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총 32,619건 중 32,141 - 32,160건 출력
  • 32141
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    The names of the com[m]ittee for whom the Bill for the general quiet[?] of the subject against all p[...] of concealments stands referred ...
  • 32142
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    The nevv and admirable arte of setting of corne with all the necessarie tooles and other circumstances belonging to the same: the particular titles whereof, are set downe in the page following.
  • 32143
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    The ninth part of the Mirrour of knight-hood eing the fourth booke of the third part thereof: wherein is declared, the high and noble actes of the sonnes and nephewes of the noble Emperour Trebacius, and of the rest of the renoumed princes and knights, and of the high cheualrie of the gallant ladyes: wherein also is treated of the most cruell warre
  • 32144
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    A noate of such wrightings as are in the presse [?] in Mr: Alfords chamber at Whitefryers in London:
  • 32145
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    Naturall and artificial directions for health deriued from the best philosophers, as well moderne, as auncient. By William Vaughan, Master of Artes, and student in the ciuill law.
  • 32146
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    Nemo moritur ex febri
  • 32147
    Book Info
    Newes from Flaunders A new ballad of the great ouerthrow that the valliant Captaine Graue Maurice, Sir Frances Veere, and other of the Queene of Englands friends: gaue to the Archduke, and his army of Spaniards, vpon Sunday being the 22 of Iune last past, 1600. To the tune of lusty gallant.
  • 32148
    Book Info
    Newes from Flaunders. A new ballad of the great ouerthrow that the valliant Captaine Graue Maurice, Sir Frances Veere, and other of the Queene of Englands friends: gaue to the Archduke, and his army of Spaniards, vpon Sunday being the 22 of Iune last past, 1600. To the tune of Lusty gallant.
  • 32149
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    Newes out of Cheshire of the new found well
  • 32150
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    Notitae naturales sunt indelebiles. ; Appetitus non facit vim voluntati.
  • 32151
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    Nulla est secunda iustificatio apud deum. ; Nefas est colere deum in simulachro.
  • 32152
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    Nullus morbus est secundum naturam. ; Omnis sensus est per nervos.
  • 32153
    Book Info
    The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages: vvith arguments of bookes and chapters: annotations, and other helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of corruptions in diuers
  • 32154
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    The names of the personages, whose lives are herein contained. Vol. I. William Ld. Burleigh Sir Walter Raleigh George Duke of Buckingham Marq. of Montross Oliver Cromwel Admiral Coligni Don John of Austria William the First, Prince of Orange Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma Albert Count Wallenstein : Vol. II. Duke of Hamilton General Blake Duke o
  • 32155
    Book Info
    The nevv and admirable arte of setting of corne with all the necessarie tooles and other circumstances belonging to the same: the particular titles whereof, are set downe in page the following.
  • 32156
    Book Info
    The nevve and admirable arte of setting of corne with all the necessarie tooles and other circumstances belonging to the same: the particular titles whereof, are set downe in the page following.
  • 32157
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    A nevv booke of good husbandry very pleasaunt, and of great profite both for gentlemen and yomen: conteining, the order and maner of making of fish-pondes, with the breeding, preseruing, and multiplying of the carpe, tench, pike, and troute, and diuerse kindes of other fresh-fish. Written in Latine by Ianus Dubrauius, and translated into English at
  • 32158
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    A newe treatise of the right reckoning of yeares, and ages of the world, and mens liues, and of the estate of the last decaying age thereof this 1600. yeare of Christ, (erroniouslie called a yeare of Iubilee) which is from the Creation, the 5548. yeare. Conteining sundrie singularities, worthie of observation, concerning courses of times, and revol
  • 32159
    Book Info
    Nashes Lenten stuffe containing, the description and first procreation and increase of the towne of Great Yarmouth in Norffolke: with a new play neuer played before, of the praise of the red herring. Fitte of all clearkes of noblemens kitchins to be read: and not vnnecessary by all seruing men that haue short boord-wages, to be remembered.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32160
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    Nosce teipsum This oracle expounded in two elegies 1. Of humane knowledge. 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof.