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총 96,172건 중 91,381 - 91,400건 출력
  • 91381
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    Some modest and humble queries concerning a printed paper, intituled, An ordinance presented to the Honourable House of Commons, &c. for the preventing of the growing and spreading of heresies, &c.
  • 91382
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    Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England in answer to their votes of the 24. of September, 1646, concerning the disposing of His Majesties person.
  • 91383
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    Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England. In answer to their votes of the 24. of September, 1646. Concerning the disposing of His Majesties person. : To which is added, the speeches of the Lord Chancellour of Scotland.|Severall speeches spoken ... in the Painted Chamber.|Severall speeches spoken by the Right Hono
  • 91384
    Book Info
    Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England. In answer to their votes of the 24. of September, 1646. Concerning the disposing of His Majesties person.|Severall speeches spoken ... in the Painted Chamber.
  • 91385
    Book Info
    Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, to the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England in answer to their votes of the 24. of September 1646. Concerning the disposing of His Majesties person.
  • 91386
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    Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, to the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England. In answer to their votes of the 24. of September. 1646. concerning the disposing of His Majesties person.
  • 91387
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    Some papers of the Commissioners of Scotland given in lately to the Houses of Parliament, concerning the propositions of peace.
  • 91388
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    Some papers of the Commissioners of Scotland, given in lately to the Houses of Parliament, concerning the propositions of peace.
  • 91389
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    Some particular animadversions of marke for satisfaction of the contumatious malignant with some other generall and remarkable observations, on the summons, of the late dissolved, and of this Parliament upon the Kings deserting the House, and his retreat to Yorke, 1642 ... : together with the severall fights ... betweene both armies, with the differences and divisions of the county of Pembrooke a
    Gil Batt
  • 91390
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    Some passages of the treaty between the Marquesse of Ormond and the Parliaments commissioners at Dublin With a narrative of other passages, viz. letters from Newcastle, to the Marquesse of Ormond, whiles the English commissioners were treating. As also, the treaty between the Scots and the Marquesse of Ormonds commissioners in the north of Ireland.
  • 91391
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    Spectatissimis integritate et syncera religione, virtute et sapientia viris plurimum observandis, D. Johanni Winthropo; caeterisque confoederatarum Nov-Angliae Coloniarum gubernatoribus et magistratibus vigilantissimis: una cum reverendissimis, doctissimis, et pietate ornatissimis ecclesarum presbyteris: omnibus denique tàm in veteri, quàm in Nov-A
  • 91392
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    Stanleyes remedy: or, The vvay how to reform wandring beggers, theeves, high-way robbers and pick-pockets. Or, an abstract of his discoverie: wherein is shewed, that sodomes sin of idlenesse is the poverty and misery of this kingdome. By some well-wishers to the honour of God, and the publike good both of rich and poore.
  • 91393
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    Steps to the temple sacred poems, with other delights of the muses / by Richard Crashaw ...
  • 91394
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    Steps to the temple. Sacred poems, with other delights of the muses. / By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pembroke Hall, and late fellow of S. Peters Coll. in Cambridge. Printed and published according to order.
  • 91395
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    Straffords plot discovered, and the Parliament vindicated, in their justice executed upon him, by the late discovery of certain propositions delivered to His Majestie by the late Earl of Strafford, a little before his trial, with this inscription: Propositions for the bridling of Parliaments, and for the increasing of His Majesties revenue much mor
  • 91396
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    Subtilty and cruelty: or A true relation of the horrible and unparalleld abuses and intolerable oppressions, exercised by Sir Sackvile Crow His Majesties ambassador at Constantinople, and his agents, in seizing upon the persons and estates of the English nation resident there, and at Smyrna. Together with the barbarous and tyrannical intentions to
  • 91397
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    Supplementum Lvcani libri VII / authore Thoma Maio Anglo.
  • 91398
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    Suspention suspended. Or, The divines of Syon-Colledge late claim of the power of suspending scandalous persons, from the Lords Supper (without sequestring them from any other publicke ordinance, or the society of Christians) and that by the very will and appointment of Jesus Christ (not by vertue of any ordinance of Parliament) from whom they rece
  • 91399
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    Suttons hospitall: with the names of sixteen mannors, many thousand acres of land, meadow, pasture, and woods; with the rents and hereditaments thereunto belonging: the governours therof, and number of schollers and others that are maintained therewith. As also, the last will and testament of Thomas Sutton Esquire, founder of the said hospitall: wi
  • 91400
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    The Scotish dove sent out the last time, with her apology and vindication, as her last farewell.