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총 60,478건 중 60,181 - 60,200건 출력
  • 60181
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    The lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble capteine and maintener of the trew Christian religion in Fraunce, Iasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme greate admirall of Fraunce. Translated out of Latin by Arthur Golding
  • 60182
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    A letter whearin part of the entertainment vntoo the Queenz Maiesty at Killingwoorth Castl in Warwik sheer in this soomerz progress 1575 is signified / from a freend officer attendant in coourt vntoo hiz freend a citizen and merchaunt of London.
  • 60183
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    A looking glasse for the court. Composed in the Castilian tongue by the Lorde Anthony of Gueuarra Bishop of Mondouent, and chronicler to the Emperour Charles. And out of Castilian drawne into Frenche by Anthony Alaygre. And out of the French tongue into Englishe by Sir Fraunces Briant Knight one of the priuy Chamber, in the raygne of K. Henry the e
    De Guevara
  • 60184
    Book Info
    The last parte of the Mirour for magistrates wherein may be seene by examples passed in this realme, with howe greuous plagues, vices are punished in gseat [sic] princes and magistrates, and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, where fortune seemeth moste highly to fauour.
  • 60185
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    A Little treatise called the image of idlenesse contayning certaine matters mooued betweene Walter Wedlock, and Bawdin Bacheler / translated out of the Troyan or Cornish tung into English by Oliuer Oldwanton and dedicated to the Lady Lust.|Image of idlenesse.
  • 60186
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    A lecture or exposition vpon a part of the .v. chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrues Set forth as it was read in Paules Church in London, the vj. of December. 1573. By Edward Deryng. Geuen for a New-yeares gift to the godly in London, and els vvhere. Perused and alowed by authoritie.
  • 60187
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    Le reveille-matin des Francois, et de leurs voisins. Composé par Eusebe Philadelphe cosmopolite, en forme de dialogues
  • 60188
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    Le reveille-matin des Francois, et de leurs voisins. Composé par Eusebe Philadelphe cosmopolite, en forme de dialogues
  • 60189
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    Le reveille-matin des Francois, et de leurs voisins. Composé par Eusebe Philadelphe cosmopolite, en forme de dialogues
  • 60190
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    Le reveille-matin des francois, et de levrs voisins composé par Eusebe Philadelphe cosmopolite, en forme de dialogues.
  • 60191
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    Les plees del coron diuisees in plusors titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redemen & plenairement trouera quelque chose quil quira, touchaunt les dits plees, composees par le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundforde Chiualer, dernierment corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, nouelment reueu
  • 60192
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesq[ue] certein cases addes p[er] auters de puisne temps, queux cases troueres [sic] signes ouesque cest signe [fleuron] al co[m]mencement [et] al fin[e] de chescun deux, au fine que ne poies eux misprender pour les cases de monsieur Littleton: pur quel inconuenience, ils fuerent dernierment tolles de cest liuer;
  • 60193
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    Liber precum publicarum, seu ministerij ecclesiasticae administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum, & caeremoniarum, in Ecclesia Anglicana
  • 60194
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    Littleton tenures in Englishe Cum priuilegio.
  • 60195
    Book Info
    The last parte of the Mirour for magistrates wherein may be seene by examples passed in this realme, with howe greuous plagues, vices are punished in great princes and magistrates, and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, where fortune seemeth moste highly to fauour.
  • 60196
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    The life off the 70. Archbishopp off Canterbury presentlye sittinge Englished, and to be added to the 69. lately sett forth in Latin. This numbre off seuenty is so compleat a number as it is great pitie ther shold be one more: but that as Augustin was the first, so Mathew might be the last
  • 60197
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    The logike of the moste excellent philosopher P. Ramus martyr, newly translated, and in diuers places corrected, after the mynde of the author. Per M. Roll. Makylmenaeum Scotum, rogatu viri honestissimi, M. AEgidii Hamlini
  • 60198
    Book Info
    The lyues of holy sainctes, prophetes, patriarches, and others, contayned in holye Scripture so farre forth as expresse mention of them is delyuered vnto vs in Gods worde, with the interpretacion of their names: collected and gathered into an alphabeticall order, to the great commoditie of the Chrystian reader. By Iohn Marbecke. Seene and allowed,
  • 60199
    Book Info
    The lyues of holy sainctes, prophetes, patriarches, and others, contayned in holye Scripture so farre forth as expresse mention of them is delyuered vnto vs in Gods worde, with the interpretacion of their names: collected and gathered into an alphabeticall order, to the great commoditie of the Chrystian reader. By Iohn Marbecke. Seene and allowed,
  • 60200
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    A Letter sent by a gentleman of England to his frende contayning a confutacion of a French mans errors, in the report of the myraculous starre nowe shyninge.