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총 96,172건 중 92,001 - 92,020건 출력
  • 92001
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    A solemne league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • 92002
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    A solemne league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • 92003
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    A solemne league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happynesse of the king, and the peace and safetie of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland|Solemn League and Covenant (1643)
  • 92004
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    A sons patrimony and daughters portion payable to them at all times but best received in their first times when they are young and tender : laid-out without expence of money only in the improving time and words with them contained (in an answerablenesse to their ages) in two volumes ...
  • 92005
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    A soveraigne salve to cure the blind, or, A vindication of the power and priviledges claim'd or executed by the Lords and Commons in Parliament from the calumny and slanders of men whose eyes, their conscience being before blinded, ignorance or malice hath hoodwinckt : wherein the fallacie and falsity of the anti-parliament party is discovered, their plots for introducing popery into the church a
  • 92006
    Book Info
    A soveraigne salve to cure the blind, or, A vindication of the power and priviledges claim'd or executed by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, from the calumny and slanders of men, whose eyes (their conscience being before blinded) ignorance or malice hath hoodwinckt. Wherein the fallacie and falsity of the anti-parliamentary party is discovered,
  • 92007
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    A special help to orthographie, or, The true-vvriting of English consisting of such words as are alike in sound, and unlike both in their signification and writing : as also, of such words vvhich are so neer alike in sound, that they are sometimes taken one for another : whereunto are added diverse orthographical observations, very needfull to be k
  • 92008
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    A speech delivered by the Kings most excellent Maiestie, in the Convocation House at Oxford, to the vice-chancellour and other doctors and students of the universitie, expressing his intentions of abiding there together with his gracious acceptation of their service and dutie to him : as also his thanks for a present offered him by the said vice ch
  • 92009
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    A speech delivered by the Kings most excellent Maiestie, in the Convocation House at Oxford, to the vice-chancellour and other doctors, and students of the universitie, expressing his intentions of abiding there. Together with his gracious acceptation of their service and dutie to him. As also his thanks for a present offered him by the said vice c
  • 92010
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    A speech delivered in Parliament concerning the evill consequences that doe attend this state by committing places of trust into the hands of court-favourites wherby it doth plainly appear to be the originall of all publick grievances and combustions of this kingdom / By Sir D. D. Knight.
  • 92011
    Book Info
    A speech delivered in Parliament, by Sir D.D. knight. Concerning the evill consequences, that doe attend this state, by committing places of trust, into the hands of court-favourites. Wherby it doth plainly appear, to be the originall of all publick grievances, and combustions of this kingdom. Printed according to order.
  • 92012
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    A speech delivered to the Kings most excellent majesty in the name of the sheriffs of London and Middlesex by Richard Martin.
  • 92013
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    A speech delivered to the Kings most excellent majesty in the name of the sheriffs of London and Middlesex. By Master Richard Martin of middle Temple.
  • 92014
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    A speech made by Alderman Garroway at a common-hall on Tuesday the 17 of January vpon occasion of a speech delivered there the Friday before by M. Pym at the reading of His Majesties answer to the late petition : wjth a letter from a scholler in Oxfordshire to his vnkle a merchant in Broad-street upon occassion of a book intituled A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and pub
  • 92015
    Book Info
    A speech made by Alderman Garroway at a common-hall on Tuesday the 17 of January vpon occasion of a speech delivered there the Friday before by M. Pym at the reading of His Majesties answer to the late petition : wjth a letter from a scholler in Oxfordshire to his vnkle a merchant in Broad-street upon occassion of a book intituled A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and pub
  • 92016
    Book Info
    A speech made by Alderman Garroway, at a common-hall, on Tuesday the 17. of January. Vpon occasion of a speech delivered there the Friday before, by M. Pym, at the reading of His Majesties answer to the late petition. Wjth [sic] a letter from a scholler in Oxfordshire, to his vnkle a merchant in Broad-street, upon occassion of a book intituled, A m
  • 92017
    Book Info
    A speech made by Alderman Garroway, at a common-hall, on Tuesday the 17. of January. Vpon occasion of a speech delivered there the Friday before, by M. Pym, at the reading of His Majesties answer to the late petition. Wjth [sic] a letter from a scholler in Oxfordshire, to his vnkle a merchant in Broad-street, upon occassion of a book intituled, A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, p
  • 92018
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    A speech or complaint lately made by the Spanish embassadour to His Majestie at Oxford upon occasion of the taking of a ship called Sancta Clara in the port of Sancto Domingo richly laden with plate, cocheneal and other commodities of great value by one Captaine Bennet Strafford and by him brought to Southampton being a matter of high concernment b
  • 92019
    Book Info
    A speech, or complaint, lately made by the Spanish embassadour to his Majestie at Oxford, upon occasion of the taking of a ship called Sancta Clara in the port of Sancto Domingo, richly laden with plate, cocheneal and other commodities of great value, by one Captaine Bennet Strafford, and by him brought to Southampton. Being a matter of high concer
  • 92020
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    A spirituall snapsacke for the Parliament souldiers. Containing cordiall encouragements, effectuall perswasions, and hopefull directions, unto the successefull prosecution of this present cause. by J. P.