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  • 91141
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    A sermon preached to the two Houses of Parliament, at their solemn meeting to praise God for his infinite mercy in the restoring of the said Houses of Parliament to their honor and freedome with so little effusion of blood: at the Abbey-Church in Westminster, Aug. 12. 1647. / By Stephen Marshall, B.D. Minister of Finchingfield in Essex.
  • 91142
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    A short and true narrative of the departure from England, sicknesse, and death, of that late worthy knight, Sir Philip Stapleton, attested under the hands of foure of those gentlemen that went with him. With a briefe character of his person, &c.
  • 91143
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    A short but full discourse of the power of parliaments and how far their intrusted power may extend. As also the great interests of the King therein, acknowledged heretofore in all ages. Sent from the army to a worthy friend in London, and writen there by a learned divine, who upon some high imployments hath been conversant late amongst them.
  • 91144
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    A short but full discourse of the power of parliaments: and how far their intrusted power may extend. As also the great interests of the King therein, acknowledged heretofore in all ages. / Sent from the army to a worthy friend in London, and writen there by a learned divine, who upon some high imployments hath been conversant late amongst them.
  • 91145
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    A short catchisme being a briefe instruction of the most ignorant before the receiving of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper / by Obadiah Sedgewick.
  • 91146
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    A short catechisme, or The examination of communicants concerning their knowledge before they be admitted to the sacrament of the Lords Supper, being according to the rules in the ordinance of Parliament, (Octob. 20. 1645.) the heads whereof are these: viz. 1. Concerning God. 2. Concerning man. 3. Concerning the mediatour. 4. Concerning the applica
  • 91147
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    A short essay of afflictions, or, Balme to comfort if not cure those that sinke or languish under present misfortunes, and are not prepared in these unsetled times to meet all events with constant and equall tempers written from one of His Majesties garrisons as a private advise to his onely sonne, and by him printed to satisfie the importuniry of
  • 91148
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    A short history of the Anabaptists of high and low Germany
  • 91149
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    A short institution of grammar
  • 91150
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    A sleeping sicknes the distemper of the times: as it was discovered in its curse and cure. In a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Peeres in the Abby-Church at Westminster upon the 27th of January, the day appointed for their solemne and publicke humiliation. / By William Jenkyn Minister of Gods Word at Christ-Church London.
  • 91151
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    A solemn engagement of the army under the command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax with a declaration of their resolutions, as to disbanding, and a briefe vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to divers scandalous things suggested against them : together with the representations of the dissatifactions of the Army, in relation to the late resolutions for so sudden disbandi
  • 91152
    Book Info
    A solemne engagement of the army under the command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax; with a declaration of their resolutions, as to disbanding; and a brief vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to divers scandalous things suggested against them. Together with the representations of the dis-satisfactions of the army, in rela
  • 91153
    Book Info
    A solemne ingagement of the armie under the command of His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax with a declaration of their resolutions as to disbanding : and a brief vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to diverse scandalous things suggested against them : read, asserted unto, and subscribed by all the offices and souldiers of the s
  • 91154
    Book Info
    A solemne ingagement of the armie under the command of His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax with a delcaration of their resolutions as to disbanding : and a brief vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to diverse scandalous things suggested against them : read, asserted unto, and subscribed by all the offices and souldiers of the severall regiments at the general rendezvouz near
  • 91155
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    A soveraigne antidote against all griefe as also the benefit of affiction, and how to husband it so, that the weakest Christian (with blessing from above) may be able to support himselfe in his most miserable exigents : together with the victory of patience extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and moderne, both holy and humane, necessary
  • 91156
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    A soveraigne antidote against grief as also, the benefit of affliction and how to husband it so that the weakest Christian (with blessing from above) may be able to support himselfe in his most miserable exigents : together with the victory of patience : extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and moderne, both holy and humane, necessary to be read of all that any may suffer tribulation /
  • 91157
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    A speedy hue and crie: after Generall Massie, Col. Poyntz, Sir Robert Pye, William Pryn, and many other new-modelled reformadoes. Who for countenancing tumults, betraying their trust to the army, keeping backe supplies from languishing Ireland, plotting and contriving a most horrid and bloody designe of prosecuting a new warre, and ingaging the Cit
  • 91158
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    A spirituall song of a mayds name called Mabell Anna Tatton made by a tenant of the Lord of Canturburies, in the counter in Wood-Streete, very usefull and comfortable both for a believer in particular, and the Church of Christ in generall, James 5. 13. Colos. 3. 16.
  • 91159
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    A still and soft voice from the scripture vvitnessing them to be the vvord of God.
  • 91160
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    A strange and true relation of a young woman possest with the Devill, by name Joyce Dovey ... with a particular of her actions, and how the evill spirit speakes within her, giving fearefull answers unto those ministers and others that come to discourse with her / as it was certified in a letter from Mr. Iames Dalton unto Mr. Tho. Groome ... ; also A letter from Cambridge, wherein is related the l