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총 96,172건 중 90,921 - 90,940건 출력
  • 90921
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    The Scots vindication of some former transactions. And declaration of their unanimous consent, and resolutions to assist His Majesty, Charls the II. VVith the utmost of their lives and estates, for the advancement of his affaires, towards the recovery of his right in England, and bringing of the murtherers of his father to justice. And a letter fro
  • 90922
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    The sacrifice of the faithfull. Or, A treatise shevving the nature, property, and efficacy of zealous prayer; together with some motives to prayer, and helps against discouragements in prayer. To which is added seven profitable sermons. 1. The misery of the Creature by the sinne of man, on Rom. 8. 22. 2. The Christians imitation of Christ, on Ioh.
  • 90923
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    The same hand again, against the present councel of state's bad friends, John Canne, and his maintainers, the connivers of those very licentious, scandalous books, called the Discoverer, Part the first, and second.
  • 90924
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    The sanctuarie of a troubled soule by Sr. Joh[n] Hayward, Knight ...
  • 90925
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    The second lecture being an introduction to cosmographie: read publiquely at Sr. Balthazar Gerbiers academy. On Bednall Greene.
  • 90926
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    The second part of Englands new-chaines discovered: or A sad representation of the uncertain and dangerous condition of the Common-Wealth directed to the supreme authority of England, the representors of the people in Parliament assembled. By severall wel-affected persons inhabiting the city of London, Westminster, the borough of Southwark, Hamblet
  • 90927
    Book Info
    The second part of Englands new-chaines discovered: or a sad representation of the uncertain and dangerous condition of the Common-Wealth directed to the supreme authority of England, the representors of the people in Parliament assembled. By severall wel-affected persons inhabiting the city of London, Westminster, the borough of Southwark, Hamblet
  • 90928
    Book Info
    The second part of Englands new-chaines discovered: or a sad representation of the uncertain and dangerous condition of the Common-Wealth: directed to the supreme authority of England, the representors of the people in Parliament assembled. By severall wel-affected persons inhabiting the city of London, Westminster, the borough of Southwark, hamble
  • 90929
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    The second part of the tragi-comedy, called New-Market-Fayre or Mrs. Parliaments new figaryes. Written by the Man in the moon. Prologue. Gentlemen, our poet bids me say, ...
  • 90930
    Book Info
    The second part of the tragi-comedy, called New-market-faire, or, Mrs. Parliaments new figaries written by the Man in the moon.|New-market-faire, or, Mrs. Parliaments new figaries|Mrs. Parliaments new figaries
  • 90931
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    The second volume of the works of Thomas Collier ...
  • 90932
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    The sense of the covenant, according to the minde of God, and sense of his people, under censure now for breach of covenant-engagement. Specially intended for the vindication of our heads, judges, and officers, heavily charged at that point. Generally to all. 1. For the clearing, and yet humbling the godly under the same censure. 2. The condemning
  • 90933
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    The serious representation of Col. VViliam Eyre prisoner in the castle at Oxford; tendred to the consideration of the Parliament, army, and kingdom, for the clearing of his innocency, and manifesting his integrity toward the freedom of the nation, and establishment of the just power of Parliaments equally representing the people.
  • 90934
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    The several speeches of Duke Hamilton Earl of Cambridg, Henry Earl of Holland, and Arthur Lord Capel, upon the scaffold immediately before their execution, on Friday the 9. of March. Also the several exhortations, and conferences with them, upon the scaffold, by Dr Sibbald, Mr Bolton, & Mr Hodges. Published by special authority.
  • 90935
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    The silken Independents snare broken. By Thomas Prince, close prisoner in the Tower. Turning the mischief intended upon him, in Walwyns Wyles, upon the seven Independent authors thereof, viz. William Kiffin, David Lordell, John Price, Richard Arnald, Edmund Rosier, Henry Foster, Henry Barnet.
  • 90936
    Book Info
    The snare discovered: wherein severall objections against the Nationall Covenant, and the obligation thereof, are calmely argued, in the way of a familiar discourse between a covenanter and an interpendent.
  • 90937
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    The snare is broken wherein is proved by Scripture, law and reason, that the Nationall covenant and oath was unlawfully given and taken ... : here also is vindicated the Parliaments later proceedings, shewing the grounds and principles of the London ministers to be weak and unsound ... : moreover something is said against violence in religion, and the duty of the civill magistrate about worship a
  • 90938
    Book Info
    The snare is broken. Wherein is proved by Scripture, law and reason, that the nationall covenant and oath was unlawfully given and taken: and whatsoever may be probably pretended or objected for it, is fully answered, and refuted. Here also is vindicated the Parliaments later proceedings: shewing the grounds and principles of the London ministers t
  • 90939
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    The souldiers demand· Shewing their present misery; and prescribing a perfect remedy.
  • 90940
    Book Info
    The souls dispensatorie or, A treasure for true believers. Containing arguments and authorities of reason, deduced from the Scriptures, Fathers, and other ecclesiasticall writers; whereby the reader, in many fundamental points of Christian religion, may be enabled to render a reason of his faith. With very devout prayers also, fit to be used upon s