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총 60,478건 중 59,981 - 60,000건 출력
  • 59981
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    The lamentable destruction
  • 59982
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    The lamentable tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus discoursing the warres of the Britaines, and Hunnes, with their discomfiture: the Britaines victorie with their accidents, and the death of Albanact. No lesse pleasant then profitable. Newly set foorth, ouerseene and corrected, by VV.S.
  • 59983
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    The lamentation of follie
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59984
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    The lavves of the market
  • 59985
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    The lavviers question The answere to the lawiers question. The censure of Christ vpon the answere. By Henry Smith.
  • 59986
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    The legend of Piers Gaveston by Michael Drayton.
  • 59987
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    The liues of the noble Grecians and Romanes, compared together by that graue learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chaeronea: translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot, abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of Auxerre, one of the Kings priuie counsell, and great Amner of France, and out of French into English, by Thomas North
  • 59988
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    The liues of the noble Grecians and Romanes, compared together by that graue learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chæronea: translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot, abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of Auxerre, one of the Kings priuie counsell, and great Amner of France, and out of French into English, by Thomas North
  • 59989
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    The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes compared together by that grave and learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Choerona ; translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot ... ; and out of French into English, by Thomas North.
  • 59990
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    The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes compared together by that grave and learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chœrona ; translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot ... ; and out of French into English, by Thomas North.
  • 59991
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    A learned and excellent treatise containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion Set downe by way of conference in a most plaine and familiar manner. Written first in French by maister Mathew Virell, after translated into Latine: and now turned into English for the vse of our country-men.
  • 59992
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    A looking glasse for London and England. Made by Thomas Lodge Gentleman, and Robert Greene. In Artibus Magister
  • 59993
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    L'authoritie et iurisdiction des courts de la Maiestie de la Roygne: nouelment collect & compose, per R. Crompton del milieu Temple Esquire. Apprentice del ley
  • 59994
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    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton, ouesque certaine cases addes per auters de puisne temps: queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe [flower] al commencement & fine de chescun de eux. Au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Mounsieur Littleton, pur quel inconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest lieuer; et cy vn f
  • 59995
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    Liber precum publicarum, seu ministerii ecclesiasticae administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum, & caeremoniarum, in Ecclesia Anglicana
  • 59996
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    Littletons tenures in English Lately perused and amended.
  • 59997
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    Lo stato delle tre corti Altrimenti: relationi di alcune qualita politiche con le loro dipendenze considerabili appresso di quei, che dei gouerni delli stati si dilettano; ritrouate nello stato della Corte Romana, nel regno di Napoli, & nelli stati del gran Duca di Thoscana, cagioni secondo la natura di quelle genti sicurissime della sermezza di qu
  • 59998
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  • 59999
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60000
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    The lamentation of Troy, for the death of Hector. Wherevnto is annexed an olde womans tale in hir solitarie cell
    ProQuest One Literature
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