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총 60,478건 중 60,321 - 60,340건 출력
  • 60321
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    The letters whyche Iohan Ashwell priour of Newnham Abbey besydes Bedforde, sente secretely to the Byshope of Lyncolne in the yeare of our Lord M.D.xxvii. Where in the sayde pryour accuseth George Ioye that tyme beyng felow of Peter college in Cambrydge, of fower opinyons: wyth the answere of the sayde George vn to the same opynyons.
  • 60322
    Book Info
    The letters whyche Iohan Ashwell priour of Newnham Abbey besydes Bedforde, sente secretely to the Byshope of Lyncolne in the yeare of our Lord M.D.xxvii. Where in the sayde pryour accuseth George Ioye that tyme beyng felow of Peter college in Cambrydge, of fower opinyons: wyth the answere of the sayde George vn to the same opynyons.
  • 60323
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    A lamentation of the death of the moost victorious Prynce Henry the eyght late kynge of thys noble royalme of Englande
  • 60324
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    Lucii Annei Senecae ad Gallioneni de remedis fortuitorum. The remedyes agaynst all casuall chaunces. Dialogus inter sensum et rationem. A dialgue betwene sensualyte and reason. Lately translated out of Latyn into Englishe by Robert Whyttynton poet laureat [and] now newely imprynted
  • 60325
    Book Info
    The lamentacion of a synner, made by ye most vertuous Ladie, Quene Caterin, bewayling the ignoraunce of her blind life: set furth and put in print at the instaunt desire of the righte gracious ladie Caterin duchesse of Suffolke, [and] the earnest requeste of the right honourable Lord, William Parre, Marquesse of North Hampton
  • 60326
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    The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist, with the Elucydacyon of Iohan Bale.
  • 60327
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    Lyttilton tenures truely translated in to englyshe
  • 60328
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    Lyttyton tenures neulye imprynted
  • 60329
    Book Info
    Lytylton tenures neulye imprynted
  • 60330
    Book Info
    The lame[n]tacyon of a Christen agaynst the cytye of London for some certayne greate vyces vsed therin.
  • 60331
    Book Info
    Lyttelton tenures in Englysshe
  • 60332
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    The late expedicion in Scotlande made by the Kynges hyghnys armye, vnder the conduit of the ryght honorable the Erle of Hertforde, the yere of our Lorde God 1544.
  • 60333
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    The last wil and last confession of martyn luthers faith co[n]cerming [sic] the [principal articles of religion which are in controuersy, which he wil defend & mai[n]teine vntil his death, agaynst the pope and the gates of hell drawe[n] furth by him at the request of the princes of germany which haue reformed theier [sic] churches after the gospel,
  • 60334
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    The lamentacion of a Christian, against the citie of London made by Roderigo Mors. Anno Domini M.D.XLII.
  • 60335
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    The lamentacion of a Christian, against the citie of London made by Roderigo Mors. Anno Domini M.D.XLII.
  • 60336
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    Lyttelton tenures in Englysshe
  • 60337
    Book Info
    Lytylton tenures|Tenures
  • 60338
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    A lytell treatyse agaynst sedicyous persons
  • 60339
    Book Info
    A lytle treatyse composed by John Sta[n]dysshe one of the felowes of Whittynton Colledge in London, and nowe by him the fautes of the prynter in this heretofore, newly corrected with certayne addycio[n]s to the same, againste the p[ro]testacion, of Robert barnes at ye time of his deth
  • 60340
    Book Info
    A lytle treatyse composyd by John Sta[n]dysshe one of the felowes of Whittynton Coledge in London, against the p[ro]testacion of Roberti Barnes at the tyme of his death