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총 32,619건 중 32,261 - 32,280건 출력
  • 32261
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    A new Yorkshyre song, intituled: Yorke, Yorke, for my monie: of all the cities that euer I see, for mery pastime and companie, except the Cittie of London.
  • 32262
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    Newes out of Germanie. A most wonderfull and true discouse of a cruell murderer, who had kylled in his life tyme, nine hundred, threescore and odde persons among which six of them were his owne children begotten on a young woman which he forceablie kept in a caue seuen yeeres, with the manner how he was taken, and the aboundaunce of wealth that was
  • 32263
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    A notable and comfortable exposition of M. Iohn Knoxes, vpon the fourth of Mathew, concerning the tentations of Christ: first had in the publique church, and then afterwards written for the comfort of certaine priuate friends, but now published in print for the benefite of all that feare God.
  • 32264
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    A notable and comfortable exposition, vpon the fourth of Mathevv; concerning the tentations of Christ preached in S.Peters Church, in Oxenford; By Thomas Bentham, fellovv ov Magdalin Colledge and afterwards Vyshop of Liechfeeld and Coventrie.
  • 32265
    Book Info
    The Nevve Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza Whereunto are adioyned large expositions of the phrases and harde places by the authour and others: together with a table or concordance conteining the principall wordes and matters comprehended herein. Englished by L. Tomson.
  • 32266
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    The Newe Testament of ovr Lord Iesus Christ translated out of Greeke by Theo. Beza ; and Englished by L.T. ; whereunto is added a Kalender and a Table.
  • 32267
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    A nevv yeeres gift The courte of ciuill courtesie: fitly furnished with a plesant porte of stately phrases and pithie precepts: assembled in the behalfe of all younge gentlemen, and others, that are desirous to frame their behauiour according to their estates, at all times, and in all companies: thereby to purchase worthy praise, of their inferiour
  • 32268
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    A nevve order for banqueroupts
  • 32269
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    Noua tragicocomoedia de rebus nuper in Germania gestis ex M. Plauti comoediis, inprimis Asinaria, milite glorioso, & captiuis collecta. Cum argumentis scenarum, & explicatione obscuriorum locorum in margine. Per Andream Germanum Orchadanum.
  • 32270
    Book Info
    The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the
  • 32271
    Book Info
    The Nevv Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. Whereunto are adioyned briefe summaries of doctrine vpon the Euangelistes and Actes of the Apostles, together with the methode of the Epistles of the Apostles, by the said Theod. Beza: and also short expositions on the phrazes and hard places, taken out of the lar
  • 32272
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    The number of all those that hath dyed in the Citie of London & the liberties of the same, from the 28, of December 1581. vnto the 27, of December 1582. with the christeninges. And also the number of all those that haue dyed of the plague in euery parish particulerly.
  • 32273
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    A new ballad, declaring the great treason conspired against the young king of Scots and how one Andrew Browne, an Englishman, which was the kings chamberlaine, preuented the same : to the tune of Milfield, or els to Greenesleeues / [by] VV. Elderton.
  • 32274
    Book Info
    The newe attractiue Containyng a short discourse of the magnes or lodestone, and amongest other his vertues, of a newe discouered secret and subtill propertie, concerning the declinyng of the needle, touched therewith under the plaine of the horizon. Now first founde out by Robert Norman hydrographer. Heerevnto are annexed certaine necessarie rules
  • 32275
    Book Info
    The newe attractiue Containyng a short discourse of the magnes or lodestone, and amongest other his vertues, of a newe discouered secret and subtill propertie, concerning the declinyng of the needle, touched therewith under the plaine of the horizon. Now first founde out by Robert Norman hydrographer. Heerevnto are annexed certaine necessarie rules for the art of nauigation by the same R.N.
  • 32276
    Book Info
    The newe attractiue Containyng a short discourse of the magnes or lodestone, and amongest other his vertues, of a newe discouered secret and subtill propertie, concerning the declinyng of the needle, touched therewith under the plaine of the horizon. Now first founde out by Robert Norman hydrographer. Heerevnto are annexed certaine necessarie rules for the art of nauigation by the same R.N.
  • 32277
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    A newe secte of friars called Capichini
  • 32278
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    A newe secte of friars called Capichini.
  • 32279
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    A notable treatise of the church in which are handled all the principall questions, that haue beene mooued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornay, Lorde of Plessis Marlyn, Gentleman of Fraunce. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by I.F. and againe perused [and] corrected.
  • 32280
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    Narbonus The laberynth of libertie. Very pleasant for young gentlemen to peruse, and passing profitable for them to prosecute. Wherein is contained the discommodities that insue, by following the lust of a mans will, in youth: and the goodnesse he after gayneth, being beaten with his owne rod, and pricked with the peeushnesse of his owne conscience
    ProQuest One Literature
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