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총 96,172건 중 91,221 - 91,240건 출력
  • 91221
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    Speculum nauticum
  • 91222
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    Spiritual thrift. Or, Meditations wherein humble Christians (as in a mirrour) may view the verity of their saving graces, and may see how to make a spirituall improvement of all opportunities and advantages of a pious proficiencie (or a holy growth) in grace and goodnesse. And wherein is layd open many errours incident to these declining times, / b
  • 91223
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    Spirituall vvhordome discovered in a sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, upon the solemn day of humiliation, May 26. 1647. / By Tho. Case, preacher in Milkstreet, London; and one of the Assembly of Divines.
  • 91224
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    St. Edwards ghost: or, Anti-Normanisme: being a patheticall complaint and motion in the behalfe of our English nation against her grand (yet neglected) grievance, Normanisme.
  • 91225
    Book Info
    St. Edwards ghost: or, anti-Normanisme: being a patheticall complaint and motion in the behalfe of our English nation against her grand (yet neglected) grievance, Normanisme.
  • 91226
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    Stanbrigii embrion relimatum, seu, Vocabularium metricum olim à Iohanne Stanbrigio digestum hune verò locupletatum, defaecatum, legitimo nec non rotondo plerumque carmine exultans, &c in majorem pueritiae balbutienis usum undequaque accommodatum, extrema opera & industria Ioh. Brinslaei.
  • 91227
    Book Info
    Stand still: Or, A bridle for the times A discourse tending to still the murmuring, to settle the wavering, to stay the wandring, to strengthen the fainting. As it was delivered to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth, Anno 1643. By John Brinsley, Minister of the Word there, and now published as a proper antidote against the present epidemicall dist
  • 91228
    Book Info
    Stand still: Or, A bridle for the times. A discourse tending to still the murmuring, to settle the wavering, to stay the wandring, to strengthen the fainting. As it was delivered to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth, Anno 1643. / By John Brinsley, Minister of the Word there, and now published as a proper antidote against the present epidemicall d
  • 91229
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    Strange and terrible nevves from Moor-fields being a true & ful relation of the great mutiny that happened in Moor-Fields upon Sunday last, being the one and twentieth day of this instant moneth of March, at Justice Hubbards house; where a great company of young men and apprentices broke open the doores of the said house, for the rescuing of some p
  • 91230
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    Strange and true newes of an ocean of flies dropping out of a cloud, upon the towne of Bodnam in Cornwall. To the tune of Cheevy Chase. When kings have lost their reignes and power, then clouds upon us judgements showre.
  • 91231
    Book Info
    Strange and true newes of an ocean of flies dropping out of a cloud, upon the towne of Bodnam in Cornwall. To the tune of Cheevy Chase. When kings have lost their reignes and power, then clouds upon us judgements showre.
  • 91232
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    Strange nevves from Campania a province in Italy: being a true relation of one who slept at noon-time of day, how his spirit was transported into the province of Campania in Italy, by chance, near unto the lake Avernus, also his discourse with an old man of that province, concerning the present distempers in those parts, not unlike these in England
  • 91233
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    Strange newes from New-Gate: or A true relation of the false prophet that appeared in Butolphs Church near Bishops-Gate upon Sunday last in sermon time, professing himself to be Christ. With his examination before the Lord Mayor, and his confession. Also his examination at the Sessions in the Old-Bayly before the judges.
  • 91234
    Book Info
    Strange newes from Scotland, or, A Strange relation of a terrible and prodigious monster borne to the amazement of all those that were spectators, in the Kingdome of Scotland, in a village neere Edenborough, call'd Hadensworth, Septem. 14. 1647. and the words the said monster spoke at its birth.
  • 91235
    Book Info
    Strange newes from Scotland, or, A Strange relation of a terrible and prodigious monster, borne to the amazement of all those that were spectators, in the kingdome of Scotland, in a village neere Edenborough, call'd Hadensworth, Septem. 14. 1647. and the words the said monster spake at its birth.
  • 91236
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    Study to be quiet: or, A short vievv of the miseries of warre, with the necessity of peace. Also, the character of a peaceable man: whose motto is, I am for peace, Psal. 120. vers. 7.. [sic] / By a dyer.
  • 91237
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    Swallow, 1647 an almanacke for the yeere of our Lord God, 1647 : being the third after bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation, 5657 : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge ...
  • 91238
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    Synonyma, sive, Copia vocum Hebraicarum in ordinem alphabeticum reducta deinde, Verba quaedam Anglicana, Latina, Graecaque ab Hebraeo fonte deducta, in calce adjecta.
  • 91239
    Book Info
    Synonyma: sive, Copia vocum Hebraicarum in ordinem alphabeticum reducta. Deinde, Verba quaedam Anglicana, Latina, Graecaque ab Hebraeo fonte deducta, in calce adjecta.
  • 91240
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    The Samaritans box newly opened: powring his oyl into the wounds of a distressed kingdome; and communicating wholsom advice to all estates, especially to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, the Honourable Councel of War, together with the Agitators of the Army. Wherein is laid down 1. The particular causes of all our calamities. 2. Divers considerat