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총 96,172건 중 91,281 - 91,300건 출력
  • 91281
    Book Info
    The sword of Christian magistracy supported: or A full vindication of Christian kings and magistrates authority under the Gospell, to punish idolatry, apostacy, heresie, blasphemy, and obstinate schism, with pecuniary, corporall, and in some cases with banishment, and capitall punishments. Wherein this their jurisdiction is cleared, asserted, by ar
  • 91282
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    The synagogue, or, The shadow of the temple sacred poems and private ejaculations, in imitation of Mr. George Herbert.
  • 91283
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    A sea-fight: two ships taken by Captain Southwood, and Captain Faulkner. Prince Chares [sic] his letters, with a commission; and other letters and papers taken at Paroes, with provisions and ammunition going to relieve Pendennis Castle. With 6 pieces of ordnance, 3 murderers, 20 barrels of gun-powder 10 barrels of beef, 6 chaldron of coals, 3 fat o
  • 91284
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    A sermon concerning unity & agreement preached at Carfax Church in Oxford, August 9, 1646 / by Jasper Maine ...
  • 91285
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    A sermon concerning unity & agreement. Preached at Carfax Church in Oxford, August 9. 1646. / By one of the students of Christ-Church.
  • 91286
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    A sermon of consolation for all true Christians; as it was lately delivered at London-VVall, / by Mr Till, a faithfull minister of Jesus Christ, who though he be deprived of his outward bodily sight, yet is indued with inward spirituall light. Taken from him as it was delivered in short-hand, and now published for the comfort of all true Christians
  • 91287
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    A sermon preached at Balderton March 27. 1646. Being a day of humiliation thorow-out the whole army before Newark. / By Robert Ram minister of Spalding in Lincolnshire, and chaplaine to Colonell Rossiter.
  • 91288
    Book Info
    A sermon preached at the funerall of Mrs. Alice Bray, wife to Francis Bray of Farthingo, neere Brackley in the county of Northampton, Gent. Vpon Psalme 37. and vers. 37. March the 2. 1645. / By W.I. minister there.
  • 91289
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    A sermon preached before the Commissioners of both kingdomes, the same day they delivered the propositions to the Kings Maiesty, for a safe and well-grounded peace. / By Samuel Kem, Batchelour in Divinity.
  • 91290
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    A sermon preached before the Honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at their late solemn fast, August 26. 1646. in Margarets Westminster. / By Jer: Burroughes.
  • 91291
    Book Info
    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament: at their late solemn fast, Octob. 28. 1646. in Margarets Westminster. / By Nicholas Lockyer, M.A.
  • 91292
    Book Info
    A sermon preached before the reverend Committee of divines, the 20th of May 1646 At their usuall place of meeting in Westminster. Vpon a text given the day before, by that godly and learned member of the Assembly Mr John Ley chair-man. By Sampson Bond minister of Gods word, at Mayden-head in Berks. Printed according to order.
  • 91293
    Book Info
    A sermon preached before the reverend Committee of divines, the 20th of May 1646. At their usuall place of meeting in Westminster. Vpon a text given the day before, by that godly and learned member of the Assembly Mr John Ley chair-man. / By Sampson Bond minister of Gods word, at Mayden-head in Berks. Printed according to order.
  • 91294
    Book Info
    A sermon preached before the right honourable the House of Lords in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th of August, 1645 being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation : whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr. Colemans late printed sermon upon Job 11.20, in which he hath endeavoured to strike at the root of all church-government / by George Gille
  • 91295
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    A shadovv of the victory of Christ, represented to the Honourable House of Commons, in a sermon preached at Margarets Westminster on the day of the publick fast, Octob. 28. 1646. / By John Maynard, Minister of the Gospel at Mayfield in Sussex.
  • 91296
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    A short catechisme composed according to the rules and directions concerning susupension from the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in case of ignorance : and published for the helpe of ignorant people, by J.B.
  • 91297
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    A short catechisme holding forth and explaining the first principles of the oracles of God. Imprimatur, Ia: Cranford.
  • 91298
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    A short catechisme or the examination of communicants concerning their knowledge before they come to receive the sacrament of the Lords Supper, being according to the Ordinance of Parliament Octob. 20. 1645. Wherein is unfolded by question and answer, what he is to know, 1. Concerning God. 2. Concerning man. 3. Concerning the mediator. 4. Concernin
  • 91299
    Book Info
    A short catechisme: composed, according to the rules and directions concerning suspension from the sacrament of the Lords Supper, in case of ignorance. And published for the helpe of ignorant people. By J.B. minister at Bradford in Somerset.
  • 91300
    Book Info
    A short conference between a scrupling Presbyterian, and a Puritan concerning maintenance for the gospel ministrie wherein dialogue-wise is lovingly argued; whether tythes, or any other stinted proportion of mens estates, may now under the gospel be required by the ministers, or pay'd by the people, by vertue of any expresse warrant, or good conseq