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총 96,172건 중 91,021 - 91,040건 출력
  • 91021
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    Several speeches at Guild-Hall for the Kings comming to London, and the day appointed. A list of the dukes, earles, and lords met at Kingston, and others come to them, and of their going from thence. Two chests of armes, and 60. Pistols taken. And a new commission for Maj. Generall Skippon. Also a great fight at Colchester, a hundred prisoners take
  • 91022
    Book Info
    Several votes, orders & ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the setling of the peace of the Kingdom, and bringing to justice the late impeached members. Also debates for repealing of the ordinances of the militia formerly made. With the ordinance for election of a new Lord Major, aldermen, and common-councel-men in the
  • 91023
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    Severall orders of the House of Commons and Committee of the Navie; with the proceedings thereupon, touching the discovery and prevention of transportation of gold and silver: with other abuses practised upon the coyn and bullion of the kingdom.
  • 91024
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    Severall papers and letters betwixt his Excellency the Lord Fairfax the Earle of Norvvich, Lord Capell, Sir Charles Lucas, about the surrender of Colchester. His Excellencies last summons and articles offered upon the surrender thereof with the answer in reply to the same also a letter from his Excellency the Lord Fairfax to the mayor, aldermen, an
  • 91025
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    Severall petitions presented to His Excellency the Lord Fairfax. By the Lievt. Generals Col. Harrisons Coll. Prides Coll. Deanes. regiment. Together with Lievt. Gen. Cromwels letter to his Excellency concerning the same.
  • 91026
    Book Info
    Severall petitions presented to His Excellency the Lord Fairfax. by the Lieut. Generals. Col. Harrisons, Coll. Prides, Coll Deanes. [brace] regiment. : Together with Lievt. Gen. Cromwels letter to His Excellency concerning the same.
  • 91027
    Book Info
    Severall politique and militarie observations upon the civill, and militarie governments, the birth, increase, and decay of monarchies, the carriage of princes, magistrates, commanders, and favourites / collected out of the best, ancient, and modern authors by D.P., Gent., a well-wisher to peace and unitie.
  • 91028
    Book Info
    Severall politique and militarie observations: upon the civill, and militarie governments; the birth, increase, and decay of monarchies, the carriage of princes, magistrates, commanders, and favourites. / Collected out of the best, ancient, and modern authors. By D.P. Gent. a well-wisher to peace and unitie. Published by authoritie.
  • 91029
    Book Info
    Severall politique and militarie observations: upon the civill, and militarie governments; the birth, increase, and decay of monarchies, the carriage of princes, magistrates, commanders, and favourites. Collected out of the best, ancient, and modern authors. / By D.P. Gent. a well-wisher to peace and unitie. Published by authoritie.
  • 91030
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    Severall propositions from the Parliament of Scotland, concerning the Kings Majesties royall person, and the raising of a new army for the defence and preservation of the League and Covenant. With a declaration from the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, to the honourable estates of Parliament, concerning monarchical government in the Kings Ma
  • 91031
    Book Info
    Severall speeches delivered at a conference concerning the power of Parliament, to proeeed [sic] against their King for misgovernment In which is stated: 1. That government by blood is not by law of nature, or divine, but only by humane and positive laws of every particular Common-wealth, and may upon just causes be altered. ... IX. What are the pr
  • 91032
    Book Info
    Severall speeches delivered at a conference concerning the power of Parliament, to proeeed [sic] against their King for misgovernment. In which is stated: I. That government by blood is not by law of nature, or divine, but only by humane and positive laws of every particular common-wealth, and may upon just causes be altered. II. The particular for
  • 91033
    Book Info
    Severall votes and orders of the House of Peeres against Sir John Maynard ( one of the eleven members, impeached of high treason, on Saturday last, when he was brought to the barre, to answer to his charge. With his plea, and refusall to be tryed, and what further order was made therein. Also His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his conference and promise to the Lord Mayor and aldermen of London, in
  • 91034
    Book Info
    Severall votes and orders of the House of Peeres against Sir John Maynard (one of the eleven members, impeached of high treason, on Saturday last, when he was brought to the barre, to answer to his charge. With his plea, and refusall to be tryed, and what further order was made therein. Also His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his conference and prom
  • 91035
    Book Info
    Severall votes and resolution of the Commons assembled in Parliament: for the drawing the Army under the command of the Lord Fairfax into garisons, in order to the late demands made by his Excellency. H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Together with the proposition sent to the King, for security to those of Scotland, who assisted the Parliament of Eng
  • 91036
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    Shon-ap-Lewis 1648 the Welch-mans new almanacke and prognostication and presages and predictions for this present year 1648 : likewise giving notice to all good peoples to beware of the danger that will befall them if they take not heed in good time ... withall, her do forbid to have any red letters to be printed in her almanack ...
  • 91037
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    Siniorragia the sifters sieve broken, or a reply to Doctor Boughen's sifting my case of conscience touching the Kings coronation oath : wherein is cleared that bishops are not jure divino, that their sole government without the help of presbyters is an ursurpation and an innovation, that the Kings oath at coronation is not to be extended to preserv
  • 91038
    Book Info
    Sion College what it is, and doeth. Together with a vindication of that society from the slanderous diffamations of two fell and fiery satyres, the one called Sion College visited : the other The pulpit incendiary. As also a little taste, by the way, of another young thing of Mr. J Goodwins, running about with the shell on the head before it be all
  • 91039
    Book Info
    Sion-Colledg visited. Or, Some briefe animadversions upon a pamphlet lately published, under the title of, A testimonie to the truth of Jesus Christ, and to our Solemne League and Covenant, &c. Subscribed (as is pretended) by the ministers of Christ within the province of London. Calculated more especially for the vindication of certaine passages c
  • 91040
    Book Info
    Sir Arthur Hesilrige's letter to the honorable committee of Lords & Commons at Derby-House, concerning the revolt and recovery of Tinmouth-castle. In which action, Lieutenant Col: Lilburn (Governor of the castle) was slain, with divers seamen and others.