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  • 32201
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    Newes from Scotland Declaring the damnable life of Doctor Fian a notable sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough in Ianuarie last. 1591. Which doctor was register to the deuill, that sundrie times preached at North Baricke kirke, to a number of notorious witches. With the true examinations of the said doctor and witches, as they vttered them in the
  • 32202
    Book Info
    Newes from Scotland, declaring the damnable life and death of Doctor Fian a notable sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough in Ianuary last. 1591. Which doctor was regester to the diuell that sundry times preached at North Barrick Kirke, to a number of notorious witches. With the true examination of the saide doctor and witches, as they vttered them
  • 32203
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    Newes out of France. On the first of this moneth of March Wherein is set downe, the retiring of the Prince of Parma, and the great losse that he hath receiued in the same. Also a true report of a great galley that was brought to Rochell on the sixt of Februarie last.
  • 32204
    Book Info
    Newes out of France. On the first of this moneth of March. Wherein is set downe, the retiring of the Prince of Parma, and the great losse that he hath receiued in the same. Also a true report of a great galley that was brought to Rochell on the sixt of Februarie last.
  • 32205
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    The new attractiue. Containing a short discourse of the magnes or loadstone: and amongst other his vertues, of a new discouered secret and subtill propertie, concerning the declination of the needle, touched therewith vnder the plaine of the horizon. Now first founde out by Robert Norman hydrographer. : Heereunto are annexed certaine necessary rule
  • 32206
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    The nine vvorthies of London explaining the honourable exercise of armes, the vertues of the valiant, and the memorable attempts of magnanimious minds. Pleasant for gentlemen, not vnseemely for magistrates, and most profitable for prentises. Compiled by Richard Iohnson.
  • 32207
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    The nine worthies of London explayning the honourable exercise of armes, the vertues of the valiant, and the memorable attempts of magnanimious minds. Pleasant for gentlemen, not vnseemely for magistrates, and most profitable for prentises. Compiled by Richard Iohnson.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32208
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    A notable discouery of coosenage Now daily practised by sundry lewd persons, called connie-catchers, and crosse-byters. Plainely laying open those pernicious sleightes that hath brought many ignorant men to confusion. ... With a delightfull discourse of the coosenage of colliers. By R. Greene, Maister of Arts.
  • 32209
    Book Info
    A notable discouery of coosenage Now daily practised by sundry lewd persons, called connie-catchers, and crosse-byters. Plainely laying open those pernicious sleightes that hath brought many ignorant men to confusion. ... With a delightfull discourse of the coosenage of colliers. By R. Greene, Maister of Arts.
  • 32210
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    A notable discouery of coosnage [sic], now daily practised by sundry lewd persons, called connie-catchers, and crosse-biters. Plainely laying open those pernitious sleights that hath brought many ignorant men to confusion. : Written for the general benefit of all gentlemen, citizens, aprentises, countrey farmers and yeomen, that may hap to fall int
  • 32211
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    Narcissus. Siue amoris iuuenilis et praecipue philautiae breuis at que moralis descripto
  • 32212
    Book Info
    Nevves from France VVhere monsieur de Signiers in the Kings behalfe, mnost brauely discomfited the armie of the King of Spaine and the Pope, consisting of ten thousand strong, being Neapolitans, Spaniards, Sauoians and Burgonians. With the taking of fifteene ensignes, the number that were slaine, and how many were taken prisoners, which armie was s
  • 32213
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    Nevves from Sir Roger Williams VVith a discourse printed at Rheines [sic] containing the most happie victorie, lately obtained by the Prince de Conty, lieutenant generall ouer the kinges forces, in Aniou, touraine, Maine, Poictu, Berry, Blaysois, Vendomois, Dunois, high and lower Limosin, and Perche, against the rebellious leaguers, enemies to his
  • 32214
    Book Info
    Nevves lately come on the last day of Februarie 1591. from diuers partes of France, Sauoy, and Tripoli in Soria. Truely translated out of the French and Italian copies, as they were sent to right honourable persons
  • 32215
    Book Info
    Nevves lately come on the last day of Februarie 1591. from diuers partes of France, Sauoy, and Tripoli in Soria. Truely translated out of the French and Italian copies, as they were sent to right honourable persons.
  • 32216
    Book Info
    Nevves sent out of Britayn, and other places on the third of Iune 1591. to a gentleman of account Concerning the seuerall exploits of Sir Iohn Norris, Lord Governour of hir Maiesties forces in Brittaine, since his departure from England.
  • 32217
    Book Info
    New and singular patternes & workes of linnen. Seruing for paternes to make all sortes of lace, edginges, and cut-workes. : Newly inuented for the profite & contentment of ladies, gentlewomen, & others, that are desirous of this arte..
  • 32218
    Book Info
    New and singular patternes & workes of linnen. Wherein are represented vnto vs the seauen planets, and many other figures seruing for patternes to make diuers sortes of lace. Newly inuented for the profite & contentment of ladies, gentlwomen & others, that are desirous of this arte.
  • 32219
    Book Info
    Newes out of France for the gentlemen of England a stratagem most ventrously attempted, and valiantly atchiued by the French King, the 27. day of Iuly. anno Domini 1591 : wherein is desciphered, what trust His Royall Maiestie reposeth on the valour of the English, and their duetifull seruice vnto him at all assayes : newes also touching 16. shippes taken nigh the hauen of deepe, and the discomfit
  • 32220
    Book Info
    Nicolai Grimoaldi viri doctiss. In P.V. Maronis quatuor libros Georgicorum in oratione soluta paraphrasis elegantissima Oxonij in aede Christi, anno serenissimi Regis Edouardi sexti secundo confecta.