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총 60,478건 중 60,241 - 60,260건 출력
  • 60241
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    Le Novvea[u] Testament, c'est à dire la Nouvelle Alliance de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. reueu & corrige sur le Grec par l'aduisdes Ministres de Geneue..
  • 60242
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    La table co[n]teynant en sommarie les choses notables en la graunde Abridgement, composeè par le Iudge tresreuerend monsieur Anthony Fytzherbert, dernierment renue et corige au quell est nouelment adioustee les nombres des cases, auecques ascuns diuisions iammes deuant imprimee.
  • 60243
    Book Info
    La table co[n]teynant en sommarie les choses notables en la graunde Abridgement, composeè par le Iudge tresreuerend monsieur Anthony Fytzherbert, dernierment renue et corige au quell est nouelment adioustee les nombres des cases, auecques ascuns diuisions iammes deuant imprimee.
  • 60244
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    Laelii Capilupi Mantuani cento ex Vergilio de vita monachorum
  • 60245
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    Loe here the pearle, whom God and man doth loue:
  • 60246
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    The lamentable tragedie of Oedipus the sonne of Laius Kyng of Thebes out of Seneca. By Alexander Neuyle
  • 60247
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    The lamentatio[n] of a sinner, made by the most vertuous Lady Queen Katherin, bewailing the ignorance of her blinde life, set foorth and put in print at the instaunt desire of the right gratious Lady Katherin Duches of Suffolke, and the ernest request of the right honorable Lord William Parr., Marquesse of Northhampton
  • 60248
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    A levvde apologie of pryuate masse, sedyciously spred abroade in wrtynge without name of the author as it seemeth, against the offer and protestacion made in certaine sermons by the Reuerende Father Bishop of Salesburie : with a learned and godly answere to the same apologie, set foorth for the maintenance and defence of the trueth.|Apologie of priuate masse|Answere in defence of the truth. Again
  • 60249
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    A lytel treatyse of astronomy declaryng the leape yere, and what is the cause therof, and howe to knowe saynte Mathies day for euer, with the maruelous mocion of the sonne ... and also the dyuersities that may come by dyuers and sundry inhabitacions vpon the earth. whereby December in the space of tyme, shalbe remoued and be the hyghest monethe in
  • 60250
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    The lamentacion that Ladie Iane made saiyng for my fathers proclamacion now must I lese my heade.
  • 60251
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    The last blast of the trompet of Godis vvorde aganis the vsurpit auctoritie of Iohne Knox and his Caluiniane brether intrudit precheouris &c. Put furth to the congregatioun of the Protestantis in Scotla[n]de, be Niniane Winzet, ane Catholik preist borne in Renfrew: at the desyre and in the name of his afflictit Catholike brether of ye inferiour ord
  • 60252
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    The lavves and statutes of Geneua as well concerning ecclesiastical discipline, as ciuill regiment, with certeine proclamations duly executed, whereby Gods religion is most purelie mainteined, and their common wealth quietli gouerned: translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Robert Fills.
  • 60253
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    The lawes of the markette.
  • 60254
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    The lawes of the markette.|Laws, etc. (Laws of the markette)|Laws of the market.
  • 60255
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    A litle herball of the properties of herbes, newly amended [and] corrected, wyth certayn additions at the ende of the boke, declaring what herbes hath influence of certain sterres and constellations, whereby maye be chosen the best and most lucky tymes and dayes of their ministracion, according to the moone beyng in the signes of heaue[n] the which
  • 60256
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    Le liuer des assises & plees del corone moues & dependauntz deuaunt les iusticez sybien en lour circuitz come aylours, en tempz le Roy Edward le teirce, iadis Roy dengleterre, ouesque vn table dez principall matters del pleez del corone. Anno Domini 1561.
  • 60257
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    Lucii Annei Senecae tragedia prima quae inscribitur Hercules furens nuper recognita, & ab omnibus mendis, quibus antea scatebat sedulo purgata, & in studiosae iuuentutis vtilitate[m], in Anglicum metrum tanta fide conuersa, vt carmen pro carmine quoad Anglica lingua patiatur pene redditum videas. Per Iasperum Heyvvodum Oxoniensem. = The first trage
  • 60258
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    A letter written by Cutbert Tunstall late Byshop of Duresme, and Iohn Stokesley sometime Byshop of London sente vnto Reginalde Pole, Cardinall, then beynge at Rome, and late byshop of Canterbury.
  • 60259
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    A lytle and bryefe treatyse, called the defence of women and especially of Englyshe women, made agaynst the Schole howse of women.
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  • 60260
    Book Info
    Les plees del coron diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement et plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les ditz plees. Composees per le tresreuerend iudge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staunforde Chiuauler, dernierem[en]t corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, et