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총 60,478건 중 60,021 - 60,040건 출력
  • 60021
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    Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum quarum aliæ ad quinque, aliæ verò ad sex voces æditæ sunt. Autore Guilielmo Byrd, organista regio, Anglo.
  • 60022
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    Luctus consolatorius Super morte [sic] nuper D. Cancellarij Angliae, Nouembr. 1591.
  • 60023
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    A letter sent by the French King unto Monsieur de le Verune Liefetenant for his Maiestie at Caen in Normandie, concerning the most happy victory which he obtained against the Leaguers and rebels in his kingdome, vpon the 14. daie of March last past, according to the Romane computation. Wherein is effectually set forth the truth of the Kings proceed
  • 60024
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    A letter to a friende, touching Mardochai his age which helpeth much to holde the trueth, for that chiefe prophecie of our saluation, in Gabriels seuenties, which shew that most exactly 490. yeeres after the angels speech Christ the most holy should be killed to giue life. Dan 9.23.
  • 60025
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    A letter vvritten by a Catholike gentleman, to the Lady Iane Clement the haulting princesse of the League. From Saint Dennis. Translated out of French into English.
  • 60026
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    A looking glasse for England VVherein those enormities and foule abuses may most euidentlie be seene, which are the destruction and ouerthrow of euery Christian common-wealth. Likewise, the onely meanes howe to preuent such daungers: by imitating the wholsome aduertisements contayned in thys booke. VVhich sometime was the iewell and delight of the
  • 60027
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    Le succez de ce qui s'est passe en la poursuite du Prince du Parme. Auec vne lettre de roy au Sieur Mareschal de Biron..
  • 60028
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    Le vray discours de la victorie merueilleuse obtenue par le roy de France et de Nauarre Henry 4. En la battaile donnée contré les rebelles ligués pres le Bourg d'Yury en la plaine S. André, le 14. de Mars l'an 1590. Dressé et enuoyé par decapar un des principaux officers de la maiesté..
  • 60029
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    Libellus Rogerii Baconi Angli, doctissimi mathematici & medici, De retardandis senectutis accidentibus & de sensibus conseruandis. Item, Libellus Vrsonis medici, de primarum qualitatum arcanis & effectibus. Vterq[ue] affixis ad marginem notulis illustratus, & emendatus, in lucem predij, operâ Iohannis Williams Oxoniensis, cuius sequitur Tractatus p
  • 60030
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    The letters pattents of the Kings declaration for the referring of the generall assemblie of the princes, cardinals, dukes and peeres as well ecclesiasticall as temporall, the officers of the crowne, the lords, gentlemen, officers and others, vnto the 15. day of March next comming. Also to reclaime his subiects and rebellious townes to his obedienc
  • 60031
    Book Info
    The letters pattents of the Kings declaration for the referring of the generall assemblie of the princes, cardinals, dukes and peeres as well ecclesiasticall as temporall, the officers of the crowne, the lords, gentlemen, officers and others, vnto the 15. day of March next comming. Also to reclaime his subiects and rebellious townes to his obedience. Published in the Parliament of Caen the 22. of
  • 60032
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    The letters pattents of the Kings declaration for the referring of the generall assemblie of the princes, cardinals, dukes and peeres, as well ecclesiasticall as temporall, the officers of the crowne, the lords, gentlemen, officers and others, vnto the 15. day of March next comming. Also to reclaime his subiects and rebellious townes to his obedien
  • 60033
    Book Info
    The letters pattents of the Kings declaration for the referring of the generall assemblie of the princes, cardinals, dukes and peeres, as well ecclesiasticall as temporall, the officers of the crowne, the lords, gentlemen, officers and others, vnto the 15. day of March next comming. Also to reclaime his subiects and rebellious townes to his obedience. Published in the Parliament of Caen the 22. o
  • 60034
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    A letter from the king, to his court of Parliament of Burdeaux, touching the death of the duke of Guyse At Burdeaux by S. Milanges, ordinary printer vnto the king. 1589. By commaundement of the said court. Newly translated according to the French coppie.
  • 60035
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    A letter written by the king of Nauarr, to the three estates of Fraunce containing a most liuely description of the discommodities and dangers of ciuill warre: and a very forcible perswasion to obedience, vnitie, and peace. Together with a breefe declaration vpon the matters happened in Fraunce sithence the 23. day of December. 1588. Translated out
  • 60036
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    A letter written by the king of Nauarr, to the three estates of Fraunce containing a most liuely description of the discommodities and dangers of ciuill warre: and a very forcible perswasion to obedience, vnitie, and peace. Together with a breefe declaration vpon the matters happened in Fraunce sithence the 23. day of December. 1588. Translated out of French, by G.R.
  • 60037
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    A letter written by the king of Nauarr, to the three estates of Fraunce: containing a most liuely description of the discommodities and dangers of ciuill warre: and a very forcible perswasion to obedience, vnitie, and peace. Together with a breefe declaration vpon the matters happened in Fraunce sithence the 23. day of December. 1588. / Translated
  • 60038
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    A letter, vvritten by a french Catholicke gentleman Conteyning a briefe aunswere to the slaunders of a certaine pretended Englishman.
  • 60039
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    L'Uranie ou muse celeste de G. de Saluste Seigneur du Bartas = Urania sive musa coelestis Roberti Ashelei de Gallica G. Salustij Bartasij delibata
    Du Bartas
  • 60040
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    L. Annaei Senecae Cordubensis tragoediae. Maiore, quam antehac, cura & diligentia recognitae, & emendatiores redditae.