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총 60,478건 중 60,101 - 60,120건 출력
  • 60101
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    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certeine cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe [fleuron] al commencement, [et] al fine de chescu[n] de eux, au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Monsieur Littleton: pur quel inconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest lieur. Et
  • 60102
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    London's complaint
  • 60103
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    The Latine grammar of P. Ramus translated into English ; seene and allowed.
  • 60104
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    The Latine grammar of P. Ramus translated into English ; whereunto is joyned, for the more easie understanding of the rules herein conteyned, a grammatical analysis uppon an epistle of Tullie.
  • 60105
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    The Latine grammar of P. Ramus: translated into English.
  • 60106
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    The life and end of Thomas Awfeeld a seminary preest and Thomas Webley a dyers seruant in London beeing both traitours who were condemned as fellons for bringing seditious books into this realme and dispersing of the same, among their fauourers: for which they were executed at Tibourne the 6. day of this monthe of Iuly. 1585.
  • 60107
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    A letter sent to Master A.B. from the most godly and learned preacher I.B. in which is set forth the authoritie of parentes vpon their children, for gyuing of correction vnto them.
  • 60108
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    L'execution de iustice faicte en Angleterre pour maintenir la paix publique & chrestienne, contre les autheurs de sedition, adherens aux tristres & ennemis du royaume: sans aucune persecution contre eux esmeuë, pour matiere de religio[n], commeil a esté faucement aduancé & publie, par les fauteurs & nourriciers de leurs traisons. Descrite premierem
  • 60109
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    La cena de ceneri Descritta in cinque dialogi, per quattro interlocutori, con tre considerationi, cira doi suggetti. All'unico refugio de le muse. l'illustrissi. Michel di Castelnouo. Sig. di Mauuissier, concressalto, et di ionuilla, caualier del ordine del Re Chrianiss, et conseglier nel suo priuato conseglo. Capitano di 50. huomini d'arme, gouern
  • 60110
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    La prima [seconda] parte de ragionamenti di M. Pietro Aretino cognominato il flagello de prencipi, il veritiero, el divino, divisa in tre giornate, la contenenza de le quali si porrà nella facciata seguente.|Ragionamenti
  • 60111
    Book Info
    La prima parte de Ragionamenti di M. Pietro Aretino cognominato il Flagello de prencipi il Veritiero e'l Divino ; divisa in tre giornate, la contenenza de le quali si porra ne la facciata sequente.
  • 60112
    Book Info
    La prima parte de Ragionamenti di M. Pietro Aretino cognominato il Flagello de prencipi, il Vertitiero, el Divino, divisa in tre giornate, la contenenza de le quali si porra ne la facciata seguente. Veritas odium parit.
  • 60113
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    La vieux natura breuium, dernierment corrigee et amend', & cy nouelment imprimee
  • 60114
    Book Info
    Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that
  • 60115
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    Libellus de memoria, verissimaque bene recordandi scientia. Authore G.P. Cantabrigiense. Huc accessit eiusdem admonitiuncula ad A. Disconum [sic], de artificiosae memoriae, quam publicè profitetur, vanitate
  • 60116
    Book Info
    Loffice et aucthoritie de iustices de peace, in part collect per le tresreuerende, Monsier Antho. Fitzherbert, iades, vn de les iustices del common Banke, & inlarge per R. Crompton, vn apprentice de le common ley, & ore per luy reuyse, corrygie, & augment. 1584. A que est annex loffice de vicountes, baylifes, escheators, constables, coroners, &c. c
  • 60117
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    The lamentation of Englande: for the late treasons conspired against the Queenes Maiestie and the whole realme, by Franuces Throgmorton: who was executed for the same at Tyborne, on Friday being the tenth day of Iuly last past. 1584. To the tune of Weepe, weepe. : Pray pray and praise the Lord, whose wonderous works are seene: that brought to light the secret snare, laide lately for
  • 60118
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    The lectures of Iohn Knewstub; vpon the twentith [sic] chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture. ; Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.
  • 60119
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    A lecture, or exposition vpon a part of the fift chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrues Set foorth as it was read in Paules Church in London, the 6. of December. 1572. By Edward Dering. Giuen for a New yeares gift, to the godlie in London, and else where. Perused and allowed by aucthoritie.
  • 60120
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    A little treatise vppon the firste verse of the 122. Psalm stirring vp vnto carefull desiring a dutifull labouring for true church gouernement ... R.H.