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  • 91361
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter from Cornwall, relating the whole businesse in the West. With the articles at large, concluded upon by His Excellencies commissioners and Sir Ralph Hoptons. And an order of both Houses for a day of thanksgiving for the same. Die Lunae, 23 March. 1645. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this letter with th
  • 91362
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter or summons sent to Sir John Berkley for the surrender of the city of Exceter. With his answer, and the transaction of the treaty, and the names of the commissioners on both sides. As also the summons sent into Newark, and their answer. With the routing of 900. Oxford horse at Faringdon: 500 horse, prisoners, and arms tak
  • 91363
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker to the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning the agreement between Sir Tho: Fairfax's commissioners and Sir Ralph Hoptons at Truro in Cornwal. Together with a true copy of the articles, agreed on by both parties. Which articles and letter was brought by Master Peters, and were
  • 91364
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker to the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning the agreement between Sir Tho: Fairfax's commissioners and Sir Ralph Hoptons at Truro in Cornwal. Together with a true copy of the articles, agreed on by both parties. Which articles and letter was brought by Master Peters, and were
  • 91365
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's proceedings about the storming of Exeter: the majors house taken, and four companies of foot put into it. A bridge made over at Apsom. The prince's horse forced back towards Barnstable. A major, and divers prisoners and horse taken. None of Gorings life-guard, and many others brought in. Fifty souldiers ran away out of one regi
  • 91366
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's proceedings in the vvest against the enemy since he advanced to Bodman in Cornvval sent to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Wherein is a list of the names of the Lord Mohuns and divers other persons of quality of that county that are come in to the Parliament. Together with the Cornish
  • 91367
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's proceedings in the vvest against the enemy since he advanced to Bodman in Cornvval: sent to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Wherein is a list of the names of the Lord Mohuns and divers other persons of quality of that county that are come in to the Parliament. Together with the Cornis
  • 91368
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfaxes taking of Dennis Castle, and Felford Haven; and twenty six peeces of ordnance taken in a Dunkerke ship that came to relieve Pendennis, all the men taken prisoners, and all their ammunition and provisions in the ship, and fifty men put in her for the service of the Parliament. With the Generalls summons sent into Pendennis Castl
  • 91369
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfaxs his last letter of the treaty with Sir Ralph Hopton, and a declaration of the proceedings of his Majesties agents with the Irish rebels, by way of answer to his propositions concerning his majesties generall treaty for peace. The conditions made between his Majesties agents and the Irish; with the transaction of the businesse of
  • 91370
    Book Info
    Sir William Breretons letter concerning the surrender of the city of Chester for the Parliament: together with the articles agreed on betwixt both parties, and the commissioners names. Sent in a letter to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, and appointed to be forthwith printed and published:
  • 91371
    Book Info
    Sir William Breretons letter sent to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning all the passages and treaties of the siege and taking of the city of Chester· And by Mr. Speaker appointed to be printed and published. With a most exact declaration of Chesters enlargement after three yeers bondage, set forth
  • 91372
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    Sixteen antiquaeries propounded to the catechiser of Diotrephes
  • 91373
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    Sixteen antiquaeries propounded to the catechiser of Diotrephes.
  • 91374
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    Solomōn emmetros, sive, Tres libri Solomonis scilicet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica : graeco carmine donati per Jacobum Duportum ...
  • 91375
    Book Info
    Solomon emmetros, sive, Tres libri Solomonis scilicet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica / Graeco carmine donati per Jacobum Duportum Cantabrigiensem, G.L.P.|Bible. O.T. Hagiographa. Greek and Latin. Selections. Duport. 1646.|Tres libri Solomonis|Bible. O.T. Proverbs. Greek and Latin. Paraphrases. 1646.|Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes. Greek and Latin. Paraphrases. 1646.|Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon. Gree
  • 91376
    Book Info
    Solomon emmetros, sive, Tres libri Solomonis scilicet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica : graeco carmine donati per Jacobum Duportum ...
  • 91377
    Book Info
    Some briefe heads of Christian doctrine, or, The lowest degree of knowledge requisite to the receiving of the Lords Supper for the help of the weake and unlearned of my flock.|Lowest degree of knowledge requisite to the receiving of the Lords Supper
  • 91378
    Book Info
    Some drops of the viall, powred out in a season when it is neither night nor day, or, Some discoveries of Iesus Christ His glory in severall books ... : all which books are here reprinted in one booke entirely after the severall impressions of them and presented to the reader / by John Saltmarsh ...
  • 91379
    Book Info
    Some few considerations propounded, as so many scruples by Mr. Henry Robinson in a letter to Mr. Iohn Dury upon his epistolary discourse: with Mr. Duryes answer thereunto. VVherein is observable with what overtures of spirit they endeavour to edifie each other, not withstanding their differing judgements and opinions about the Independent and Presb
  • 91380
    Book Info
    Some mistaken scriptvres sincerely explained in answer to one infected with some Pelagian errours / written by Benjamin Cox when he was first prisoner in Coventrie, now published by the author for the clearing of the truth.