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총 96,172건 중 91,101 - 91,120건 출력
  • 91101
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    The second part of the Westminster monster, whereunto is added, Pembrooke's passe from Oxford to his grave.
  • 91102
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    The second part of the narrative concerning the Armies force and violence upon the Commons House, and Members.
  • 91103
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    The sence of Iohn VVarners speech in his personall capacity, spoken by the Lord Mayor of London in his politique capacity: or A declaration delivered from Iohn, and my Lord, utterd from them both, with one mouth, Apr. 25. 1648. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Oliver Crumvvell and the rest of the saints militant. Signed Michell.
  • 91104
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    The severall fights neere Colchester in Essex. A list of the names of the knights, collonels and chiefe officers, taken and killed on both sides, 5 piece of ordnance taken, 3 colours, and 600 armes, 3 lords, divers knights and collonels, and 4000 cooped up in Colchester. Also Major Generall Lamberts victories in the North, Sir Marmaduke Langdale dr
  • 91105
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    The severall ordinances and declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the abolishing of archbishops and bishops within the kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales and for settling of their lands and professions upon trustees for the use of the Common-wealth.
  • 91106
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    The sincere convert discovering the small number of true beleevers and the great difficulty of saving-conversion : wherein is excellently and plainly opened these choyce and divine principles: viz : 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious, 2. that God made man in a blessed estate, 3. mans misery by his fall, 4. Christ the onely redeemer by price, 5. that few are saved and that with
  • 91107
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    The sinne of hardnesse of heart: the nature, danger, and remedy of it. Opened in a sermon, preached to the Honorable House of Commons, July 28. 1648. being the day of their solemne monethly fast. By Stephen Marshall, B.D. minister of Gods Word at Finchingfield in Essex. Published by order of that House.
  • 91108
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    The smoak of the Temple cleared, through the light of the Scripture· By the unworthiest of al the ministers of Christ Jo. Brayne.
  • 91109
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    The smoak of the botomlesse pit, differenced from the smoaking flax. Or, the sinne and blasphemy against the holy Ghost plainly and briefly set down in a sermon. Wherein is shewed, 1. The antecedaneous qualifications of the person committing the sinne 2. The acts of this sinne. 3. The qualifications of those acts. 4. The sad consequents of the sinn
  • 91110
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    The songs of the Old and New Testament in meeter by M. Zachary Boyd ...
  • 91111
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    The soules soliloquie: and, a conference with conscience As it was delivered in a sermon before the King at Newport in the Isle of Wight, on the 25 of October, being the monthly fast, during the late treaty. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Brian Duppa, Ld. Bp. of Salisbury.
  • 91112
    Book Info
    The soules soliloquie: and, a conference with conscience. As it was delivered in a sermon before the King at Newport in the Isle of Wight, on the 25 of October, being the monthly fast, during the late treaty. / By the Right Reverend Father in God, Brian Duppa, Ld. Bp. of Salisbury.
  • 91113
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    The souls excellency or, A sweet meditation of the preciousnesse of the soul of man. A subject fit for every man and woman in the world, to fixe their best and choisest thoughts upon: who desire to begin heaven here, and to live with God in heaven for ever. By J.O.
  • 91114
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    The speech of William Ashhurst Esquire; one of the commissioners of the Parliament of England, at Edenborough, the 28 of Febr. 1647 Upon their first hearing by a committee of Lords and others, appointed for that purpose by the committee of estates of Scotland; as it was taken by one that was then present.
  • 91115
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    The spirituall madman, or, A prophesie concerning, the King, the Parliament, London, the Army; of the admirable fulnesse, and compleatnesse, of the restauration, and satisfaction of all interests. / Written by VVilliam Sedgewick.
  • 91116
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    The spirituall man's directorie guiding a Christian in the path that leads to true blessednesse in his III. maine duties towards God : how [brace] to believe, to obey, to pray [brace] : unfolding the [brace] Creed, X. Command., the Lords prayer / by that reverend and faithfull minister of Gods word Mr. William Fennor ...
  • 91117
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    The spirituall verses and prose of James Hunt, which shall be plainly showne, God hath lighted my candle within his glorious throne.
  • 91118
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    The spring of strengthning grace in the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ demonstrated in a plain and short sermon / preached at Twickenham in Middlesex, near Hampton-Court, April 16, 1648, by Thomas Hill ...
  • 91119
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    The staffe set at the Parliaments owne doore. Being a true relation of divers remarkable passages that befell on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, being the fifth, sixth, and seventh dayes of this instant December, at the head-quarters and ar [sic] Westminster between his Excellency, the Parliament, & the city trained bands. Together with his Excel
  • 91120
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    The state of the Kingdome represented to the people concerning the King, Parliament, Army, and the whole land. In a rejoynder, by way of animadversions upon the ansvver to the Agreement of the People. Written by William Ashhurst Esquire. January 23. 1648. Imprimatur Gilbert Mabbott.