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총 96,172건 중 91,641 - 91,660건 출력
  • 91641
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    The scholars petition for play-dayes, in stead of Holy-dayes exhibited to the right worshipfull, the master, wardens, and assistants of the right worshipfull Company of Merchant-Tailors, by the scholars of their school, in the parish of Laurence Pountney London, Martii 21. an. 1644. being the day of their publick examination. After divers other exe
  • 91642
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    The scourge of civill warre. The blessing of peace. A memento very necessary; shewing the miseries and discommodities of civill-warre or the fruits and effects of blessed-peace.
  • 91643
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    The second humble cry of this kingdome to their desired nursing father the king with Parliament for their preventing helpe against the power of sword and famine with the meanes thereof propounded in this city and all places yet unplundered, and if the noyse of the multitude of businesse doe kepe them from hearing us, we entreat our elder brethren i
  • 91644
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    The second part of that book call'd Independency not Gods ordinance: or the post-script, discovering the uncharitable dealing of the Independents towards their Christian brethren, with the jugglings of many of their pastors and ministers, to the misleading of the poor people to the detriment of their own souls, and the hurt both of church and state
  • 91645
    Book Info
    The second part of that book call'd Independency not Gods ordinance: or the post-script, discovering the uncharitable dealing of the Independents towards their Christian brethren, with the jugglings of many of their pastors and ministers, to the misleading of the poor people to the detriment of their own souls, and the hurt both of church and state
  • 91646
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    The second part of the interest of England. Considered as it relates to the government of the church. In three divisions: wherein is demonstrated, 1. How church-government by the hierarchy of bishops is destructive to the interest of this kingdome. 2. How the Presbyteriall discipline will conduce to the interest thereof. 3. Of tender consciences, w
  • 91647
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    The second sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, April 30. 1645. Discovering the vanity and mischief of the thoughts of an heart unwashed. / By Cor. Burges, D.D. minister of the gospel, in Pauls-London.
  • 91648
    Book Info
    The second sermon, preached to the Honourable House of Commons, April 30. 1645 Discovering the vanity and mischief of the thoughts of an heart unwashed. By Cor. Burges, D.D. minister of the Gospel in Pauls, London.
  • 91649
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    The second sermon, preached to the honourable House of Commons, April 30, 1645 discovering the vanity and mischief of the thoughts of an heart unwashed / by Cor. Burges ...
  • 91650
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    The sence of the Oxford-Iunto, concerning the late treaty wherein the severall reasons are delivered, why they could not conclude a peace with the Parliament: and published for the satisfaction of the whole kingdome.
  • 91651
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    The severall accompts of Sir John Gell, Baronet and Colonell, and of his brother Thomas Gell, Esquire, Lievetenant Colonell. Published to cleare their innocency from false imputations.
  • 91652
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    The shepheards farewell to his beloved flocke of S.B.E.L. where he hath been above twenty yeeres their weake, yet vigilant pastour, / I.G. D.D.
  • 91653
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    The shepheards oracles delivered in certain eglogues. By Fra: Quarles.
  • 91654
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    The short introduction, of grammar compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue. N[o]w corrected and amended.
  • 91655
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    The soldiers catechisme, composed for the King's Armie; wherein his 1 cause is justified, and his enemies condemned. 2 Soldier is instructed, and the rebell reclaimed. Written for the incouragement and direction of all that have taken up armes in this cause of God, his Church, and his annointed; especially the common soldiers. By T.S.
  • 91656
    Book Info
    The soldiers catechisme, composed for the Parliaments army consisting of two parts : wherein are chiefly taught, I. the justification, 2. the qualification of our souldiers : written for the incouragement and instruction of all that have taken up arms in this cause of God and His people, especially the common soldier / by R. Ram ...
  • 91657
    Book Info
    The souldiers catechisme composed for the Parliaments army : consisting of two parts, wherein are chiefly taught 1. the justification of our souldiers, 2. the qualifications of our souldiers : written for the incouragement and instruction of all that have taken up armes in this cause of God and his people, especially the common souldiers / by R.R.
  • 91658
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    The soules life exercising it selfe in the svveet fields of divine meditation. Collected for the comfort thereof, in these sad times of distraction. Written by R.P.
  • 91659
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    The sound beleever, or, A treatise of evangelicall conversion discovering the work of Christs spirit in reconciling of a sinner to God / by Tho. Shepard ...
  • 91660
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    The sound beleever, or, A treatise of evangelicall conversion discovering the worke of Christs spirit, in reconciling of a sinner to God / by Tho. Shepard ...