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총 96,172건 중 92,021 - 92,040건 출력
  • 92021
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    A spirituall snapsacke for the Parliament sovldiers containing cordiall encouragements, effectuall perswasions, and hopefull directions unto the successefull prosecution of this present cause / by J. P.
  • 92022
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    A staffe of comfort to beare up the spirit under the heaviest outward cases: with some answer from the Lord, to the deserted soule in Hemans case. Whereunto is annexed a speciall preservative against the hurtfull sword, of speciall use in these hard and fierce times, that the sword may doe us no hurt.
  • 92023
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    A strange and terrible sight forseene in this kingdome, and city of London: together with the countrimans antidote for its prevention.
  • 92024
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    A strange sight to be seen at Westminster
  • 92025
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    A strange sight to be seen at Westminster
  • 92026
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    A suddaine answer to a suddaine moderatour; vvho, directed by reason and no more, expects suddaine peace, or certain ruine. This assures him from Gods mouth, he shall see neither suddaine peace, nor ruine, and yet certaine peace (though never in his way) to them that love truth in sincerity; and certaine ruine to the adversaries thereof. - Pacem te
  • 92027
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    A svveet prosopopeia of the speech of King Clodoveus to the bishops and their opposers, after he vvas converted and baptized.
  • 92028
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    A svveet prosopopeia of the speech of King Clodoveus, to the bishops and their opposers, after he vvas converted and baptized.
  • 92029
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    A synopsis or contact view of the life of John Armand, Cardinall of Richlieu, great favorite and minister of state to Lewis the 13th, King of France to bee engraven on his tombe / first written in Latine and now verbatim rendered English.
  • 92030
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    A synopsis, or contact view, of the life of John Armand, Cardinall of Richlieu, great favorite and minister of state to Lewis the 13th. King of France. To bee engraven on his tombe. First written in Latine, and now verbatim rendered English.
  • 92031
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    Sabbato-dominica. Or, A few propositions tending to reoncile [sic] the seeming difference, between the lettter [sic] of the law and Christian libertie, in the doctrine of the Sabbath and the Lords day, briefly propounded, explained, and confirmed. Together with an Appendix, unto the same propositions, tending to satisfie some exceptions likely to b
  • 92032
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    Sanctissimo domino nostro Papae Vrbano VIII in ecclesia Dei praesidi Planctus Catholicus juris gentium : pro legatione serenissimi ac potentissimi principis Joannis IV, Regis Lusitaniae, &c.
    Sousa de Macedo
  • 92033
    Book Info
    Sanctissimo domino nostro Papae, Vrbano VIII. In ecclesiâ Dei praesidi. Planctus Catholicus juris gentium. Pro legatione serenissimi, ac potentissimi principis Joannis IV. Regis Lusitaniae, &c. Contra castellanorum calumnias.
    Sousa de Macedo
  • 92034
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    Satan the leader in chief to all who resist the reparation of Sion. As it was cleared in a sermon to the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemn fast, Febr. 28. 1643. By Robert Baylie, minister at Glasgow. Published by order of the House of Commons.
  • 92035
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    Satisfaction concerning mixt Communions in answer to the doubts of some who abstain from the sacrament of the Lords Supper because wicked persons are present.
  • 92036
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    Satisfaction concerning mixt Communions: in answer to the doubts of some, who abstain from the sacrament of the Lords Supper; because wicked persons are present.
  • 92037
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    Satisfaction concerning mixt communications vnsatisfactory, or Some short animadversions upon the most materiall passages of a late booke entituled Satisfaction concerning mixt communions
  • 92038
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    Satisfaction concerning mixt communions unsatisfactory: or, Some short animadversions upon the most materiall passages of a late booke, entituled, Satisfaction concerning mixt communions.
  • 92039
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    Scotlands alarme, or, Some considerations tending to demonstrate the necessitie of our speedie marching to the assistance of our brethren in England, notwithstanding all difficulties and necessities, reall or pretended together with a letter dated at Edinburgh, Novemb. the 29, 1643 : wherein is given full satisfaction to all men who desire to know the reasons why the Scots Army is not yet advance
  • 92040
    Book Info
    Scotlands alarme, or, Some considerations tending to demonstrate the necessity of our speedie marching to the assistance of our brethren in England notwithstanding all difficulties and necessities, reall or pretended.