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  • 91341
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    Short writing the most easie exact lineall and speedy method that hath ever yet been obtained or taught by any in this kingdome composed by Theophilus Metcalfe author and professor of the said art
  • 91342
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    Signes from heaven: or Severall apparitions seene and heard in the ayre, in the counties of Cambridge and Norfolke, on the 21 day of May last past in the afternoone, 1646. Viz. [brace] A navie or fleet of ships under sayle. A ball of wild-fire rolling up and downe. Three men struggling one with another, one having a sword in his hand. Great hailsto
  • 91343
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    Simplicities defence against seven-headed policy, or, Innocency vindicated, being unjustly accused, and sorely censured by that seven-headed church-government united in New-England, or, That sevant so imperious in his masters absence revived, and now thus re-acting in Nevv-England, or The combate of the united colonies, not onely against some of the natives and subjects but against the authority
  • 91344
    Book Info
    Simplicities defence against seven-headed policy. Or, innocency vindicated, being unjustly accused, and sorely censured by that seven-headed church-government united in New-England: or, that servant so imperious in his masters absence revived, and now thus re-acting in Nevv-England. Or, the combate of the united colonies, not onely against some of
  • 91345
    Book Info
    Sinne's discovery and revenge as it was delivered in a sermom [sic] to the Right Honorable House of Peers in the Abbey Church at Westminster, on Wednsday [sic], December 30, 1646, being the day of the monethly publick fast / by Thomas Horton ...
  • 91346
    Book Info
    Sinne's discovery and revenge. As it was delivered in a sermom [sic] to the Right Honorable House of Peers in the Abbey Church at Westminster, on Wednsday [sic], December 30. 1646. Being the day of the monethly publick fast. / By Thomas Horton B. D. Reader of Divinity in Gresham Colledge, and Pastor of Colechurch in London. Published by the order o
  • 91347
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    Sir Barnabas Scvdamore's defence Vindicating him from those grand inputations o[f] treachery and negligence, in the late surprisall of Hereford, vvhich through the ignorance of some, and malice of others, are unjustly layd upon him. Also, discovering the true causes and maner of its surprisall the 18. day of September, anno Domini 1645.
  • 91348
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    Sir John Digby's letter to Colonel Kerr Governour of Plymouth, perswading him to betray his trust, and deliver up the town and forts of Plymouth, to the Kings party. Together with Col. Kerrs answer. Wherein is exprest his faithfull resolution in keeping the trust he hath undertaken.
  • 91349
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    Sir Ralph Hoptons and all his forces comming in to the Parliament. on Thursday last, according to the articles and propositions sent to him by Sir Thomas Fairfax, certified in two letters to the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honourable house of Commons. Appointed by the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire Speaker of the Honora
  • 91350
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    Sir Thomas Fairefax facing Oxford. And our horse skirmishing within musket-shot of the towne. The enemie forced into Oxford. Also 70 and odde prisoners taken, and sent to Abingdon. With the relation of the Kings marching out at the gate he passed. Also the names of the commissioners chosen to treat upon articles for the surrender of Newark, and the
  • 91351
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    Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight Generall of the forces raised by the Parliament suffer the bearer hereof [blank] who was in the city and garrison of Oxford at the surrender thereof ...
  • 91352
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    Sir Thomas Fairfax his summons sent into Oxford and the governours answer, with the names of those Sir Thomas Glemham desires passes for to treat about what he shall send : also Sir Thomas Fairfax his summons sent into Wallingford, Bostoll, and Rudcot : and the copie of the articles for the surrender of Dudley-Castle to Sir William Brereton, with all ordnance, armes and ammunition, bag and baggag
  • 91353
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax his summons sent into Oxford, and the governours answer, with the names of those Sir Thomas Glenham desires passes for to treat about what he shall send. Also Sir Thomas Fairfax his summons sent into Wallingford, Bostoll, and Rudcot. And the copie of the articles for the surrender of Dudley Castle to Sir William Brereton, with al
  • 91354
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    Sir Thomas Fairfax his victorious proceedings in the taking of Launceston, with the magazine and armes. The enemy driven from Taverton-bridge and the rest of their passages upon Tamar, three hundred horse taken, and Major-Generall Webb routed, and the enemy fled and dispersed to severall parts in Cornwall. With a list of the particulars thereof. Al
  • 91355
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax knight generall of the forces raised by the Parliament. Suffer the bearer hereof [blank] who was in the city and garrison of Oxford, at the the surrender thereof, and is to have the full benefit of the articles agreed unto upon the surrender ...
  • 91356
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    Sir Thomas Fairfax letter to both Houses of Parliament; more exactly and fully relating the storming and taking of Dartmouth, with the castles, forts, officers in chief, and souldiers therein: sent by Mr. Peters. Together with a list of the names of the several commanders, officers and souldiers taken in the said town, castle and forts. Ordered by
  • 91357
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax letter to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning all the passages of his army since his advance from Exeter, and the manner of routing the Princes and the Lord Hoptons forces at Torrington, together with all the particulars in that expedition. Also another letter from a gentleman of
  • 91358
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax letter to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning all the passages of his army since his advance from Exeter, and the manner of routing the Princes and the Lord Hoptons forces at Torrington, together with all the particulars in that expedition. Also another letter from a gentleman of quality, of the whole passages of this great vic
  • 91359
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's further proceedings in the vvest: how Col. Hammond took in Michaels Mount, 100. barrels of gunpowder, 30. peeces of ordnance, three murderers, 500. armes, and the Marquesse Hamiltons coming from thence by sea. Also the names of the chiefe of those that staid in Exeter, of those that went with the Princese; and that marched with
  • 91360
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    Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter from Cornwall relating the whole business in the West with the articles at large concluded upon by His Excellencies commissioners and Sir Ralph Hoptons, and an order of both Houses for a day of thanksgiving for the same.