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  • 91541
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    Scripture vindicated from the mis-apprehensions, mis-interpretations, and mis-applications of Mr Stephen Marshall, [in] his sermon preached before the Commons House of Parliament, Feb. 23. 1641. and published by order of that House. : Also a militarie sermon, wherein [b]y the VVord of God, the nature and disposition of a rebell is discovered, and the kings true souldier described and characterize
  • 91542
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    Segvnda parte de las comedias de Don Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla.
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  • 91543
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    Self-deniall: opened and applied in a sermon before the reverend Assembly of Divines: on a day of their private humiliation. / By Edward Reynoldes, minister of the Word of God at Braunston in Northamptonshire, and a member of that Assembly. Published by authority.
  • 91544
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    Sensible sinners, are onely fitted obiects for mercy by Christ
  • 91545
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    Sensible sinners, are only fitted obiects for mercy by Christ.
  • 91546
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    Sermon de feu Mr. Marmet, pasteur de l'Eglise Reformee a Londres, sur la paix qui se fit entre l'Angleterre, et l'Ecosse, l'an 1639
  • 91547
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    Seven questions about the controversie betweene the Church of England, and the Separatists and Anabaptists, breifely [sic] discussed. 1. Whether is the Church of England as it now stands a true church? 2. Whether the Church of England be a right nationall church? 3. Whether are the ministers in the Church of England sent of God, and so are true min
  • 91548
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    Seven questions abovt the controversie betweene the Church of England and the separatists and anabaptists breifely discussed / by Immanvel Knvtton ...
  • 91549
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    Severall letters from Col. Gen. Poyntz. Lieu. Gen. Cromwell. [brace] and [brace] Col. Hutchison. Col. Whitt. of the late great victory neere Sherborne in the north, with some other happy successes in the west. Printed according to the originall, together with an order of both Houses for thanksgiving for the same. Die Sabbathi 25. Octob. 1645. Order
  • 91550
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    Severall letters from Colonell Morgan Governour of Gloucester, and Colonell Birch. Fully relating the maner [sic] of the taking of the city and garrison of Hereford, with the number slain on both sides, and the particular circumstances at the gaining thereof. With a perfect list of the names of the prisoners taken therein. Die Martis 23. Decemb. 16
  • 91551
    Book Info
    Severall letters from Colonell Morgan Governour of Gloucester, and Colonell Birch. Fully relating the maner of the taking of the city and garrison of Hereford, with the number slain on both sides, and the particular circumstances at the gaining thereof. With a perfect list of the names of the prisoners taken therein. Die Martis 23. Decemb. 1645. Or
  • 91552
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    Severall letters to the Honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons; and to the Committee of Both Kingdoms, concerning the state of Sir Tho. Fairfax army. Shewing the obedience of the souldiers, which were mutiniers to the commands of the Parliament, and their readinesse to serve the state, under the command of Sir Thomas
  • 91553
    Book Info
    Severall letters to the honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons; and to the committee of both kingdoms, concerning the state of Sir Tho. Fairfax army. Shewing the obedience of the souldiers, which were mutiniers to the commands of the Parliament, and their readinesse to serve the state, under the command of Sir Thomas
  • 91554
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    Severall reasons wherefore the inhabitants of the county palatine of Chester and Lancaster; as also, all forreigners are now prejudiced and tyrannized over, by reason of the pretended priviledges and liberties of the said county. So that the condition of the said county is farre more miserable, and in greater thraldome, then any other county whatsoever in the kingdome.
  • 91555
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    Short writing the most easie exact lineall and speedy method that hath ever yet been obtained or taught by any in this kingdome composed by Theophilus Metcalfe author and professor of the said art
  • 91556
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    Shrewsbury taken. A copie of Sir VVilliam Breretons letter to the Parliament: and the copie of a letter from the Committee of Shropshire: with a full relation of the manner of the taking of Shrewsbury, by Colonell Mitton and Colonell Bowyer, with Sir William Breretons and Colonell Mittons forces, on Saturday last, February 22. And the particulars o
  • 91557
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    Signes and wonders from heaven. With a true relation of a monster borne in Ratcliffe Highway, at the signe of the three Arrows, Mistris Bullock the midwife delivering here thereof. Also shewing how a cat kitned a monster in Lombard street in London. Likewise a new discovery of witches in Stepney parish. And how 20. witches more were executed in Suf
  • 91558
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    Sinnes suffered for, but not remitted, before they be committed. Or, A confession of faith, different from those that hold it not lawfull to pray for the pardon of sinne. By Henoch Hovvet, Robert Small-Bone, and some others.
  • 91559
    Book Info
    Sinnes suffered for, but not remitted, before they be committed. Or, a confession of faith, different from those that hold it not lawfull to pray for the pardon of sinne. By Henoch Hovvet, Robert Small-Bone, and some others.
  • 91560
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq. speaker of the House of Commons of all the particulars concerning the taking of Bridgewater : together with a list of the persons of quality and prisoners taken in the fight and town.