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총 96,172건 중 91,081 - 91,100건 출력
  • 91081
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    The Scots resolution, wherein, they expresse their intentions to come to Sir Marmaduke Langdale about the 15. of this present month of June, 1648. Also, three votes of the House agreed on by the Lords and Commons, to be sent to Scotland for their agreement thereunto, and so to be presented to His Majesties royall person, to be enacted before any pe
  • 91082
    Book Info
    The Scottish mist dispel'd: or, A clear reply to the prevaricating answer of the Commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland, to both Houses of Parliament; upon the new propositions for peace. And the foure bills sent to his Majesty, 1647. / By an English covenanter.
  • 91083
    Book Info
    The Scottish mist dispel'd: or, A cleare reply to the prevaricating answer of the Commissioners of the kingdome of Scotland, to both Houses of Parliament; upon the new propositions for peace. And the foure bills sent to his Majesty, 1647. By an English covenanter
  • 91084
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    The sacramental stumbling-block removed. Or a brief discourse concerning examination by the congregational eldership, before admittance to the sacrament. Wherein all contrary scruples are silenced : the equity and necessity of that duty vindicated, both by scripture, and undenyable arguments. Set forth for, 1. The satisfaction of the weake. 2. The
  • 91085
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    The sacrifice of the faithfull, or, A treatise shewing the nature, property, and efficacy of zealous prayer together with some motives to prayer, and helps against discouragements in prayer : to which is added seven profitable sermons / by William Fenner ...
  • 91086
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    The sad, and bloody fight at VVestminster between the souldiers of the Parliaments guard and the club-men of Surrey. With a copy of their petition to the Parliament. And the proceedings of both Houses upon the same, Die Mercurius, May 16. 1648. This is appointed to be printed and published to prevent mis-representations herein. Imprimatur, Gilb. Ma
  • 91087
    Book Info
    The safest convoy, or, the strongest helper. Declared in a valedictory sermon, before the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Bendih [sic] baronet. His Majesties ambassadour, now resident with the Grand Seigneur at Constantinople. / Delivered in Dionis Back-Church, by Nathanaell Hardy, preacher to that parish.
  • 91088
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    The saints encouragement in evil times: or Observations concerning the martyrs in generall with some memorable collections out of Foxes three volumes. Martin Luther. The covenant and promises. Living and dying by faith. By Edward Leigh Esquire.
  • 91089
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    The saints paradise or, the Fathers teaching the only satisfaction to waiting souls. Wherein many experiences are recorded, for the comfort of such as are under spirituall burning. The inward testimony is the souls strength. / By Jerrard Winstanley.
  • 91090
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    The sea-mans diall, or, The mariners card: directing unto the safe port of Christian obedience. And shewing the reasons which moved the authour, a sea commander, to returne unto his loyalty, and the service of the Soveraigne. As it was sent in a letter to a private friend, to be published from him unto the seamen; and is by this friend thus intitul
  • 91091
    Book Info
    The sea-mans kalender. Or, An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres As also, a table of the longitude and latitude, of all the most eminent places of the world, very exactly calculated by John Tap. The twentieth impression, newly corrected and inlarged, with many additions, viz. Tables of the sunnes equall
  • 91092
    Book Info
    The sea-mans kalender. Or, An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres As also, a table of the longitude and latitude, of all the most eminent places of the world, very exactly calculated by John Tap. The twentieth impression, newly corrected and inlarged, with many additions, viz. Tables of the sunnes equall motions, and finding of the sunnes true place. Ne
  • 91093
    Book Info
    The sea-men undeceived: or, Certaine queries to a printed paper, intituled, The humble tender and declaration of many wel-affected sea-men, commanders of ships, and members of Trinity-House, to the commissioners of the navy. Wherein are may [sic] objections answered, very necessary for publick use in these times. / By R.B. a seaman, and member of t
  • 91094
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    The sea-mens ansvver to the motives lately alledged, to draw them from their duty and service to the Prince of Wales, and to ingage them in the cause against His Highnesse.
  • 91095
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    The second booke, concerning the three principles of the divine essence of the eternall, dark, light, and temporary vvorld shewing what the soule, the image and the spirit of the soule are : as also what angels, heaven, and paradise are : how Adam was before the fall, in the fall, and after the fall : and what the wrath of God, sinne, death, the devils and hell are, how all things have been, now
  • 91096
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    The second centurie.
  • 91097
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    The second centurie. 1. Cornelius Holland, his father died in the Fleete for debt, ...
  • 91098
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    The second centurie. 1. Cornelius Holland, his father died in the Fleete for debt,...
  • 91099
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    The second centurie. 1. Cornelius Holland, his father died in the Fleete for debt,...
  • 91100
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    The second part of Crafty Crvmwell, or, Oliver in his glory as king a trage commedie wherein is presented, the late treasonable undertakings, and proceedings, of the rebells, their murthering of Capt. Burley, with their underhand workings to betray their King / vvritten by Marcurius [sic] Pragmaticus.