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총 32,619건 중 32,281 - 32,300건 출력
  • 32281
    Book Info
    Natura breuium in Englishe newly corrected with diuers additions of statutes, booke cases, plees in abatement of the sayed writts, and their declarations, and barres to the same added and put in their places most conuenient.
  • 32282
    Book Info
    Natura breuium in Englishe newly corrected with diuers additions of statutes, booke cases, plees in abatement of the sayed writts, and their declarations, and barres to the same added and put in their places most conuenient.|Natura brevium.
  • 32283
    Book Info
    Newes from Antvverp, the .10. day of August. 1580 Contayning, a speciall view of the present affayres of the lowe countreyes: revuealed and brought to lyght, by sundrie late intercepted letters, of certaine vizarded and counterfeyt countrey men of the same countreyes. Translated into English, partly out of French, and partly out of Lattin: accordin
  • 32284
    Book Info
    The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theo. Beza, and Englished by L.T. ; Whereunto is added a kalender and a table..
  • 32285
    Book Info
    The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. : Whereunto are adioyned brief summaries of doctrine vpon the euangelistes and Actes of the Apostles, together with the methode of the Epistles of the Apostles, by the said Theod. Beza: and also short expositions on the phrases and hard places, taken out of the la
  • 32286
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    The new arival of the three gracis, into Anglia Lamenting the abusis of this present age.
  • 32287
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    The nosegay of morall philosophie lately dispersed amongst many Italian authours, and now newely and succinctly drawne together into questions and answers, and translated into Englishe by T.C. Seene and allowed.
  • 32288
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    A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope for Christians to holde fast, and to be bolde vp on the promise of God, & not to doubt of their saluation in Christ. Translated out of D. Vrbanus Regius, into English and newly recognized by Iohn F.
  • 32289
    Book Info
    A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope, for Christians to holde fast, and to be bolde vp on the promise of God, & not to doubt of their saluation in Christ. / Translated out of D. Vrbanus Regius, into English and newly recognized by Iohn F.
  • 32290
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    A newe ballade, declaryng the daungerons [sic] shootynge of the gunne at the courte to the tune of Sicke and sicke / [by] W.E.
  • 32291
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    A newe discourse of morall philosophie, entituled, The kayes of counsaile Not so pleasant as profitable for younge courtiours. Optima est patientia victor.
  • 32292
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    A newyeares gifte dedicated to the Popes Holinesse, and all Catholikes addicted to the Sea of Rome: preferred the first day of Ianuarie, in the yeare of our Lorde God, after the course and computation of the Romanistes, one thousand, fiue hundreth, seauentie and nine, by B.G. citizen of London: in recompence of diuers singular and inestimable reliq
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32293
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    A notable treatise of the church in vvhich are handled all the principall questions, that haue bene moued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornay, Lord of Plessis Marlyn, gentleman of Fraunce. And translated out of French into English by Io. Feilde.
  • 32294
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    Newes From the North
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32295
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    Newes out of Powles Churchyarde now newly renued and amplifyed according to the accidents of the present time. 1579. and otherwise entituled, syr Nummus. Written in English satyrs. Wherein is reprooued excessiue and vnlawfull seeking after riches, and the euill spending of the same. Compyled by E.H. Gent. Seene and allowed according to the order ap
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32296
    Book Info
    The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. Whereunto are adioyned brief summaries of doctrine vpon the Euangelistes and actes of the apostles, together with the methode of the epistles of the apostles, by the said Theod. Beza: And also short expositions on the phrases and hard places, taken out of the large annotations of the foresaid authour and Ioach.
  • 32297
    Book Info
    The Newe Testament of our Sauiour Iesus Christ faithfully translated out of the Greeke, with the notes and expositions of the darke places therein.|Bible. N.T. English. 1579.
  • 32298
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    A new counsell against the pestilence declaring what kinde of disease it is, of what cause it procedeth, the signes and tokens thereof: with the order of curing the same.
  • 32299
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    A nievve herball, or historie of plantes wherin is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes: their diuers [and] sundry kindes: their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes: their names, natures, operations, and vertues: and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Engl
  • 32300
    Book Info
    A notable discourse of the happinesse of this our age, and of the ingratitude of men to God for his benefites: written in Latine by that godly learned man Iohn Riuius, and now Englished for the comfort, and commoditie of the vnlearned, by W.W. student..