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  • 91501
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    A sermon preached before the Honorable House of Commons: at Margarets Westminster, upon the 26. day of August 1645. being the day of their solemne monethly fast. / By John Lightfoot, a member of the Assembly of Divines.
  • 91502
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    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, August 22. 1645. Being the day appointed for their solemn thanksgiving unto God for his several mercies to the forces of the Parliament in divers parts of the kingdome, in the gaining of the towns of Bath and Bridgewater, and of Scarborough-Castle, and Sherborn-Castle, and for
  • 91503
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    A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament, at their first publike fast, November 17, 1640 by ... Stephen Marshall ...
  • 91504
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    A sermon preached before the Right Honorable House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, Wednesday the 25. day of Iune, 1645. Being the day appointed for a solemne and publique humiliation. / By Samuel Rutherfurd Professor of Divinitie at St. Andrews.
  • 91505
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    A sermon preached before the Right Honourable House of Lords, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, Wednesday the 28. of May 1645. Being the day appointed for solemne and publick humiliation. / By Alexander Henderson, minister at Edenburgh.
  • 91506
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    A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th. of August. 1645. Being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation. Whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr Colemans late printed sermon upon Iob 11.20. in which hee hath endeavoured to strike at
  • 91507
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    A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Peeres, in the Abbey at Westminster, the 26. of Novemb. 1645. Being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation. / By Jer: Burroughes. Published by order of the said House.
  • 91508
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    A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne monethly fast Januarie 29th, 1644 wherein these foure necessary considerations are plainly proved and demonstrated out of the holy Scriptures, viz ... / by George Walker ...
  • 91509
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    A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne monethly fast, Januarie 29th. 1644 wherein these foure necessary considerations are plainly proved and demonstrated out of the holy Scriptures, viz. I. The bands of the brethren in iniquity, the pernicious brambles, the plague and curse of a land and kingdome. 2. All th
  • 91510
    Book Info
    A sermon preached to the Honorable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, Feb. 26. 1644. / By John Maynard, minister of the Word of God at Mayfield in Sussex, and a member of the Assembly of Divines.
  • 91511
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    A sermon preached, before God and from him, to the honourable House of Commons at a publike fast, Novemb. 17, in the yeare / by George Gipps ...
  • 91512
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    A short and plaine tractate of the Lords Supper grounded upon I Cor. II, 23, &c. / by VVilliam More ...
  • 91513
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    A short and true relation of some main passages of things (wherein the Scots are particularly concerned (from the very first beginning of these unhappy troubles to this day
  • 91514
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    A short and true relation of some main passages of things (wherein the Scots are particularly concerned (from the very first beginning of these unhappy troubles to this day. Published by authority.
  • 91515
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    A short catechism contayning the principles of religion very profitable for all sorts of people.
  • 91516
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    A short catechisme for the instruction of the inhabitants of S.M. For the better preparation of the sacrament of the Lords-Supper. The first part.
  • 91517
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    A short declaration of the Assembly of Divines by way of detestation of this abominable and blasphemous opinion, that God is, and hath an hand in, and is the author of the sinfulnesses of his people, mentioned in his book intituled, Comfort for believers, about their sins and troubles : together with the orders of both Houses of Parliament for the burning the said book by the hand of the common h
  • 91518
    Book Info
    A short declaration of the Assembly of Divines, by way of detestation of this abominable and blasphemous opinion, that God is, and hath an hand in, and is the author of the sinfulnesses of his people; mentioned in a book intituled, Comfort for believers, about their sins and troubles. Together with the orders of both Houses of Parliament for the bu
  • 91519
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    A short discovery of the mystery of iniquitie. To which is added also, a brief discovery of the falso holinesse of nations, their instituted or church state, and what appertains thereunto: set forth for the good of all that love truth in the inward parts. / By Mich: Quintyne.
  • 91520
    Book Info
    A short preparation to the worthy receiving of the sacrament of the Lords supper by way of question and answer made by Iohn Baker, a Palatine exile, now minister of the church in Stroode, neere Rochester in Kent ; for the benefit and use of the parishoners there.