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총 96,172건 중 91,061 - 91,080건 출력
  • 91061
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    Strange news from the north: or The sectaries sacrifice being a true relation of a horrid murther committed by three sectaries, at a place called Kerbymoorside in the county of York; who first offered a cock, secondly a hen, thirdly a dog, fourthly a calf, and lastly their own deer mother in sacrifice : for which they were apprehended and are now i
  • 91062
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    Strange-predictions related at Catericke in the north of England: by one who saw a vision, and told it himselfe to the company with whom he was drinking healths; how he was struck, and an angel appeared to him with a sword. A revelation made to him; and the whole narrative of the same. Certified by a letter from an eminent person.
  • 91063
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    Subtilty and cruelty: or A true relation of Sr Sackvile Crow his designe of seizing and possessing himselfe of all the estate of the English in Turky. With the progresse he made, and the meanes he used in the execution thereof. Manifested by sundry warrants, instructions, and letters under his owne hand and seale, and by other evidence.
  • 91064
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    Summa philosophiae quadripartita, de rebus dialecticis, ethicis, physicis, & metaphysicis autore Fr. Eustachio ...
  • 91065
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    Sundry reasons inducing Major Robert Huntingdon [sic] to lay down his commission, humbly presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament
  • 91066
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    Sundry reasons inducing Major Robert Huntingdon [sic] to lay down his commission, humbly presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament
  • 91067
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    Sundry reasons inducing Major Robert Huntington to lay down his commission, humbly presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament
  • 91068
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    Sundry reasons inducing Major Robert Huntington to lay down his commission. Humbly presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament.
  • 91069
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    Suspiria Ecclesiae & reipublica Anglicanae The sighs of the Church and common-wealth of England, or, An exhortation to humiliation with a help thereunto, setting forth the great corruptions and mseries [sic] of this present church and state with the remedies that are to be applyed thereunto / by Thomas Warmstry.
  • 91070
    Book Info
    Swallow 1648 an almanacke for the yeere of our Lord God 1648, being bissextile or leap-yeare and from the worlds creation ... calculated properly for the famous university of town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degrees and 17 minutes above the horizon.
  • 91071
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    The Saints travel to the land of Canaan Wherein is discovered seventeen false rests below the spirituall coming of Christ in the Saints. Together with a brief discovery of what the coming of Christ in the spirit is; who is the alone rest and center of spirits. By R. Wilkinson. A member of the army.
  • 91072
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    The Sallies forth by the Lord Goring and Sir Charles Lucas at Coulchester, on Monday and Tuesday last the manner of the severall fights, and the number that were killed and taken prisoners on both sides : the taking of the enemies court of guard, the setting fire thereof, and burning downe the wind-mills : with the examination of Mr. Osburn touching the Kings Majesty, and the speech of Alderman A
  • 91073
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    The Scotch design discovered in their late subtile declaration: laying open the falshood and deseit of their specious pretences therein. Together with the ground, rise, and progresse made, in this their present treasonable invasion of England. Written by a didligent observer of all transactions in Scotland, to his friends in England. And published
  • 91074
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    The Scotch-cabinet picklocke apprehended and examined in a view and briefe answer to 5 queries, or reasons against a personall treaty betwixt the King and Parliament published in a late scandalous pamphlet entituled The Scotch cabinet opened, tending much to the hinderance of a desired happy peace, and a further continuance of our now abhorred unna
  • 91075
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    The Scots apostacy, displayed, in a treacherous invasion of the English against the law of nations, and during, not only a common league, but an extraordinary compact and covenant with the Parliament of England.
  • 91076
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    The Scots beaten with their own weapons, and their playing fast and loose with King and Parliament clearly discovered. Which may serve also for a full (and briefe) answer to the Scots last large papers. Published for the satisfaction both of city and countrey, concerning the King and the Scots. Imprimatur Gilbert Mabbot.
  • 91077
    Book Info
    The Scots cabinett opened. Wherein you have a short and full account of the secret transactions of the late affaires, by the Scots Commissioners with the King and Parliament, and the invisible steps, by which wee are brought to a new warre. Together with some quaeries concerning a personall treatie; propounded to awaken the spirits of all true Engl
  • 91078
    Book Info
    The Scots mist yet gathering to wet English-men to the skinne, or, The people and souldiers observations on the Scots declaration to the Parliament of England. July 1648 compared with their former observations on the Scots message November 1647. And both of them, with the Scotts present invasion of England, by a great army of old souldiers and Irish rebells, for all our goods, to be forcibly main
  • 91079
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    The Scots nut-crackers, to break crackt crowns, and new-mould scepters, after the fashion of the northern blew-bonnets. With an accompt of the state of the two kingdomes of England and Scotland. Licensed and published by authority.
  • 91080
    Book Info
    The Scots resolution, wherein they expresse their intentions to come to Sir Marmaduke Langdale, about the 15. of this present month of June, 1648. Also, three votes of the House agreed on by the Lords and Commons, to be sent to Scotland for their agreement thereunto, and so to be presented to His Majesties royall person, to be enacted before any pe