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총 60,478건 중 60,061 - 60,080건 출력
  • 60061
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    The lawiers logike exemplifying the praecepts of logike by the practise of the common lawe, by Abraham Fraunce.
  • 60062
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    The light of Britayne. A recorde of the honorable originall & antiquitie of Britaine
  • 60063
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    A letter written by a French gentleman to a friend of his at Rome conteyning a true report of the late treaty betweene the Queene Mother of France and King of Nauarre / faithfully translated out of French.
  • 60064
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    L'historia del gran regno della China, composta primieramente in ispagnuolo d[a] maestro Giouanni Gonzalez di Mendozza, monaco dell'ordine di S. Agostino: et poi fatta vulgare da Francesco Auanzi cittadino Vinetiano. Stampata la terza volta, & molto più dell'altre emendata. Con due tauole l'una de' Capitoli, & l'altra delle cose piu notabili
    Gonzalez de Mendoza
  • 60065
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    La grammatica di M. Scipio Lentulo Napolitano da lui in latina lingua scritta, & hora nella Italiana, & Inglese tradotta da H.G. = An Italian grammer / written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitane: ; and turned into Englishe by Henry Granthan.|Italicae grammatices praecepta.|Italian grammer
  • 60066
    Book Info
    La grammatica di M. Scipio Lentulo Napolitano da lui in latina lingua scritta, & hora nella Italiana, & Inglese tradotta da H.G. = An Italian grammer written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitane: and turned into Englishe by Henry Granthan
  • 60067
    Book Info
    La grammatica di M. Scipio Lentulo Napolitano da lui in latina lingua scritta, & hora nella Italiana, & Inglese tradotta da H.G. = An Italian grammer written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitane: and turned into Englishe by Henry Granthan
  • 60068
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    Le court leete & court baron collect per Iohn Kitchin de Graies Inne vn apprentice in ley. Et les cases et matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courtes a scier, et pur les students de les measons del Chauncerie
  • 60069
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    Le theatre du monde, ou il est faict vn ample discours des miseres humaines: Composé en latin par P. Boaystuau, surnommé Launay, puis traduit par luy-mesme en François. Avec vn brief discours de l'excellence & dignité de l'homme.|Theatrum mundi.
  • 60070
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    Les singuliers et nouueaux pourtraicts, du seigneur Federic de Vinciolo Venetien, pour touttes fortes d'ouurages de lingerie. Dedie a la Royne. Derechef et pour la troisiesme fois augmentez, outre le reseau premier & le point coupp'e & lacis, de plusieurs beaux & differens portras de reseau de point cõt'e, auec le nombre des mailles, chose non enco
  • 60071
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    Libro dell'arte della guerra di Nicolo Machiauelli cittadino, et secretario fiorentino
  • 60072
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    Loffice et aucthoritie de iustices de peace, in part collect per Sir Anthonie Fitzherbert Chiualer, iades vn de les iustices del Common Banke: et ore le tierce foits inlarge per Richard Crompton vn apprentice de la commen ley: et imprimye lan du grace. 1587. A que est annex loffice de viconts, baylifes, escheators, constables, coroners, &c. collect
  • 60073
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    The Lord Marques idlenes conteining manifold matters of acceptable deuise; as sage sentences, prudent precepts, morall examples, sweete similitudes, proper comparisons, and other remembrances of speciall choise. No lesse pleasant to peruse, than profitable to practise: compiled by the right Honorable L. William Marques of Winchester that now is.
  • 60074
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    The lamentations and holy mourninges of the prophet Ieremiah with a lamentable paraphrase and exhortation, meete euery way to be applyed vnto these our dayes: for the comforting of all the true faithfull children of God that are vnder the crosse and feele their miseries: and for the awaking of all those that haue no feeling of their miseries: not-w
  • 60075
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    The lamentations of Amyntas for the death of Phillis, paraphrastically translated out of Latine into English hexameters by Abraham Fraunce.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 60076
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    The lamentations of Ieremie in meeter. With apt notes to sing them withall.
  • 60077
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    The life and death of Sir Phillip Sidney, late lord gouernour of Flushing his funerals solemnized in Paules Churche where he lyeth interred; with the whole order of the mournfull shewe, as they marched thorowe the citie of London, on Thursday the 16 of February. 1587.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 60078
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    A letter vvritten by a true Christian Catholike, to a Romaine pretended Catholike Wherein vppon occasion of controuersie touching the Catholike Church the 12. 13. and 14. Chap. of the Reuelations are breifly and trulie expounded. Which conteine the true estate thereof, from the birth of Christ, to the end of the world.
  • 60079
    Book Info
    A letter vvritten by a true Christian Catholike, to a Romaine pretended Catholike Wherein vppon occasion of controuersie touching the Catholike Church the 12. 13. and 14. Chap. of the Reuelations are breifly and trulie expounded. Which conteine the true estate thereof, from the birth of Christ, to the end of the world.
  • 60080
    Book Info
    La clef des champs pour trouuer plusieurs animaux, tant bestes qu'Oyseaux, auec plusieurs fleurs & fruitz.