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총 32,619건 중 32,221 - 32,240건 출력
  • 32221
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    Nine obseruations, howe to reade profitably, and to vnderstand truly, euery booke, chapter and verse, of the holy Bible VVhich being once perfectly learned, shall euer bee remembred.
  • 32222
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    A nevv booke, containing all sortes of handes vsually written at this daie in Christendom as the English and French secretarie, the Roman, Italian, French, Spanish, high and low Dutch, Court and Chancerie handes: with examples of each of them in their proper tongue and letter. Also an example of the true and iust proportion of the Roman capitals. C
  • 32223
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    Newes from Rome, Spaine, Palermo, Geneuae and France With the miserable state of the citty of Paris, and the late yeelding vppe of sundrie towns of great strength, vnto the king. Translated out of Italian and French into English.
  • 32224
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    Newnams nightcrowe A bird that breedeth braules in many families and housholdes. Wherein is remembred that kindely and prouident regard which fathers ought to haue towards their sonnes. Together with a diciphring of the iniurious dealinges of some younger sorte of stepdames.
  • 32225
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    Noctes sacrae seu lucubrationes in primam partem apocalypseos: in quibus perspicue docetur, quaenam sit vera ecclesia, & quae talia quod hoc leculo tam multos in religione & fide suspensostenet. In quibus etiam, veluti nube sublata, singula fere mysteria novo lumine illustrantur. Authore Francisco Triggo, Welburniensis ecclesiae pastore.
  • 32226
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    Not so new, as true Being a verie necessarie caueat for all Christians to consider of. VVherein is truelie described the iniquitie of this present time, by occasion of our confused liuing: and iustlie approued the world to be neuer worse, by reason of our contagious leaudnes. By Charles Gibbon.
  • 32227
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    Nova et expedita via comparandae linguae Latinae.
  • 32228
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    The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ. Faithfullie translated out of Greeke..
  • 32229
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    A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God. M.D.LXXXIX. Which is reckoned from the creation of the worlde. 5559. Made and referred specially to the meridian, and eleuation of ... Canterburie, but may serue generally, and that indifferently to, without any great error for most partes of Englande. By Gabriell Frende student in
  • 32230
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    A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of Christes incarnation. 1589 Which is the yeere of the worldes creation. 5551. Seruyng generally for all Englande, and specially for the meridian of this honorable citie of London. Gathered and made by Thomas Buckminster.
  • 32231
    Book Info
    A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of Christes incarnation. 1589 Which is the yeere of the worldes creation. 5551. Seruyng generally for all Englande, and specially for the meridian of this honorable citie of London. Gathered and made by Thomas Buckminster.
  • 32232
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    A notable and prodigious historie of a mayden who for sundry yeeres neither eateth, drinketh, nor sleepeth, neyther auoydeth any excrements, and yet liueth. A matter sufficiently opened and auerred, by the proceedings, examinations, and dilligent informations thereof, taken ex officio by the magistrate. And since by the order of the said magistrate
  • 32233
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    Nevves sent to the Ladie Princesse of Orenge. Translated out of French into English by I.E.
  • 32234
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    The New Testament of Our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. ; Whereunto are adioyned briefe summaries of doctrine ... by the said Theod. Beza: and also short expositions on the phrases and hard places taken out of the large annotations of the foresaid authour and Ioach. Camerarius, by P. Loseler, Villerius. Englished by L.
  • 32235
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    The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, conferred diligently with the Greeke and best approued translations in diuers languages.
  • 32236
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    The New Testament of our Sauiour Iesus Christ faithfully translated out of the Greeke, with the notes and expositions of the darke places therein.|Bible. N.T. English. Bishops'. 1589.
  • 32237
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    A necessarie admonition out of the prophet Joël concerning that hand of God that of late was upon us, and is not clean taken of as yet: and othervvise also verie fitlie agreeing (in divers good points) unto these dayes wherein wee live. By Edm. Bunny.
  • 32238
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    A new ballet of the straunge and most cruell whippes which the Spanyards had prepared to whippe and torment English men and women which were found and taken at the ouerthrow of certaine of the Spanish shippes in Iuly last past. 1588. To the tune of the valiant soldiour.
  • 32239
    Book Info
    A new ballet of the straunge and most cruell whippes which the Spanyards had prepared to whippe and torment English men and women: which were found and taken at the ouerthrow of certaine of the Spanish shippes in Iuly last past. 1588. To the tune of The valiant soldiour.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32240
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    N. Clenardi Graecae linguae institutiones cum scholiis et praxi Petri Antesignani Rapistagnensis ; a Frid. Sylburgio denuo recognitae, notationibusque Henr. Ste[p]hani, noua syntaxi, ad haec declinationum, coniugationum, & verborum anomalorum tabulis synopticis ; tum, praeter capitum seriem, duobus indicib. locupletissimis, Graeco scilicet verborum, & Latino rerum, ab eodem Sylburgio in ti