, and feruent protestation, for the lawfull, sincere, very faithfull and Christian course, of the philosophicall studies and exercises, of a certaine studious gentleman: an ancient seruant to her most excellent Maiesty royall.
  • 59932
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    A looking glasse of mortalitie. Not verie pleasant at the first view to many men, but yet most necessarie, profitable and commodious for all sorts of people, of what estate dignity, or calling soeuer they be. : With an Exhortation to good life annexed: wherein are treated all such things as appertaine vnto a Christian to do, from the beginning of his conuersion, vntill the end of his perfection.
  • 59933
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    L'abridgment des cases concernants les titles plus materiall pur les estudients & practiciones des leyes du royalme digestes es certen aptes diuisions desoubs mesmes les titles. Ouesque deux tables ore primermentaddes, l'une des titles mesmes: l'autre des diuisions du chescun titles.
  • 59934
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    La vita di Carlo Magno Imperadore scritta in lingua Italiana, & di nueuo correcta & ristampatada da Petruccio Vbaldino cittadin Floentino
  • 59935
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    Lapis philosophicus seu commentarius in 8 lib phys: Aristot. in quo arcana physiologiae examinantur. Auctore Io. Caso in Medicina Doctore Oxoniensi
  • 59936
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    Lavves and orders of vvarre established for the good conduct of the seruice in Ireland.
  • 59937
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    Lectures vpon Ionas deliuered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lorde 1594. By John Kinge: newlie corrected and amended.
  • 59938
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    Les ans ou reports del raigne du Roye Edward le quart, nouelment reuieu et corrigee en diuers lieux. ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel. Auxy vous aues in cest impression les cases icy referres al abridgement de Brooke, & as auters lieurs del common ley
  • 59939
    Book Info
    Les ans ou reports del raigne du Roye Edward le quart, nouelment reuieu et corrigee en diuers lieux. ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel. Auxy vous aues in cest impression les cases icy referres al abridgement de Brooke, & as auters lieurs del common ley.
  • 59940
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    Les commentaries, ou reportes de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le roy Ed. le size, le roign Mary, le roy & roign Ph. & Mary, & le roigne Elizabeth Ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, compose per William Fletewood