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총 96,172건 중 90,821 - 90,840건 출력
  • 90821
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    A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his counsel of warre./ Delivered to his excellency by some of the subscribers, Jan. 18. 1649.|Letter from ministers of the gospel with the province of London whose names are subscribed|Remonstrance of His Excellency, Thomas Lord Fa
  • 90822
    Book Info
    A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgments of ministers of the Gospel within the the province of London contained in a letter from the to the general and his councell of war / delivered to His Excellence by some of the subscribers, Ian. 18, 1649.
  • 90823
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    A Serious and humble representation of the thoughts and sence of a true desirer of love and union amongst all the sons of truth and peace unto the much honoured and greatly loved the ministers of the province of London, subscribers of a representation to his excellency, and councel of war, and to all the truely religious of their judge ment and principles, and a word to all that fear God of the
  • 90824
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    A Short comment upon the grounds and reasons of Poyers taking up armes in these second insurrections, which reasons are most falsly and abusively represented to the great advantage of the said Poyer, and to the dishonour and prejudice of the well-affected gentry of the county of Pembrooke, who have alwaies stood firme and right to the Parliament an
  • 90825
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    A sad and serious discourse, upon a terrible letter, sent by the ministers of the province of London, to the Lord General and his Councel of War. / By W. Ca. a member of the Army.
  • 90826
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    A sad sigh, vvith some heart-cracking groanes sent after the Lord Governour and his whole hoast of mirmidons.
  • 90827
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    A salt teare or, The vveeping onion, at the lamentable funerall of Dr. Dorislaus.
  • 90828
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    A salva libertate sent to Colonell Francis West of the Tower of London, on Fryday the fourteenth of September 1649. by Lieutenant Collonell John Lilburne, vnjustly, and illegally imprisoned, in the said Tower, ever since the 28. of March, 1649. Occasioned by the receipt of a verball command (which in law is nothing, nor signefies nothing) whereby t
  • 90829
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    A seasonable and necessary warning and declaration concerning present and imminent dangers, and concerning duties relating thereto from the Generall Assembly of this Kirk : vnto all the members thereof.
  • 90830
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    A seasonable discourse written by Mr. Iohn Dury ... ; published by Samuel Hartlib.
  • 90831
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    A seasonable discourse written by Mr. Iohn Dury upon the earnest requests of many, briefly shewing these particulars 1. What the grounds and method of our reformation ought to be in religion and learning. 2. How even in these times of distraction, the worke may be advanced. By the knowledge of Orientall tongues and Jewish mysteries. By an agency fo
  • 90832
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    A second fiery flying roule to all the inhabitants of the earth, specially to the rich ones ... / Per Auxilium Patris.
  • 90833
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    A second generall epistle to all the saints wherein is unfolded the covenant of grace, as its a law in the spirit, of light, liberty, righteousness, holinesse, power and glory : as likewise as it is a law of peace, love and edification : published for the good of those who love peace and holinesse / written by T. Collier.
  • 90834
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    A second part of the religious demurrer; by another hand. Or, an answer to a tract called The lawfullnesse of obeying the present government. / By a lover of truth and peace.
  • 90835
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    A second vvhy not Or Eight queries, made to the Parliament, from the people of England, being the supream power thereof in 1649.
  • 90836
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    A serious addresse to Samuel Oates, for a resolve in some few quaere's touching his new-baptisme & ministry. Also a short and faithfull word of Christian advice to those of his church in Lincolnshire, concerning their way, and that spirit by which they are led. Together with a brief and plain evidence of the ground for baptizing a believers infant-
  • 90837
    Book Info
    A serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the Gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the Generall and his Councell of Warre. Delivered to his Excellency by some of the subscribers, Jan. 18. 1648.
  • 90838
    Book Info
    A serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his councell of warre. / Delivered to his Excellency by some of the subscribers, Jan. 18, 1648.|Letter from ministers of the gospell within the province of London|Remonstrance of His Excellency, Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord Generall o
  • 90839
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    A serious aviso to the good people of this nation, concerning that sort of men, called Levellers. / By J. Philolaus.
  • 90840
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    A serious epistle to Mr. William Prynne wherein is interwoven an answer to a late book of his, the title whereof is inserted in the next leafe. By J. Hall, of Grays-Inne.