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총 60,478건 중 60,081 - 60,100건 출력
  • 60081
    Book Info
    Lavves and ordinances set downe by Robert Earle of Leycester, the Queenes Maiesties Lieutenant and Captaine General of her armie and forces in the Lowe Countries: Meete and fit to be obserued by all such as shall serue her Maiestie vnder him in the said countries, and therefore to be published and notified to the whole armie.
  • 60082
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances militarie sett downe and established by the right excellente Robert Earle of Leycester ... ; to be obserued by all suche as shall serue in Her Maiest. Armie vnder him in the saide countries.
  • 60083
    Book Info
    Le vray purtraict d'un ver monstrueux qui a esté trouué dans le coeur d'un cheual qui est mort en la ville de Londres le 17. de mars. 1586
  • 60084
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    Legatum distribuendum in nuptiis mulierum pauperum distribui debet in nuptiis virginum, non viduarum.
  • 60085
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    Littletons tenures in English / Cum priuilegio.|Tenures.
  • 60086
    Book Info
    Littletons tenures in English Cum priuilegio.
  • 60087
    Book Info
    Lliver gweddi gyffredin, [a gwenidogaeth] sacramentae, ac eraill gynneddfey, a ceremoniae yn Eccles[--] [--] bishops, according to the act stablished for the translation of the Bible, and this booke into the British tongue..|Book of common prayer.|Lliver gweddi gyffredin, a gwenidogaeth sacramentae|Bible. O.T. Psalms. Welsh. Salesbury. 1586.|Psallwyr neu Psalmae Dauid.
  • 60088
    Book Info
    The Lord Marques idlenes conteining manifold matters of acceptable deuise; as sage sentences, prudent precepts, morall examples, sweete similitudes, proper comparisons, and other remembrances of speciall choise. No lesse pleasant to peruse, than profitable to practise: compiled by the right Honorable L. William Marques of Winchester that now is.
  • 60089
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    A lamentable complaint of the commonalty, by way of supplication to the high court of Parliament, for a learned ministery. In Anno. 1585
  • 60090
    Book Info
    A letter lately written from Rome, by an Italian gentleman, to a freende of his in Lyons in Fraunce Wherein is declared, the state of Rome: the suddaine death & sollemne buriall of Pope Gregory the thirteenth. The election of the newe Pope, and the race of life this newe Pope ranne before hee was aduanced. Thereto are adioyned the accidentes that h
  • 60091
    Book Info
    A letter sent from the Prince of Parma vnto the borrowmaisters, sherifes, and magistrate of the towne of Anwerpe also to the great counsayle called Den Breeden Raedt, and the fraternities of the same. Whereunto is adioyned the aunswere of the sayde borrowmaysters, sherifes, treasurers, receiuer, and counsaile, with the common consent and generall a
  • 60092
    Book Info
    A letter written by the King of Nauarre vnto the French King concerning his innocencie against the sclaunders of his aduersaries. Truely translated out of French. Anno 1585.
  • 60093
    Book Info
    A letter: whearin, part of the entertainment vntoo the Queenz Maiesty, at Killingwoorth Castl, in Warwick Sheér, in this soomerz progress 1575. iz signified: from a freend officer attendant in the coourt, vnto his freénd a citizen, and merchaunt of London
  • 60094
    Book Info
    La vita di Giulio Agricola scritta sincerissimamente. Da Cornelio Tacito suo genero. Et messa in volgare da Giouan. Maria Manelli
  • 60095
    Book Info
    Lamentable ne[ws] from the towne of Darnton in the bishopricke of Durham, being y[e] north partes of England, where was burned 273. houses, vppon the 7 .day of May last past 1585. being as lamentable a matter as euer was heard..
  • 60096
    Book Info
    Le court leete, et court baron, collect per Iohn Kitchyn de Grayes Inne, vn apprentice en le ley. Et les cases & matters necessaries pur seneschalles de ceux courtes a scier, pur les studentes de les measons de chauncerie
  • 60097
    Book Info
    Les ans du Roy Richard le Second collect' ensembl' hors de les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke per Richard Bellevve de Lincolns Inne. 1585. Oues[que] un table a c[ette] annexe
  • 60098
    Book Info
    Les ans du Roy Richard le Second collect' ensembl' hors de les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke per Richard Bellevve de Lincolns Inne. 1585. Oues[que] un table a c[ette] annexe.
  • 60099
    Book Info
    Les ans du Roy Richard le Second collect' ensembl' hors de les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke per Richard Bellevve de Lincolns Inne. 1585. Oues[que] un table a c[ette] annexe.
  • 60100
    Book Info
    Les ans du Roy Richard le Second collect' ensembl' hors de les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke per Richard Bellevve de Lincolns Inne. 1585. Oues[que] un table a c[ette] annexe.