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총 96,172건 중 90,901 - 90,920건 출력
  • 90901
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    Some sacramentall instructions; or, An explication of the principles of religion. Containing the sum of what all such persons as shall be admitted to the sacrament of the Lords-Supper ought to know. Collected out of that ordinance of Parliament, by which the eldership of every congregation were directed how to proceed in the examination of those th
  • 90902
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    Some sweet sips, of some spirituall wine sweetly and freely dropping from one cluster of grapes, brought between two upon a staffe from spirituall Canaan (the land of the living, the living Lord) to late Egyptian and now bewildered Israelites and to [Abiezer Coppe] a late converted Jew who must (no longer) hunger, or hanker after the flesh-pots of
  • 90903
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    Spadacrene Anglica, = the English spaw, or, The glory of Knaresborough springing from severall famous fountains there adjacent, called the vitrioll, sulphurous, and dropping wells; and also other minerall waters. Their nature, physicall use, situation, and many admirable cures being exactly exprest in the subsequent treatise of the learned Dr. Dean
  • 90904
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    Speculum anni, or, a glasse in which you may behold the revolution of the yeare of our Lord God MDCXLIX, being the first after bisextile or leap-yeare shewing all the notable aspects of the planets with the moon, as also among themselves, with the true place of the sunne and moone, in signes, degrees, and minutes, for every day in the yeare, and th
  • 90905
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    Speculum scripturale schismaticorum or, A scripture looking--glasse, most exactly characterizing all sorts of schismaticks: wherein, as, in a looking-glass, face answers face; so, scriptures paint seducers root and race: And, that they are the seedmen of all evil; and, must be shun'd, as serpents, or the Devil.
  • 90906
    Book Info
    Speculum scripturale schismaticorum: or, A scripture looking--glasse, most exactly characterizing all sorts of schismaticks: wherein, as, in a looking-glass, face answers face; so, scriptures paint seducers root and race: And, that they are the seedsmen of all evil; and, must be shun'd, as serpents, or the Devil.
  • 90907
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    Speculum uranicum, anni aerae Christianae, 1649, or, An almanack and prognosication for the year of our Lord, 1649 being the first from bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5598 : wherein is contained many useful, pleasant and necessary observations, and predictions ... : calculated (according to art) for the meridian and lat
  • 90908
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    Sr. VVilliam Killigrew his answer to the fenne mens objections against the Earle of Lindsey his drayning in Lincolnshire
  • 90909
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    Stanbrigii embrion relimatvm, seu, Vocabularium metricum olim á Johanne Stanbrigio digestum nunc ver'o locupletatum, defaecatum legitimo neo non rotundo plerumque carmine exultans, & in majorem pueritiae balbutientis usum undequaque accomodatum, extrema opera & industria Joh. Brinslaei.
  • 90910
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    Stella nova, a nevv starre, leading wisemen unto Christ. Or, A sermon preached before the learned Society of Astrologers, August 1. 1649. in the Church of S. Mary Alder-Mary, London. By Robert Gell D.D. minister of the Word there.
  • 90911
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    Strange and vvonderfull prophesies by the Lady Eleanor Audeley; who is yet alive, and lodgeth in White-Hall. Which shee prophesied sixteen yeeres agoe, and had them printed in Holland, and there presented the said prophesies to the Prince Elector; for which she was imprisoned seven yeers here in England, by the late King and his Majesties Councell:
  • 90912
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    Strength out of vveaknesse. Or, The finall and absolute plea of Lieutenant-Col. John Lilburn, prisoner in the Tower of London, against the present ruling power siting at Westminster. Being an epistle writ by him, Sep. 30. 1649. to his much honored and highly esteemed friend, Master John Wood, Mr. Robert Everard, ... whose names are subscribed Aug.
  • 90913
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    Summa breuis doctrinae metaphysicae, opera et methodo Isaaci Hugonis, in academia salmuriensi philosophiae professoris..
  • 90914
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    Summa breuis doctrinae metaphysicae, opera et methodo Isaaci Hugonis, in academia salmuriensi philosophiae professoris..
  • 90915
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    Summa philosophiae quadripartita, de rebus dialecticis, ethicis, physicis, & metaphysicis autore fr. Eustachio a. S. Paulo ... ; infinitis mendis repurgata.
  • 90916
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    Summary reasons against the new oath & Engagement. And an admonition to all such as have already subscribed it. With a cautionarie exhortation to all honest English spirits, to avoid the danger of perjurie by taking of it.
  • 90917
    Book Info
    Swallow, 1649 an almanacke for the yeere of our Lord God, 1649 : being the first after bissextile or leap-year and from the worlds creation, 56[...]9 calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge.
  • 90918
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    Sylloge variorum tractatuum anglico quidem idiomate & ab auctoribus Anglis conscriptorum sed in linguam Latinam translatorum : quibus Caroli Magnae Britan, Franciae et Hiberniae regis innocentia illustratur et parridicium injustissime & immanissim`e in illum perpetratum a pseudo-parlamento & perduelli exercitu luce clarius declaratur : accessit responsum pernecessarium ad declamation
  • 90919
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    Symbolum apostolicum.
  • 90920
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    The Scotch souldiers lamentation upon the death of the most glorious and illustrious martyr, King Charles. Shewing, that the authors thereof have out-done all, even Korah, Dathan and Abiram, in rebellion. And himselfe went likewise beyond all, but our blessed Saviour whom he imitated, in his sufferings. To which is annexed, An elegy on the death of