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총 96,172건 중 91,241 - 91,260건 출력
  • 91241
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    The Scotch Presbyterian vveather-cock pearch'd upon our English steeples: or, An historicall narration of the variable chances and changes of Presbyterian government in Scotland, and may consequently be in England. With The churches deformation. To the tune of Tom of Bedlam.
  • 91242
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    The Scotch souldiers speech concerning the Kings coronation-oath.
  • 91243
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    The Scotch souldiers speech concerning the kings coronation-oath.|Scotch soldiers speech concerning the kings coronation oath
  • 91244
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    The Scots apostacy
  • 91245
    Book Info
    The Scots apostacy.
  • 91246
    Book Info
    The Scots apostacy.
  • 91247
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    The Scots constancy. Or, An answer to Cleveland's Scots apostacy.
  • 91248
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    The Scots declaration, against the toleration of sects and sectaries, and the liberty of conscience. Together with their protestation, to live and die for the maintenance of the Covenant, the performance of the late treaty, the preservation of his Majesty and posterity. Also his Majesties own speech at large, concerning the setling of religion, and
  • 91249
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    The Scots policie: to asassinate our English monarchy. Who hide their worldly encroachments, under pretence of religion. And by introducing their owne government in England, would thereby become not only equall with us, but of our mercenaries become our lords. All which is discoursed by way of complaint made by the Scotch presbytery.
  • 91250
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    The Scots treacherous designes discovered, or, A result to the pamphlet, intituled, The Scots remonstrance with a true relation of their proceedings at Newcastle, Hereford, Newark, and other parts of this kingdome : wherein their hypocrisie in religion, ingratitude to the king, falsenesse to this kingdome, unmercifulnesse in plundring, crueltie in
  • 91251
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    The Scots-mans remonstrance. Or, A vindication of the Scots: with a short relation of all the proceedings since the time they came into England. Together vvith the present estate - and future intentions of that nation.
  • 91252
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    The Scottish politike presbyter, slaine by an English independent. Or, The independents victory over the Presbyterian party. The rigour of the Scotch government, their conniving and bribing: the lewdnesse and debaucherie of the elders in secret. A tragi-comedie.
  • 91253
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    The Second part to the same tune, or, The letanie continued
  • 91254
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    The Severall divisions and persons for classicall presbyteries in the county of Salop approved by the Right Honorable Committee of Lords and Commons for Judging of Scandals.
  • 91255
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    The saints desire, or, A cordiall for a fainting soule declaring that in Christs righteousnesse onely ... there is life, happiness, peace ... also the happy estate of a man in Christ ... / by Samuel Richardson.
  • 91256
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    The saints hiding-place in the time of Gods anger. Presented in a sermon to the Right Honorable the House of lords assembled in Parliament, in the abby-church at Westminster, October 28. 1646. the solemn day of their monthly fast. / By William Bridge ...
  • 91257
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    The saints perfect in this life, or never. Collected and gathered from scripture in the letter thereof, and the spirituall sence of the same. By N. Couling, an officer in the Army, and a well-wisher to the truth.
  • 91258
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    The second century of Good thoughts in bad times Consisting of personall meditations. Scripture observations. Meditations on the times. Meditations on all kind of prayers. Occasionall meditations. By Tho. Fuller. B.D.
  • 91259
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    The second part of The committee-man curried By the first author, S.S.
  • 91260
    Book Info
    The second part of The committee-man curried. By the first author, S.S.