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총 96,172건 중 91,481 - 91,500건 출력
  • 91481
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    The speech without doores defended without reason. Or, A vindication of the Parliaments honour: in a rejoynder to three pamphlets published in defence of M. Chaloners speech.
  • 91482
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    The spirit convincing of sinne opened in a sermon before the Honble. House of Commons assembled in Parliament upon the solemne day of their monethly fast, Novemb. 26, 1645 / by Peter Sterry.
  • 91483
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    The spirit of prelacie, yet working, or, Truth from under a cloud in a relation of that great and publike contestation had in Glocester, July, 1644, written then, and now published, as it were of necessity : together with a postscript containing some generall and perticular observations upon Master Edwards his Gangraena / by Robert Bacon ...
  • 91484
    Book Info
    The spirit of prelacie, yet working. Or, Truth from under a cloud, in a relation, of that great, and publike contestation had in Glocester, July, 1644. Written then, and now published, as it were of necessity. Together, with a postscript, containing some generall and perticular observations, upon Master Edwards his Gangraena. / By Robert Bacon, M.A
  • 91485
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    The spouses hidden glory, and faithfull leaning upon her wellbeloved. Wherein is laid down the soules glory in Christ, and the way by which the soule comes to Christ. Delivered in two lecture sermons in St. Andrewes church in Norwich. / By Iohn Collings Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word in Saviours parish in Norwich.
  • 91486
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    The strong castle of Gothridge taken by Colonell Birch: Sir Henry Lingen, and fifty gentlemen taken prisoners, all the officers and souldiers at mercy, and all the armes and ammunition, bagg and baggage taken by the said Colonell Birch, on Fryday last, July 31. 1646. Monday the 3d. of August, 1646. This letter of Colonell Birches, with the two othe
  • 91487
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    The summe of the charge given in by Lieutenant Generall Crumwel, against the Earle of Manchester.
  • 91488
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    The survey and antiquitie of the towne of Stamford in the county of Lincolne with its ancient foundation, grants, priviledges, and severall donations thereunto belonging : also a list of the aldermens names, and the time when they were chosen : with the names of 10 Lord Majors (of the Hon. city of London) borne in the foresaid county of Lincolne /
  • 91489
    Book Info
    The survey and antiquitie of the towne of Stamford in the county of Lincolne. With its ancient foundation, grants, priviledges, and severall donations thereunto belonging. Also a list of the aldermens names, and the time when they were chosen. With the names of 10 Lord Majors (of the Hon: City of London) borne in the foresaid county of Lincolne. /
  • 91490
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    A sacred decretal, or Hue and cry. From his superlative holinesse, Sir Symon Synod, for the apprehension of Reverend young Martin Mar-Priest. Wherein are displaid many witty synodian conceits, both pleasant and commodious.
  • 91491
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    A sacred record to be made of Gods mercies to Zion: a thanksgiving sermon preached to the two Houses of Parliament, the Lord Major, Court of Aldermen, and Common-Councell of the city of London, at Christ-Church, June 19. 1645. Being the day of their publike thanksgiving to almighty God for the great and glorious victory obtained by the Parliaments
  • 91492
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    A sad relation of the miseries of the province of Munster in the realm of Ireland: signified by letters written from thence very lately, by a gentleman of good credit, to his brother here in London. By which it doth appear, in what imminent danger that province now is for to be lost, and how numerous the rebels now are there gathered together in th
  • 91493
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    A satire in verse on King James I and King Charles I
  • 91494
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    A satyr, occasioned by the author's survey of a scandalous pamphlet intituled, The King's cabanet opened.
  • 91495
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    A satyr, occasioned by the author's survey of a scandalous pamphlet intituled, The king's cabanet opened.
  • 91496
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    A second declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament; of the whole proceedings with the late extraordinary ambassadors from the high and mighty lords, the States Generall of the United-Provinces; concerning restitution of ships, and the course of trade.
  • 91497
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    A sermon of the baptizing of infants preached in the abbey-church at Westminster, at the morning lecture, appointed by the Honourable House of Commons / by Stephen Marshall ...
  • 91498
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    A sermon preached at Lambeth, April 21, 1645, at the funerall of that learned and polemicall divine, Daniel Featley, Doctor in Divinity, late preacher there with a short relation of his life and death / by William Leo [sic] ...
  • 91499
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    A sermon preached at Lambeth, April 21. 1645. at the funerall of that learned and polemicall divine, Daniel Featley, Doctor in Divinity, late preacher there. With a short relation of his life and death. / By William Loe, D. in Divinity, sometime preacher at Wandesworth in Surrey.
  • 91500
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    A sermon preached at the funerall of that religious gentle-woman Mis Dorothy Hanbury, wife to Edward Hanbury, Esq., living at Kelmarsh in Northampton-shire who dyed the 12. day of June, and was buried at Navesby in Northampton-shire July 13, Anno Dom. 1642 / by Samuel Ainsworth.