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  • 91781
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    Solomons choice: or, A president for kings and princes, and all that are in authority, presented in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons at Margarets Westminster, at their publique fast, Septemb. 25. 1644. By Lazarus Seaman, pastor of the Church of Christ at Alhallowes-Breadstreet-London. One of the Assembly of Divines.
  • 91782
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    Some helps to church-government approved by many godly and learned divines proved 1. From Christs own institution in the primitive times, 2. From the testimonies of most orthodox authors, that have written fully of this subject and doe generaly agree with this course in one consent : also briefly declaring the civill government of the church : publ
  • 91783
    Book Info
    Some helps to church-government, approved by many godly and learned divines. Proved 1. From Christs own institution in the primitive times. 2. From the testimonies of most orthodox authors, that have written fully of this subject, and doe generally agree with this course in one consent. Also briefly declaring the civill government of the church. Pu
  • 91784
    Book Info
    Some observations and annotations upon the Apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament the most reverend and learned divines of the Assembly, and all the Protestant churches here in this island, and abroad.
  • 91785
    Book Info
    Some observations and annotations upon the Apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament; the most reverend and learned Divines of the Assembly, and all the Protestant Churches here in this island, and abroad.
  • 91786
    Book Info
    Some of Mr. Phillip Francis misdemeanours, and Sir Alexander Caryes treacheries discovered. The answer of Charles Vaghan, to the preamble of the answer of Mr. Phillip Francis of Plimouth, to the exceptions to the account of the said Mr. Francis given to the accomptants of the kingdome.
  • 91787
    Book Info
    Specvlvm impietatis, or, Wholesome advice for His Majestie and his three kingdomes wherein the Jesuites are displayed, described and set forth in their true colovrs by their owne popish faction and such as make exact profession of the Roman religion : whereby England, Scotland, and Ireland may plainely perceive what kinde of virulent and banefull vipers the papists, forrainers and Irish rebells w
  • 91788
    Book Info
    Specvlvm impietatis, or, Wholesome advice for His Majestie and his three kingdomes: wherein the Jesuites are displayed, described and set forth in their true colovrs by their owne popish faction, and such as make exact profession of the Roman religion. Whereby England, Scotland, and Ireland may plainely perceive what kinde of virulent and banefull
  • 91789
    Book Info
    St Paul's late progres upon earth, about a divorce 'twixt Christ and the Church of Rome, by reason of her dissolutenes and excesses. With the causes of these present commotions 'twixt the Pope, and the princes of Italy. A new way of invention agreeable to the times. Published by James Howell, Armig.
  • 91790
    Book Info
    St Pauls challenge, or The Churches triumph: in a sermon, preacht at the Fort-Royal March 3. 1643. By Jer: Leech. And now published at the request both of the generous; and his much honored friend captaine George Dipfort.
  • 91791
    Book Info
    St. Pavls challenge, or, The chvrches trivmph in a sermon preacht at the Fort-Royal March 3, 1643 / by Jer. Leech.
  • 91792
    Book Info
    Statuta pacis, or, A perfect table of all the statutes (now in force) which any way concerne the office of a justice of peace cleerly also setting down the severall duties of sheriffes, head-officers of corporations, stewards in leets, constables, and other oficers, so far forth as the said statutes do in any sort concern them / faithfully collected, and alphabetically digested under apt tables b
  • 91793
    Book Info
    Stenographie: or, The art of short-writing Composed in a more brief, plain, and easie way, then hitherto hath been published. By which art, sermons, speeches, or the like, may be taken word for word, with very little or no charge to memory. By Tho: Heath. Imprimatur; John Downame.
  • 91794
    Book Info
    Strena christiana, sive Hortatiunculae ad praecipuos virtutum actus exteriores, sana doctrina & pietate refertae. / Per Harbottellum Grimstonium armigerum, unum membrorum Dom. Com. Parliment.
  • 91795
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    Sub obitum viri spectatissimi, Georgii Jamesoni, abredonensis, pictoris eminentissimi, lachrymae.
  • 91796
    Book Info
    Sun-beams of gospel-light shining clearly from severall texts of Scripture, opened and applyed. 1. A heavemly [sic] treatise of the devine love of Christ. 2. The Christians freedome. 3. The deformed forme of a formall profession. 4. Christs fulnesse, and mans emptinesse. By John Preston, doctor in divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to King James, Mr.
  • 91797
    Book Info
    Supernaturall sights and apparitions seen in London, June 30. 1644. interpreted. With a mathematicall discourse of the now imminent conjunction of Iupiter and Mars, 26 July, 1644. the effects which either here or in some neere countries from thence may be expected. By Will. Lilly. Imprimatur John Booker.
  • 91798
    Book Info
    Svpernatvrall sights and apparitions, seen in London, June 30, 1644 interpreted with a mathematicall discovrse of the now imminent conjunction of Iupiter and Mars, 26 July, 1644, the effects which either here or in some neere countries from thence may be expected / by Will. Lilly.
  • 91799
    Book Info
    The Saints apologie, or, A vindication of the churches which indeavour after a pure communion, from the odious names of Brownists and Seperatists, in a letter sent to an eminent divine of the assembly, shewing that they seperate not from true churches, but keep themselves free from other mens sins : in seperating from the corruptions only which such churches maintain in their externall communion
  • 91800
    Book Info
    The Saints apologie, or, a vindication of the churches: (which indeavour after a pure communion) from the odious names of Brownists and Seperatists, in a letter sent to an eminent Divine of the Assembly, shewing that they seperate not from true churches, but keepe themselves free from other mens sins. In seperating from the corruptions only which s