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총 96,172건 중 91,321 - 91,340건 출력
  • 91321
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    Select cases of conscience touching vvitches and vvitchcrafts. By Iohn Gaule, preacher of the Word at Great Staughton in the county of Huntington.
  • 91322
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    Selfe-examination required in every one, for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper first, delivered in a sermon, preparatory to the sacrament, in the church of Martines in the Fields now published for the inhabitants there, and for the publick good Also, a short catechisme drawn out of the same, for the instruction of the meanest capacity. By D.
  • 91323
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    Several letters from the Parliament and General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to the Houses of Parliament of England, the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and Common Councel of the city of London, and the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Published by authority.
  • 91324
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    Several letters of great consequence intercepted by Colonel Milton, near Ruthyn in VVales, concerning Irish forces to be brought into England, with other matters of great consequence. Together with a letter sent out of Ireland, to Mr. Pierrepont a member of the House of Commons, concerning the passage, imprisonment, and enlargement of the Earl of G
  • 91325
    Book Info
    Several letters of great consequence intercepted by Colonel Milton, near Ruthyn in VVales, concerning Irish forces to be brought into England, with other matters of great consequence. Together with a letter sent out of Ireland, to Mr. Pierrepont a member of the House of Commons, concerning the passage, imprisonment, and enlargement of the Earl of G
  • 91326
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    Several letters to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker to the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning the gallant proceedings of Sir Tho. Fairfax army in the west. Viz. the surrendering up of Exeter on this present Monday: the taking of 80 prisoners, with the works and line about Pendennis Castle by Col. Hamond; the taking of 60 prisoners of th
  • 91327
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    Several propositions presented to the members of the Honourable House of Commons, by Mr. Peters, Minister of the Gospell of Jesus Christ; concerning the Presbyterian ministers of this kingdome. With a discovery of two great plots against the Parliament of England: the first, by the Queen, and the English runagadoes in France. The second, by the Lor
  • 91328
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    Several votes of tender conscience.
  • 91329
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    Several votes of the Commmons assembled in Parliament concerning delinquents
  • 91330
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    Severall apparitions seene in the ayre, at the Hague in Holland, upon the 21/31 day of May last past 1646, about one of the clocke in the afternoone. Viz. [brace] A lyon and a dragon fighting. A king with three crownes on his head, &c. A navie or fleet of ships. A man on horsebacke shooting himself thorow. Two troopes of horse fighting, &c. A multi
  • 91331
    Book Info
    Severall papers of the treatie between His Excellencie Iames Marques of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant Generall of Ireland for the King, on the one part; and Sir Thomas Wharton, Sir Robert King, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir Robert Meredith, knights, and Richard Salwey Esquire, commissioners authorized by the two Houses of Parliament of England; on the other p
  • 91332
    Book Info
    Severall papers of the treatie between His Excellencie Iames Marques of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant Generall of Ireland for the King, on the one part; and Sir Thomas Wharton, Sir Robert King, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir Robert Meredith, knights, and Richard Salwey Esquire, commissioners authorized by the two Houses of Parliament of England; on the other p
  • 91333
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    Severall propositions and remarkable observations presented to the view of the citizens of London; concerning the discipline of the Church of England; and receiving of the Holy Sacrament. VVhereunto is annexed, a declaration of the Right Honourable the Lord Major; very fit and necessary to be published throughout the kingdome of England, and domini
  • 91334
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    Severall speeches, spoken by the right honourable the Earle of Loudoun, Lord high chancellour of the Kingdome of Scotland at a conference with a committee of the honourable houses in the Painted chamber, October 1646.
  • 91335
    Book Info
    Severall tracts of [brace] 1. Conscience, 2. Scandall, 3. Will-worship, 4. Superstition, 5. Idolatry, 9. [i.e. 6] Sinnes of [brace] weakeness, wilfulnesse, 7. A late, or a death-bed repentance Henry Hammond.
  • 91336
    Book Info
    Severall tracts of [brace] 1. Conscience. 2. Scandall. 3. Will-worship. 4. Superstition. 5. Idolatry. 6. Sins of [brace] weaknesse. wilfulnesse. 7. Of a late, or a death bed repentance. 8. A view of the apologie for the infallibility of the Church of Rome. [brace] 9. Resisting the lawfull magistrate under the colour of religion. 10. A view of the n
  • 91337
    Book Info
    Severall tracts of [brace] 1. Conscience. 2. Scandall. 3. Will-worship. 4. Superstition. 5. Sinnes of [brace] weakenesse wilfulnesse. 6. A late, or, a death-bed repentance / By Henry Hammond D.D.
  • 91338
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    Shadowes without substance, or, Pretended new lights: together, with the impieties and blasphemies that lurk under them, further discovered and drawn forth into the light: in way of rejoynder unto Mr Iohn Saltmarsh his reply: entituled Shadowes flying away. Wherein nothing lesse is shewed to have been performed, then what the title page importeth;
  • 91339
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    Short and plaine animadversions on some passages in Mr. Dels sermon first preached before the Honourable House of Commons on Novemb. 25. 1646. But since printed without their order. Setting forth the many dangerous and destructive assertions therein both to church and state, the covenant, and the reformation so much desired. Together with an answer
  • 91340
    Book Info
    Short and plaine animadversions on some passages in Mr. Dels sermon first preached before the Honourable House of Commons on Novemb. 25. 1646. But since printed without their order. Setting forth the many dangerous and destructive assertions therein both to church and state, the covenant, and the reformation so much desired. Together with an answer to an unlicenced pamphlet annext to the sermon,