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총 96,172건 중 90,941 - 90,960건 출력
  • 90941
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    The sound beleever a treatise of evangelicall conversion, discovering the work of Christs spirit in reconciling of a sinner to God / by Tho. Shepard ...
  • 90942
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    The speech of Phillip Herbert, late Earle of Pembrook and Montgomery, in the House of Commons, upon passing an act for a day of thanks-giving, for Colonel Jone's victory over the Irish; as it was delivered word for word, and oath for oath. / Taken verbatim by Michael Oldsworth.
  • 90943
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    The speech, of Phillip Herbert, late Earl of Pembroke. At his admittance (as a member) into the honorable House of Commons, in Parliament assembled. Aprill 16th. 1649. After he had been duely elected a burgess for Berkshire instead of Sir Francis Pile, lately deceased. / Taken verbatim by Michael Oldisworth.
  • 90944
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    The speeches of the Lord Generall Fairfax, and the officers of the armie to the Diggers at St. Georges Hill in Surry, and the Diggers severall answers and replies thereunto. Also, the manner of proclaiming the act against the kingly office by the Lord Mayor, and eight aldermen at the Royal Exchange, London. With divers letters concerning the prince
  • 90945
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    The spirituall taste described, and a glimpse of Christ discovered in two parts, grounded on Psal. 34.8 and Malac. 4.2 / by Robert Dingley ... ; with tables, and an alphabeticall index at the end of the booke.
  • 90946
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    The spiritvall man's directory guiding a Christian in the path that leads to true blessednesse in his III maine duties toward God : how to believe, to obey, to pray, unfolding the creed, X. command. Lords Prayer / by that Reverend and faithfull minister of Gods word Mr. William Fennor ...
  • 90947
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    The state of the case of Mr. Hutchinson, concerning monies, for which hee is questioned
  • 90948
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    The subjects sorrovv: or, Lamentations upon the death of Britaines Iosiah King Charles most unjustly and cruelly put to death by his owne people, before his royall palace White-Hall, January the 30, 1648. Expressed in a sermon upon Lam. 4. 20. Wherein the divine and royall prerogatives, personall virtues, and theologicall graces of His late Majesty are briefly delivered: and that His Majesty was
  • 90949
    Book Info
    The subjects sorrovv: or, Lamentations upon the death of Britaines Iosiah, King Charles, most unjustly and cruelly put to death by His owne people, before His Royall Palace White-Hall, January the 30. 1648. Expressed in a sermon upon Lam. 4. 20. Wherein the divine and royall prerogatives, personall virtues, and theologicall graces of His late Majes
  • 90950
    Book Info
    The subjects sorrow: or, Lamentations upon the death of Britains Josiah King Charls most unjustly and cruelly put to death by His owne people, before His Royall Palace White-Hall, January the 30. 1648. Expressed in a sermon upon Lam. 4. 20. Wherein the divine and royall prerogatives, personall virtues, and theologicall graces of His late Majesty ar
  • 90951
    Book Info
    The subjects sorrow: or, Lamentations upon the death of Britains Josiah, King Charles most unjustly and cruelly put to death by His own people, before His Royal Palace White-Hall, Jan. the 30. 1648. Expressed in a sermon upon Lam. 4. 20. Wherein the divine and royal prerogatives, personall vertues, and theologicall graces of His late Majesty are br
  • 90952
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    The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons by Wil. Prynn of Lincolns-Inn, Esquire, on Munday the fourth of December, 1648 touching the Kings answer to the propositions of both Houses upon the whole treaty, whether they were satisfactory, or not satisfactory : wherein the satisfactorinesse of the Kings answers to the propositions for settlement of a firm lasting peace, and future secur
  • 90953
    Book Info
    The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons by Wil. Prynn of Lincolns-Inn, Esquire; on Munday the fourth of December, 1648. Touching the Kings answer to the propositions of both Houses upon the whole treaty, whether they were satisfactory or not satisfactory? Wherein the satisfactoriness of the Kings answers to the propositions for settl
  • 90954
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    The summe of Christian religion breifly comprised under XIV. heads. Fitly and easily to be learned by children in the space of so many weeks, and explained by their teacher upon so many Lords-dayes within that time. Composed for the private use of a countrey parish, schole, and family.
  • 90955
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    A Scripture almanack opening and reconciling difficult Scriptures, and seeming contrary : wherein are parallel'd our vulgar almanack, the new stile and the Scripture kalandars ... / by H.J.
  • 90956
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    A sad message from Heaven threatning destruction to England: except speedily prevented by reall repentance and amendment of life.
  • 90957
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    A salva libertate sent to Colonell Tichburn Lieutenant of the Tower, on Munday, April 17. 1648. By Sir Iohn Gayer knight, late Lord Mayor of London, now prisoner in the Tower, &c. Being occasioned by the receipt of a paper sent unto him by the said lieutenant, wherein the said lieutenant was seemingly anthorized [sic] to carry him before the Lords
  • 90958
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    A salve for the sufferings of the loyall party. A lecture unto London : and an expostulation with the present Parliament, in a theologicall tract, grounded upon the words of the prophet, Amos 3.6. Shall there bee evill in a city and the Lord hath not done it? Expounded and applyed unto these times: / by J.K.D.T.
  • 90959
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    A satyrical catechisme betwixt a newter and a Round-head. Also how the Round-head converted the newter, and promised him an excise office. Very pleasing to reade to all those which love God, honour their King, and are their own wel-wishers. With a song. N. stands for newter, and R. stands for Round-head.
  • 90960
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    A seasonable caution to the Citie of London