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총 96,172건 중 91,121 - 91,140건 출력
  • 91121
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    The still-borne nativitie, or a copy of an incarnation sermon, that should have been delivered at St. Margarets-Westminster, on Saturday, December the five and twenty, 1647. in the afternoone, by N.B but prevented by the committee for plunder'd ministers who sent and seized the preacher, carried him from the vestry of the said church, and committed
  • 91122
    Book Info
    The still-borne nativitie, or, A copy of an incarnation sermon that should have been delivered at St. Margarets-Westminster, on Saturday, December the five and twenty, 1647, in the afternoone, by N.B., but prevented by the committee for plunder'd ministers, who sent and seized the preacher, carried him from the vestry of the said church, and committed him to the fleet, for his undertaking to prea
  • 91123
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    The strength of the saints to make Jesvs Christ their strength which heavenly skill was briefly commended and prescribed in a morning exercise in Westminster Abbey, the 19th of April, 1648 / by Thomas Hill ...
  • 91124
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    The strife of brethren, and A treaty for peace two sermons, the one preached at the morning lecture ... / by John Fathers ...
  • 91125
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    The svvords abuse asserted: or, A word to the Army; shewing, the weakness of carnal weapons in spiritual warfare. The sword an useless tool in temple work: and the bearer thereof an unfit builder. Tendred to the serious consideration of His Excellency, the Lord Fairfax, and his General Councel, upon occasion of their late debates about the clause c
  • 91126
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    A Scripture almanack, or, A calculation for the year 1647 not only according to the English and beyond-sea accounts, but also according to the word of God ... / by H.J. ...
  • 91127
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    A Short and true narrative of the departure from England, sicknesse and death of that late worthy knight, Sir Philip Stapleton attested under the hands of foure of those gentlemen that went with him ; with a briefe character of his person &c.
  • 91128
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    A scourge for the directorie, and the revolting synod. Which hath sitten this 5. yeares, more for foure shillings a day, then for conscience sake. / By Judge Jenkins.
  • 91129
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    A scourge for the directorie, and the revolting synod. Which hath sitten this 5. yeares, more for foure shillings a day, then for conscience sake. / By Judge Jenkins.
  • 91130
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    A second apologie of all the private soldiers in his excellencies sir Thomas Fairfax his army, to their commission officers.
  • 91131
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    A second letter from the agitators of the army, under the command of his Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, sent unto all the sea-men. / Published by the order and speciall desire of the said agitators.
  • 91132
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    A sectary dissected, or, The anatomie of an Independent flie, still buzzing about city and country. In a sudden, but not rash censure, of a scurrilous petition, intended to be obtruded upon the Parliament by our sectaries.
  • 91133
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    A sermon against false prophets preached in St. Maries Church in Oxford, shortly after the surrender of that garrison / by Iasper Maine ...
  • 91134
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    A sermon against false prophets. Preached in St. Maries Church in Oxford, shortly after the surrender of that garrison. /
  • 91135
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    A sermon concerning unity & agreement preached at Carfax Church in Oxford, August 9, 1646 / by Iasper Maine ...
  • 91136
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    A sermon of assurance Foureteene yeares agoe preached in Cambridge, since in other places. Now by the importunity of friends exposed to publike view. By Thomas Fuller B.D. late lecturer in Lombard Street.
  • 91137
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    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, March 31, 1647 by R. Cudworth ...
  • 91138
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    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, March 31. 1647. By R. Cudworth, B.D.
  • 91139
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    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their late monethly fast, being on Wednesday, June 30. 1647. / By Nathaniel Ward Minister of Gods Word.
  • 91140
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    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons: at their publique fast, holden in Margarets Westminster. Febr. 24. 1646./47. / By John Lightfoot, Staffordiens. a Member of the Assembly of Divines.