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총 60,478건 중 60,001 - 60,020건 출력
  • 60001
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    The life and death of Iacke Straw, a notable rebell in England vvho was kild in Smithfield by the Lord Maior of London.
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  • 60002
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    The lyfe and actis of the maist illuster and vailzeand campioun, VVilliam Wallace, Knicht of Ellerslie, mainteiner and defender of the libertie of Scotland
  • 60003
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    A learned and notable sermon vpon the text Vos autem non sic. But you not so Lately preached vpon speciall occasion, by M. Butler of Owndell, in S. Maries Church in the Vniuersity of Cambridge: and succinctly debating the chiefe matters, which are now in question in the Church of England. Verie profitable for the further resoluing of them, who bein
  • 60004
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    A learned astronomical discourse, of the iudgement of natiuities Deuided into three bookes, and dedicated first to Katherin the French Queene, by Oger Ferrier her physition. Translated by Thomas Kelway Gentleman.
  • 60005
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    A learned astronomical discourse, of the iudgement of natiuities Deuided into three bookes, and dedicated first to Katherin the French Queene, by Oger Ferrier her physition. Translated by Thomas Kelway Gentleman.
  • 60006
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    La clef de l'escritvre laquelle ouure le chemin a la jeunesse, pour bien apprendre a escrire la vraye lettre francoyse & italique. / Par J. D. Beau-Chesne.
  • 60007
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    Licia, or Poemes of loue in honour of the admirable and singular vertues of his lady, to the imitation of the best Latin poets, and others. Whereunto is added the rising to the crowne of Richard the third.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60008
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    Littletons tenures in English
  • 60009
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    Loffice & aucthority de iustices de peace, in part collect per Sir Anthonie Fitzherbert Chiualer, iades vn de les iustices del common Banke. Et ore le quart foits inlarge & corrigee per Richard Crompton vn apprentice de la common ley: et imprimee lan du grace 1593. A que est annex loffice de viconts, bailifes, escheators, constables, coroners &c. c
  • 60010
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    The life and death of william Long beard, the most famous and witty English traitor, borne in the citty of London Accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie histories, by T.L. of Lincolns Inne, gent.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60011
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    Le court leete & court baron collect per Iohn Kitchin de Graies Inne vn apprentice en ley. Et les cases & matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courts a scier, & pur les students de les measons del Chauncerie
  • 60012
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    Littletons tenures in English|Tenures
  • 60013
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    Lykophronos tou Chalkideos Alexandra. = Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra In vsum Academiae Oxoniensis.
  • 60014
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    The lamentable and true tragedie of M. Arden of Feuersham in Kent Who was most wickedlye murdered, by the meanes of his disloyall and wanton wyfe, who for the loue she bare to one Mosbie, hyred two desperat ruffins Blackwill and Shakbag, to kill him. VVherin is shewed the great malice and discimulation of a wicked woman, the vnsatiable desire of fi
  • 60015
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    The lamentable and trve tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60016
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    Le vite delle donne illustri Del regno d'Inghilterra, & del regno di Scotia, & di quelle, che d'altri paesi ne i due detti regni sono stato maritate. Doue si contengono tutte le cose degne di memoria da esse, ò da altri per i rispetti loro state operate, tanto di fuori, quanto di dentro de i due regni. Scritte in lingua Italiana da Petruccio Vbaldi
  • 60017
    Book Info
    Le vite delle donne illustri. del regno d'Inghilterra, & del regno di Scotia, & di quelle, che d'altri paesi ne i due detti regni sono stato maritate. Doue si contengono tutte le cose degne di memoria da esse, ò da altri per i rispetti loro state operate, tanto di fuori, quanto di dentro de i due regni. / Scritte in lingua italiana da Petruccio Vba
  • 60018
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certain cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe [fleuron] al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases d'Monsieur Littleton: pur quel inconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest lieur, et cy vn f
  • 60019
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certaine cases addes per auters de puisne temps: queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe [cross] al commencement & fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Mousieur [sic] Littleton, pur quel inconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest lieur; Et cy vn
  • 60020
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    Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum quarum aliae ad quinque, aliae verò ad sex voces aeditae sunt. Autore Guilielmo Byrd, organista regio, Anglo.