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총 60,478건 중 60,221 - 60,240건 출력
  • 60221
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    Letters sent from Venice. Anno. 1571 Containing the certaine and true newes of the most noble victorie of the Christians ouer the armie of the great Turke: and the names of the lordes & gentlemen of the Christians slaine in the same battell. Translated out of the Frenche copie printed at Paris by Guille[...]d Niuerd, with the kings priuiledge.
  • 60222
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    Libellus supplex imperatoriae maiestati caeterisq[ue] sacri imperij electoribus, principibus, atq[ue] ordinibus, nomine Belgarus ex inferiori Germania, euangelicae religionis causa per Albani Ducis tyrannidem eiectorum in comitijs Spirensibus, exhibitus.
  • 60223
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    Liber quorundam canonum disciplinae ecclesiae Anglicanae. Anno 1571
  • 60224
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    A lamentable tragedy mixed ful of pleasant mirth, conteyning the life of Cambises king of Percia from the beginning of his kingdome vnto his death, his one good deed of execution, after that many wicked deeds and tirannous murders, committed by and through him, and last of all, his odious death by Gods iustice appointed. Doon in such order as folow
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60225
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    A lamentation from Rome, how the Pope doth bewayle, that the rebelles in England can not preuayle to the tune of Rowe well ye mariners.
  • 60226
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    Le premier liure de poemes de Raphel Micheli
  • 60227
    Book Info
    Les tenures du Monsieur Littelto[n] ouesque certein cases addes p[er] auters de puisne temps, queux cases troueres [sic] signes ouesq[ue] cest signe [fleuron] al commencement [et] al fine de chescun deux, au fine que ne poyes eux misprender pour les cases de monsieur Littleto[n]: pur q[ue]l inconuenience, ils fuerent dernierment tolles de cest liue
  • 60228
    Book Info
    Liber precum publicarum Ecclesiae Anglicanae in iuuentutis Graecarum literarum studiosae gratiam, Latinè Graeceq[ue] editus = [Biblos t[-es] d-euodias ...]|Book of common prayer.
  • 60229
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    The line of liberalitie dulie directinge the wel bestowing of benefites and reprehending the comonly vsed vice of ingratitude. Anno. 1569.
  • 60230
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    A learned and very eloquent treatie [sic], writen in Latin by the famouse man Heironymus Osorius Bishop of Sylua in Portugal, wherein he confuteth a certayne aunswere made by M. Walter Haddon against the Epistle of the said bishoppe vnto the Queenes Maiestie. Translated into English by Iohn Fen student of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Louen
  • 60231
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    Le theatre anquel sont exposés & monstrés les inconueniens & miseres qui suiuent les mondains & vicieux, ensemble les plaisirs & contentements dont les fideles ioüissent. Matiere non moins profitable, que delectable à tous amateurs de la parolle de dieu, de la poësie, & de la peinture. Par le Seigneur Iean Vander Noot.
    Van der Noot
  • 60232
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    Littleton tenures in englishe [sic]|Tenures.
  • 60233
    Book Info
    A Letter sent by the maydens of London, to the vertuous matrones & mistresses of the same in the defense of their lawfull libertie, answering The mery meeting / by us Rose, Iane, Rachell, Sara, Philumias and Dorothie.
  • 60234
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    A learned commendation of the politique lawes of Englande vvherin by moste pitthy reasons & euident demonstrations they are plainelye proued farre to excell aswell the ciuile lawes of the Empiere, as also all other lawes of the world, with a large discourse of the difference betwene the. ii. gouernements of kingdomes: whereof the one is onely regal
  • 60235
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    A little booke of Iohn Caluines concernynge offences whereby at this daye diuers are feared, and many also quight withdrawen from the pure doctrine of the Gospell, a woorke very needefull and profitable. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge.
  • 60236
    Book Info
    La nouuelle natura breuiu[m] du iudge tresreuerende monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert denierement renue & corrige per laucteur ; auecques vn table perfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, nouellement co[m]pose per Guilliaulme Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee.|Nouvelle Natura brevium|Natura breuium|Natura brevium|Novvelle Natura breuium du iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Antho
  • 60237
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    Las quatro comedias y dos Coloquios pastoriles de ... Lope de Rueda. Edición de I. de Timoneda
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 60238
    Book Info
    Les plees del coron diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement & plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees. Composees per le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staunforde Chiuauler, dernierm[en]t corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, et i
  • 60239
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littelton ouesque certeine cases addes p[er] auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesq[ue] cest [flower] al commencement [and] al fine de chescun deux, au fine que ne poyes eux misprender pour les cases de monsieur Littleton: pur q[ue]l inconuenience, ils fuerent dernierment tolles de cest liure; et cy v
  • 60240
    Book Info
    Lliver gweddi gyffredin, a gwemdogaeth y sacramentae, ac eraill gynneddfeu a ceremoniae yn Eccles loecr. ; Vewed [sic], perused and allowed by the bishops, accordyng to the Act stablished for the translation of the Bible, and thys booke into the Brytyshe tongue..|Book of common prayer.