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총 60,478건 중 60,161 - 60,180건 출력
  • 60161
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    A lamentable, and pitifull description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne With a briefe rehearsall of many things done since that season, vntill this present yeare, and death of Don Iohn. Written by Thomas Churchyarde Gentleman.
  • 60162
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    A lamentable, and pitifull description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne. With a briefe rehearsall of many things done since t
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60163
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    A little catechisme, that is to say, a short instruction touching christian religion, set forth by Theodorus Beza Minister of the Church of God in Geneua
    De Bèze
  • 60164
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    The last part of the Mirour for magistrates wherein may be seene by examples passed in this realme, vvith howe greenous [sic] plagues, vyces are punished in great princes & magistrats, and hovv frayle and vnstable vvorldly prosperity is founde, where fortune seemeth most highly to fauour.
  • 60165
    Book Info
    The last part of the Mirour for magistrates wherein may be seene by examples passed in this realme, vvith howe greenous [sic] plagues, vyces are punished in great princes & magistrats, and hovv frayle and vnstable vvorldly prosperity is founde, where fortune seemeth most highly to fauour.
  • 60166
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    The last part of the mirour for magistrates, wherein may be seene by examples passed in this realme, vvith how greenous [sic] plagues, vyces are punished in great princes & magistrats, and hovv frayle and vnstable vvorldly prosperity is founde, where fortune seemeth most highly to fauour.|Mirrour for magistrates.
  • 60167
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    The lectures of Iohn Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.
  • 60168
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    The lectures of Iohn Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture. Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.
  • 60169
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    The lectures or daily sermons, of that reuerend diuine, D. Iohn Caluine, pastor of the Church of God in Geneua, vpon the prophet Ionas, by N.B. student in Diuinitie. Whereunto is annexed an excellent exposition of the two last epistles of S. Iohn, done in Latin by that worthy doctor, August. Marlorate, and englished by the same N.B.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60170
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    A learned and fruitefull commentarie vpon the Epistle of Iames the Apostle vvherein are diligently and profitably entreated all such matters and chiefe common places of religion as are touched in the same epistle: written in Latine by the learned clerke Nicholas Hemminge, professour of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie, and nevvly translated i
  • 60171
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    A learned and fruitefull commentarie vpon the Epistle of Iames the Apostle, vvherein are diligently and profitably entreated all such matters and chiefe common places of religion as are touched in the same epistle: / written in Latine by the learned clerke Nicholas Hemminge, professour of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie, and nevvly translate
  • 60172
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    A legendarie, conteining an ample discourse of the life and behauiour of Charles Cardinal of Lorraine, and of his brethren, of the house of Guise. Written in French by Francis de L'isle
    De La Planche
  • 60173
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    Lectures of John Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture Seene and allowed according to the Queenes maiesties iniunctions.
  • 60174
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    Les tenures de monsieur Littleton ouesq[ue] certen cases addes p[er] auters de puisne te[m]ps, queux cases vous trou[er]es signes ouesque ce[st] signe [flower] al co[m]mencement [and] al fine d[e] chescun deux, au fine que ne poies eux misprender pour les cases de monsieur Littleton: pur quel inconuenience, ils fuerent dernierment tolles de cest li
  • 60175
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    A letter sent by F.A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse betweene Arthur Hall, and Melchisedech Mallerie gentleman, to his very friende L.B. being in Italie. VVith an admonition to the father of F.A. to him being a burgesse of the Parliament, for his better behauiour therein.
  • 60176
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    La nouuelle Natura breuiu du iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert dernierement renue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfecte des choses notables contenues en ycell, nouelment compose per Guiliaulme [sic] Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee.|Nouvelle Natura brevium
  • 60177
    Book Info
    La nouuelle natura breuiu[m] du Iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, dernierement renue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycell, nouelment compose per Guiliaulme Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee
  • 60178
    Book Info
    La nouuelle natura breuiu[m] du Iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, dernierement renue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycell, nouelment compose per Guiliaulme Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee
  • 60179
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    Liber quorundam canonum disciplinae ecclesiae Anglicanae. Anno. 1571
  • 60180
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    Littleton tenures in Englishe / Cum priuilegio.|Tenures.