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총 32,619건 중 32,341 - 32,360건 출력
  • 32341
    Book Info
    Newes from Niniue to Englande, brought by the prophete Ionas vvhich newes in plainlye published in the godly and learned exposition of Maister Iohn Brentius folovving, translated out of Latine into Englishe by Thomas Tymme minister.
  • 32342
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    Newes from Northumberland this geare goythe well and better it shall, for triall will tell, the treson of Ball..|This geare goythe well and better it shall, for triall will tell, the treson of Ball.
  • 32343
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    No lymme nor member let there want, but all in order due,
  • 32344
    Book Info
    A New yeres gift, or, An Heauenly acte of parliament concerning how euery true Christian should lyue / made and enacted, by our soueraigne Lorde God, and all the vvhole clergie in heauen consentinge to the same.
  • 32345
    Book Info
    A nevve almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of Our Lorde God, MDLXIX wherein are expressed diuerse things, omitted by those whiche haue set furth almanackes and prognostications : calculated and made for the meridian and situation of Oxford, and pole artike there mounted 51 degrées 50 min. seruing for all Englande / by Thomas Stephins gentleman.|Newe almanacke and prognostication for
  • 32346
    Book Info
    A new almanacke [and] prognostication, for the yeare of our Lorde God. 1569. Practised in Salesbury, neare to the close gate by Maister Henry Lovv ...
  • 32347
    Book Info
    A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of Our Lorde, 1569 wherein is expressed the chaunge, full, and quarters of the moone, the varietie of the ayre, and diuers other profitable thinges : calculated for the meridian of London and will serue for all England / by VVilliam Iohnson.
  • 32348
    Book Info
    A new yeres gift, intituled, a christal glas for all estates to looke in wherein they may plainly see the iust rewarde, for unsaciate and abhominable couetousnesse. M.D.LXIX.
  • 32349
    Book Info
    A new yeres gift, intituled, a christal glas for all estates to looke in wherein they may plainly see the iust rewarde, for unsaciate and abhominable couetousnesse. M.D.LXIX.
  • 32350
    Book Info
    A newe almanacke and prognostication for the yere of our Lord M.D.LXIX, being the yeare since the creation of the vvorlde 5531 : made chiefly for Englande and applied sometimes to other countries composed in Sarisbury by Iohn Securis ... ; proceded in the uniuersitie aboue xxviij yeares agone.
  • 32351
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    A newe ballade intytuled, Good fellowes must go learne to daunce
  • 32352
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    A newe ballade intytuled/ Good fellowes must go learne to daunce.
  • 32353
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    A newe booke called The shippe of safegarde, wrytten by G.B. ..
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32354
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    A newe booke called the shippe of safegard, wrytten by G.B. Anno. 1569
  • 32355
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    A notable historye of Nastagio and Trauersari no lesse pitiefull then pleasaunt translated out of Italian into Englishe verse by C.T.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 32356
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    The Newe Testament in Englishe translated oute of the Greke, according to the translation of the greate Bible, whiche is appointed to be red [sic] in churches.|Bible. N.T. English. Great Bible. 1569.
  • 32357
    Book Info
    A Newe Mery and Wittie Comedie Or Enterlude, Newely Imprinted, Treating Vpon the Historie Of Iacob and Esau, Taken Out Of the XXVIJ. Chap. Of the First Booke Of Moses Entituled Genesis
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 32358
    Book Info
    A nevve mery and vvittie comedie or enterlude, newely imprinted, treating vpon the historie of Iacob and Esau taken out of the xxvij. chap. of the first booke of Moses entituled Genesis. The partes and names of the players who are to be consydered to be Hebrews and so should be apparailed with attire. 1 The Prologe, a poete. 2 Isaac, an olde man, f
  • 32359
    Book Info
    A new almanacke and prognostication for the yere of our sauiour Christ. M.D.LXVIII being the yere since the creation of the worlde. 5530. Calculated chiefelye for all England and seruing also in some respectes, other realmes: as Ireland, Fraunce, &c Published by Iohn Securis phisition, dwelling in Salisbury in the newe streete.
  • 32360
    Book Info
    A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lorde. M. D. lxviii beyng leape yere, wherin is set forthe and shewed the chau[n]ge of the moone, with her full and quarters, the varietie of the ayer and windes, the conuenient tymes to take medicines: also to sowe, sette, plante, grafte, gelde or libbe beastes, and many other necessarie not